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Colin KENT

Colin KENT

Colin Kent nasce a Londra nel 1934 e attualmente vive nell’Essex
Ha studiato pittura e architettura al Walthamstow College of Art e ha lavorato per un certo numero di anni come architetto prima di dedicarsi completamente alla pittura, dal 1971 è membro del Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours.
Colin nelle sue opere utilizza luci e ombre per creare atmosfere romantiche che danno libero sfogo alla fantasia, I suoi paesaggi danno un senso di tranquillità e gli edifici o chiese che ritrae sono spesso circondati da spazi vuoti o scenari marittimi pieni di melanconia.
Ha tenuto mostre presso The Royal Academy, London, The Royal West of England Academy, The Mall Galleries (vincendo il Buzzacott award and Linda Blackstone award), The Guildhall e molte alter gallerie in Londra, nel Regno Unito e in Usa.
I suoi lavori fanno parte di molte collezioni private in Gran Bretagna, Usa, Francia, Germania, Finlandia e Giappone.

Colin Kent was born in London in 1934 and currently lives in Essex
He studied painting and architecture at Walthamstow College of Art and worked for a number of years as an architect before devoting himself fully to painting, since 1971 he has been a member of the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolors
Colin in his works uses lights and shadows to create romantic atmospheres that give free rein to the imagination, his landscapes give a sense of tranquility and the buildings or churches are often surrounded by empty spaces or maritime scenarios full of melancholy
He has had exhibitions at The Royal Academy, London, The Royal West of England Academy, The Mall Galleries (winning the Buzzacott award and Linda Blackstone award), The Guildhall and many other galleries in London, the UK and the USA.
His works are part of many private collections in Great Britain, the USA, France, Germany, Finland and Japan.

This post first appeared on Giuseppe Genta Blog – Un Giornalista In Viaggio Che Non Sopporta Gli Ombrelli, please read the originial post: here