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These Dispensations Remain Unknown to Most People

detail of a photo from a 2021 Article about Robert Bigelow in The New York Times / photo montage presented in several previous blog articles

This blogger recently noticed a few mentions of some of these nine 'paranormal people' among the recently-published 29 winning essays of the "Best Evidence for Afterlife" competition sponsored by Robert Bigelow with $1.8 million in total prize money having recently been awarded.  Considering the perspectives offered, one may be reminded how each person's individual orientation as intellectually expressed is dependent upon not only what precise details about a subject are known to the commentator, factors include the totality of one's personal experiences in life in relation to social consciousness and the understanding developed about the nature and purposes of existence.

A previous blog article reported what happened with my own application to the essay contest.  It seems noteworthy that both Bigelow and I make use of the expression 'God Force' when discussing metaphysical aspects of life.  While looking through my UFOlogy reference books this year to offer some alternative articles to the highly publicized military 'preliminary assessment' UFO report, I noticed what may have been the first time data involving Bigelow became known to me.  In late 1992 or early 1993 a coworker passed on to me a copy of Extraterrestrial Contact and Human Responses (1992) by Richard J. Boylan.  The letter from Richard J. Boylan to Bigelow presented in the publication is shown below:

Another 2021 blog article relates that in 1967 there had been another competition with a financial incentive involving scientific proof of the afterlife (and someone who could be called 'Bob') — The idea for The Great Soul Trial (1969) developed after nonfiction author John Fuller (1913-1990) read a 1967 article in The New York Times with the headline "JUDGE HEARS 130 TESTIFY ON SOUL . . . MUST RULE WHICH CLAIMANT GETS PROSPECTOR'S ESTATE."  The trial had required 90 days of hearings with the presiding judge (Arizona Superior Court Judge Robert L. Myers) now being called upon to consider which one among 133 petitioners would offer the most effective methodology toward "research or some scientific proof of a soul of the human body which leaves at death . . ."  The Bigelow contest is reported to have had 204 final contenders whose essays were evaluated by six selected judges.

Mr. Bigelow has given no indication of knowing about the articles at this blog including subjects such as the afterlife, contactees/UFOlogy, reincarnation, parallels between paranormal phenomena cases and synchronicity.  For someone interested in learning about metaphysical aspects of life perusing the topics found at commercial news websites when considered in the totality may leave one feeling baffled by the exclusion.  T
he editors themselves seem to be oriented to cultural materialistic indoctrination and 'corporate thinking.'

When someone reports and shares detailed evidence of personally having experienced highly unusual events and circumstances involving the 'paranormal' and 'miraculous' (albeit aspects of 'Nature,' a derivative of the Latin 'natura'), it is with the hope that others will recognize the relevance of the data.  This blogger commented in a new 2021 Introduction to the nonfiction case study TESTAMENT: "Ignorance and denialist responses by authors and journalists to documented case chronologies of the paranormal and supernatural throughout modern times are contributing factors for countless people today having little awareness of a gamut of spiritual/metaphysical Dispensations involving the God Force manifesting around individual people as a revelation to all."

hanneling'/'mediumship' cases that encompass use of the expression 'God Force' include those of Edgar Cayce, Leslie Flint, Eileen Garrett, Helen Greaves, Thomas Jacobson, JZ Knight, Gladys Osborne Leonard, Jach Pursel, Estelle Roberts, Jane Roberts, Pat Rodegast, Neville Rowe and Kevin Ryerson.

Readers of the noncommercial online edition of TESTAMENT may consider that in relation to the 'Message Giver' and a human 'message bringer' — how else does a person express love other than devoting oneself to sharing with other human beings what he or she has personally witnessed as constituting previously undocumented experiences of life and discoveries relating to the 'God Force.' 

Considering my own circumstances as a 'metaphysical' author, this blogger has always considered myself a 'journalist' in relation to my extensively documented experiences.  Blog articles include "Paranormal Phenomena As Divine Revelation", "Sharing Diverse Aspects of my 'Paranormal Initiation'" and "Of Prophecies and Patterns". 
Word/name/number patterns chronicled in TESTAMENT and blog articles may lead one to ponder how and if a contemporary person as myself found himself in a position to consciously fulfill esoteric prophecies, does that make the accomplishment less revealing than one doing so ignorantly? 

As reported in b
log articles, transcendental communication case study books and transcript anthologies offer consciousness-expanding perspectives of earthly life as well as what human beings may consider about life in the ascended realm of existence (or 'Other Side').  The following passages are excerpts of published transcripts of 'channeled entities' representing three past epochs to compare with other channeling cases.  

