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Singing robot takes requests


Are there a new special struggle between Human and robots!! .

it's a question come up when i saw that Topic.. really it's astonishing video bro.

but the war is different this time, it's for singing :)

Here we are with some details .

CHIBA, Japan--Want to request a song from a creepy childlike automaton? There's an app for that.

During the demonstration , audience members were encouraged to use their iPhones to request one of six songs from the raven-haired robot, decked out in futuristic stormtrooper gear. The winning track is titled "Give Me Wings."

The HRP-4C was featured as part of Yamaha's Play IT initiative, which explores ways to incorporate music and information technology to teach and learn musical instruments. Check out the short clip of her performance below.

Hope that u like it ;).

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This post first appeared on Dreams Never Die, please read the originial post: here

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Singing robot takes requests
