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Fearless Girl Statue: 16 Interesting Facts That Will Fascinate

Fearless Girl Statue: 16 Interesting Facts That Will Fascinate

Standing in New York City’s Financial District, looking out resolutely at the facade of the New York Stock Exchange, the Fearless Girl has become an icon of the city.

Many make their way over to the diminutive Fearless Girl statue to take a picture with her and she is almost as famous (or some would say as famous) as the Charging Bull statue found at Bowling Green nearby.

Here are some interesting facts about the Fearless Girl statue in Lower Manhattan, New York City.

16 Fearless Girl Statue Interesting Facts

1. The Fearless Girl statue is the work of sculptor Kristen Visbal.

2. She first made an appearance on March 7, 2017. She was installed in anticipation of International Women’s Day on March 8.

3. The statue was originally installed facing down the powerful Charging Bull statue by Arturo Di Modica at Bowling Green.

4. She was part of a project by State Street Global Advisors, an asset management company, and created by advertising agency McCann New York. The statue was intended to celebrate the first anniversary of the asset management company’s Gender Diversity Index.

5. The Fearless Girl statue stands 50 inches tall. She weigh in at 250 pounds.

6. The original design of the Fearless Girl statue was meant to be 36 inches in height. The sculptor Kristen Visbal increased the height to 50 inches to better match the Charging Bull.

7. The Fearless Girl statue is mean to symbolize gender equality and the need for more women in the workplace.

More Interesting Facts about the Fearless Girl Statue in Lower Manhattan, New York City

8. Even though some may interpret her stance as one of defiance, she was actually sculpted with her hands on her hips and her chin raised as a sign of strength.

9. The Fearless Girl sculpture was modeled based on two children from Delaware.

10. She was originally intended only to be on display for a week. However, because of the positive response, her City Hall permit was then extended to a month and then extended once again to a year.

11. In November 2018, she was moved to a new location on Broad Street, in front of the New York Stock Exchange. After she vacated her spot in front of the Charging Bull, a marker was placed where the statue once stood with footprints marking the spot where people can stand in her place.

12. It is free of charge to visit the Fearless Girl.

13. During the COVID pandemic, the statue was often seen wearing a face mask.

14. Even though she has become a fixture opposite from the New York Stock Exchange, as of 2024, her place there is still based on a temporary permit.

15. During busy periods, a queue may form with people waiting for their turn to take pictures with the Fearless Girl. To avoid the crowds and queue, the best way would be go early in the day to see the Fearless Girl statue.

16. There have been copies of the Fearless Girl statue around the world. These have included a reproduction that was unveiled by Kristen Visbal at Federation Square in Melbourne (not far from the National Gallery Victoria or NGV. Other locations where replicas have popped up include one at the Paternoster Square in London and at the West Hollywood Library in West Hollywood, California.

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This post first appeared on WorldXplorr, please read the originial post: here

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Fearless Girl Statue: 16 Interesting Facts That Will Fascinate
