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Simha’s Roar by Arun Krishnan: Thrilling End to Vathapi Trilogy

Simha’s Roar By Arun Krishnan: Thrilling End To Vathapi Trilogy

Witness the epic clash between Pallavas & Chalukyas in Simha's Roar! ⚔️ Krishnan's finale to 'The Battle of Vathapi' trilogy delivers action, loyalty, and a fierce war. Explore themes of courage & loss, all set in a bygone era. A must-read for historical fiction fans! #SimhasRoar #HistoricalFiction #BookReview

This post first appeared on Queen Of Treasures, please read the originial post: here

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Simha’s Roar by Arun Krishnan: Thrilling End to Vathapi Trilogy