Trance medium: Mrs. J. H. Conant (Frances Ann Crowell 1831-1875)
Channeled Entity: 'Theodore Parker'
Date of Session: April 29, 1869    
Transcript Source Book: Flashes of Light from the Spirit-Land Through the Mediumship of Mr. J. H. Conant compiled by Allen Putnam (1872)

Controlling Spirit. As we are in the constant receipt of inquiries from friends at a distance — questions propounded to the controlling spirit of the seance — it may not be amiss to make a few plain statements with regard to the case in question.  In the first place, it should be understood that these seances are not controlled at all times by the same spirit, but for each occasion an intelligence is selected best adapted to that occasion.  Persons sending their inquiries from a distance do not seem to understand this, and they often inquire in regard to the difference of opinion that seems to find expression through the said controlling spirit of the circle.  It should be understood that each distinct intelligence, or human spirit, retains its own special intellectual integrity after death as before.  All are entitled to their own opinions and the expression of the same, if they express themselves at all.  All questions relating to well-developed scientific facts will, without doubt, be answered, by all intelligences coming here, in a similar manner . . .

Q. What is the medium of exchange in the spirit-world? or what is used there as our money is here?

A. Merit; that which belongs to the inner life.  Whatever you merit you will have.  There is no special medium of exchange that is equivalent to gold, silver, and greenbacks, in our life. You may be very sure of that.  But there is a medium of exchange.  If I have what I do not need, and my neighbor has need of it, I pass it to him.  If he has what he does not need, and what I need, he passes it to me.  There is a perpetual interchange of the good things of spirit-life.  None can retain any more than they have need of.  A very hard place for misers to come to, particularly before they get rid of their miserly propensities, I assure you.  So if you have any such, better get rid of them here.

Trance Medium: Maurice Barbanell (1902-1981)
Channeled Entity: 'Silver Birch'

Date of Session: unspecified; prior to March 1938
Transcript Source Book: Teachings of Silver Birch (1938) edited by A. W. Austen

There are many of us who have been allowed by those who are higher and above us to see your world as it will be one day.  That conception we try to transmit to those who are receptive, to inspire them to go with their work.

You have tried to build a world where, when one man has something, instead of using it to help the others, he tries to keep it for himself, with the result that in time he makes a system that must collapse because its foundations are wrong.

u must break down vested interests.  The laws are perfect.  If you live your own life, seeking only to serve others, then because of that the Great Spirit operates through you.  That applies to you and it applies to all.  If you say it is not possible, I say it is possible, for it is the only way.  The Law is perfect and you cannot cheat it.  You must learn the Law and put it into operation.

I am proud that because of our efforts we have accomplished so much throughout the world of matter.  Hearts that were once sad are now a little more joyful.

Great work can be achieved if all those who are conscious of spiritual truths will band themselves together and use their power to dissipate the fog of darkness which has risen in the world of matter.  Go forward with great confidence, knowing that all the forces of goodness, helpfulness and service are at your side.

Channeler: Kevin Ryerson
Channeled Entity: 'Ercon'
Date of Session: unspecified; prior to September 1989
Transcript Source Book: Spirit Communication: The Soul's Path (1989)

I, Ercon, of the ship Arcumi, come to speak with you, children of Earth.  We have come forth to bring you knowledge of yourselves as beings of energy.  We who occupy the ethereal body would send you greetings from those planes of existence of Sirius, Orion, Pleiades.  We bring you greetings so that you would increase your knowledge in the expansion of your being to seek also to embrace a higher property of knowledge, that in the universe you are not alone.  That these things are given so that you would expand.

ou have evolved to the point where now you must be proper, disciplined, and develop your spiritual nature so there can be the appropriate application of thy technologies for the benefit of all of your planet.  You can no longer be children, but must become adults who are responsible, and become more aware of the whole of thy heritage.

er we of the Arcumi nor the Federation may interfere.  We may only monitor.  There are some of us amongst you even now.  Proceed to expand your vision above and beyond your own limitations and to know your truer heritage.

the days of Atlantis, when we had greater cultural exchange with your planet, to the point now, you stand upon the threshold of a judgment of the natural causal laws of your plane.  You bring these activities upon yourself.  It is also within you to transform them, to bring to yourself great peace, to restore your planet to its proper perspective and its rightful heritage of a position amongst a thousand other worlds, those who have linked in peace and seek fellow conscious brethren throughout the universe, to uplift and eventually merge with the whole.  Adonoi.



a 2019 example of 'channeling'

Nostradamus articles
"Some Further Observations about the 'Michael' Pattern"
"Nostradamus Today"
"A Key to Developing a Perspective of Nostradamus . . ."
"Of Prophecies and Patterns"
"Spirit Messages/EVP . . . and Rediscovering Nostradamus"
"Reflections and Images - Deciphering Angelic Initiation"
"Aspects for Synthesis"

