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Equipment Planning for Small and Medium Pathology Lab


Planning for a small or medium diagnostic pathology lab? Wondering where to get a diagnostic lab equipment list and their cost estimates? Have a limited set of tests in scope and cannot decide which equipment to buy? If yes, you have come to the right place. We are here to help you with equipment planning for pathology lab.

For help in equipment planning for a small to medium size lab, use our FREE planning tool, for step-by-step assistance.

Read on for more help in equipment planning for a small or medium pathology lab.

Labs are classified by NABL (Check out details useful for Lab Planning and Accreditation) into

  • Small (less than 100 patients per day),
  • Medium (101-400 patients per day) and
  • Large (>400 patients per day)

We often get calls from customers saying I want to set-up a small lab, what are the equipment required for it? The customer knows what are the tests to be done, but has no knowledge of which equipment or what capacity of equipment would be required.

The type of equipment needed for a lab depends on the type of tests to be done and the capacity of the machine depends on the volume of patients expected. The type of tests in turn, depends on the specialty of doctors in and around the lab and what they are going to prescribe.

Equipment planning for pathology lab or diagnostic centre

A very basic small lab setup either in a small location (with not more than 20-30 patients a day) or one serving as a stat lab within a nursing home or hospital will need at the minimum the following equipment:

  1. 3-part differential cell counter
  2. Semi-automatic biochemistry analyser
  3. Centrifuge
  4. Binocular Microscope
  5. Incubator
  6. Autoclave/ sterilizer
  7. Reagents & Consumables
  8. Refrigerator

These equipment cover basic hematology, biochemistry tests, cultures and sample collection & preparation to outsource all other tests. This size of lab will cost at the very minimum Rs 5-8 lakhs

What to consider when selecting equipment for medium/large Lab

Read the following blogs for help in equipment planning for pathology lab. These will help in equipment selection and understanding why the costs vary due to additional features.


PrimedeQ is an e-Marketplace for buying, selling, renting, servicing and spares of medical equipment. We offer all types of used / refurbished medical equipment , including A-Scan machine and other Ophthalmology equipment, endoscopes, OT equipment, Laparoscopic Equipment,  Lab equipment, X-Ray, TMT, ECG, anesthesia machine, ultrasound machines etc.  We offer  repair services for all types of medical equipment including Lab equipment, microdebrider,  laparoscope , rigid and flexible endoscopes as well as EUS (Endoscopic Ultrasound Units) and ultrasound probe etc.

The post Equipment Planning for Small and Medium Pathology Lab appeared first on Primedeq-Blog.

This post first appeared on PrimedeQ Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Equipment Planning for Small and Medium Pathology Lab
