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#MagLoveTop10: Yummiest foodie magazine covers of 2015

by MediaSlut (@MediaSlut) Today, we’re looking at South African and international magazines which have made our #MagLoveTop10 Best Foodie Covers of 2015, whether off-beat, arty, or just plain smart and mouth-watering!

This year’s #MagLoveTop10 includes new sections covering travel and business, and here’s the publishing schedule:

  • Friday, 4 December 2015: Best South African magazine covers of 2015
  • Friday, 11 December 2015: Best international magazine covers of 2015
  • Friday, 8 January 2016: Worst magazine covers of 2015
  • Friday, 15 January 2016: Sexiest magazine covers of 2015
  • Friday, 22 January 2016: Best food magazine covers of 2015
  • Friday, 29 January 2016: Best travel magazine covers of 2015
  • Friday, 5 February 2016: Best business magazine covers of 2015

Want to view all the covers at a glance? See our MagLove Pinterest board!
Find a cover we should know about? Tweet us at @Marklives and @MediaSlut.

View 2015’s best food Magazine Covers here.


#10. Milwaukee Magazine (The Food Lover’s Guide), March 2015

To create this explosive (and messy) cover, the Milwaukee art department used approximately 20.5kg of flour for “tossing, shaking and downright throwing”. The end result kicks off the food fight for the no. 1 position!

This is Milwaukee’s first appearance on this list.


#9. Food & Home Entertaining, December 2015

This Christmas-inspired cover gave me hope that there’s more to Christmas-dessert than the normal (and, most times, boring) trifle we’re force-fed, come Christmas day… It doesn’t only look festive (very important), but also über-delicious (even more important)!

In 2014, Food & Home Entertaining made it to no.7 and, in 2013, it came in at no.3.


#8. Feast

A well-plated position in our #MagLoveTop10 list! Read more here.

This is Feast’s first appearance on this list.

#7. Time Out New York, 28 October 2015

Cover lines delicious enough to eat! Read more here.

This is Time Out New York’s first appearance on this list.


#6. Martha Stewart Living, July/August 2015

The wonderful, yet mainly boring, mielie in a way I’ve never seen before, yet I hope the bacon-and-fresh-herb twist catches on here in South Africa, too!

This is Martha Stewart Living’s first appearance on this list.


#5. Crumbs (various)

Click to view slideshow.

On our #MagLoveTop10 list once again is the wonderfully quirky Crumbs! On the one cover, it’s ravishing, red, raspberry ridiculousness and, on the other, proper attitude from a mean-looking…piece of toast! Brilliant! Read more here.

In 2014, Crumbs made it to no. 5 as well.


#4. Menu, February 2015

Some will possibly say that the cover is over-styled, but it’s undebatable that the cover is “fresh”, “cool” and has tons of “zest”…

This is Menu’s first appearance on this list.


#3. Oklahoma Today, May/June 2015

The trend of coverlines and magazine logos being part of the background continues, in this case serving up a most mouth-watering design! Read more here.

This is Oklahoma Today’s first appearance on this list.


#2. Cuisine, July 2015

Definitely a cover so good that you want to unwrap and devour it, block by block, page by page! Read more here.

In 2013, Cuisine made it to #1 on this list.


#1. Foodism (various)

Click to view slideshow.

Hot and cool, the simple brilliance of these ‘desserve’ the no. 1 spot! Read more here and here.

This is Foodism’s first appearance on this list.


MagLove by @MediaSlut is a regular slot featuring the best local and international magazine covers every week, recognising well thought-out, powerful and interesting (and hopefully all three-in-one) covers and celebrating the mix of pragmatism, creativity and personal taste that created each of them. The (for now anonymous) blogger behind MediaSlut knows way too much for his own good about media in South Africa, magazines in particular. His mission is to show when SA magazines fail but, most importantly, also when they succeed. If you’re looking for a library about SA magazines and news, this is your one-stop pitstop.

— MarkLives’ round-up of top ad and media industry news and opinion in your mailbox every Monday and Thursday. Sign up here!

This post first appeared on, please read the originial post: here

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#MagLoveTop10: Yummiest foodie magazine covers of 2015


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