John Dee article
"Some Further Observations about the 'Michael' Pattern"
". . . Pearl Curran, 'Miss Beauchamp,' John Dee and Edward Kelly"
"John Dee and Edward Kelly's Visitor from the Ascended Realm"
"Flying Saucers and 'The Nine Pattern'" 
"Unknown Places of the Earth . . ."
"Paranormal Case Chronologies . . ."
Edgar Cayce articles
"Case Profile: Edgar Cayce"
"A Meditation on Christ Consciousness . . ."
"On ‘Ra-Ta’ from the Edgar Cayce Channeled Reading Transcripts"
"The Second Coming"
"Explaining the ‘Second Coming'"
"David Kahn’s Life with Edgar Cayce"
"How David Kahn Met Edgar Cayce"
"Esoteric Aspects of Edgar Cayce’s Life"
"Hugh Lynn Cayce and Psychic Phenomena"
"Channeled Perspectives of the Brain"
"Guidelines for Spiritual Healing"
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky articles
"When Col. Olcott Met Madame Blavatsky"
"Phenomena and Madame H. P. Blavatsky"
"Three Accounts of "Precipitated' Portraits . . ."
"A. P. Sinnett’s Occult World"
"A Period of Scandal, Gloom and Unrest 1883-1887"
"The Passing of Helen Petrovna Blavatsky"
"Some Observations . . ."
"The Mahatma Letters"
"Esoteric Doctrine of the Masters"
Eileen Garrett article
"Case Profile: Psychic and Trance Medium Eileen Garrett"
"Transcendental Communications from 'Abduhl Latif'"
"Some Reflections about Channeling and the Creative Process"
"Spiritual Healing"
"Taking a Closer Look at 'Unexplained Phenomena'"
"Eileen Garrett and the 'Fantastic Territory'"
"Trance Medium Transcripts: Excerpts from The Image of an Oracle" 
"Eileen Garrett and Ira Progoff's Trance Medium Research . . ."
"Some Observations about 'Channeling'"
'"Trance Mediumship’ Session Accounts . . ."
Helen Duncan articles
". . . Helen Duncan and Afterlife Orientations"
"Spiritualism . . . and Materialization Mediumship"
"Doris Stokes Described a Seance Conducted by Helen Duncan"
"Materialization Mediumship"

Mark Probert articles
"'Speaking of Myself' by Mark Probert . . ."
"Portraits and Profiles of The Inner Circle 'Teachers of Light'"
"Mark Probert and The Inner Circle"
"Yada Speaks"
"Bryant and Helen Reeve's Flying Saucer Pilgrimage"
"Bryant and Helen Reeve’s Commentary about Mark Probert . . ."

"Excerpts from Lecture Transcripts of The Inner Circle . . ."
"Taking a Closer Look at 'Unexplained Phenomena'"
"Ray Palmer's Flying Saucer . . . Questions Answered . . ."
". . .'Yada Di Shi'ite' . . . Q&A Transcript Mystic Magazine 1955"
"Self-Realization in the Aquarian Age – 'The Inner Circle' . . ."
"Expanding Your Consciousness with 'The Inner Circle'"
"Guardians? The Name Has Some Historical Basis"
"Man's 'Oneness with Universal Consciousness'"


Leslie Flint article
"Leslie Flint's Life as a Direct Voice Medium" 
"Unique Recordings of Direct Voice Phenomena"
"Some Observations Concerning My Spiritualism Series of Articles"
"Direct Voice Seance Phenomena"
"Leslie Flint in Los Angeles"
"Tapping the Force: Leslie Flint Recordings and Links"
"Mr. Johnson Speaks from the Other Side"
"The Woods and Greene Collection of 'Direct Voice' Recordings"
"Metaphysical Lessons of the Leslie Flint 'Direct Voice' Recordings"
"Testing the Voices Heard on Leslie Flint Seance Tapes"
"The Eternal Nature of Life"
"Excerpts from Chapters of Experience"
"Excerpts from There Is Life After Death"
" Book Chronicling Direct Voice Communication: Behold I Live"
"A Complicated Murder . . ."
"A Momentous Truth Suppressed . . ."
"The First Full Light Seance . . ."
"The Voice of Valentino"
"Some Observations about My Direct Voice Phenomena Articles"

Arthur Shuttlewood article
"The Warminster Mystery"
"Warnings from Flying Friends"
"UFOs – Key to the New Age"
"Arthur Shuttlewood’s Daytime UFO Sightings"
"Some Media Responses to the Warminster Mystery"
"Bryce Bond and the Warminster Mystery"
"The Flying Saucerers"
"More UFOs Over Warminster"
"Account of a UFO Photo"
"UFO Magic in Motion"
"Flying Saucer Review and Arthur Shuttlewood"
"Arthur Shuttlewood In Retrospect"
"EVP and UFOlogy – MP3 Audio: Arthur Shuttlewood 1968"
"Five Paranormal Encounters with Tiny People"
"Flying Saucer Contactees and the New Age"
"Arthur Shuttlewood's Encounter with 'Karne' of the Planet 'Aenstria'"

This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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These Dispensations Remain Unknown to Most People


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