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Astronomers find no signs of Planet Nine

Astronomers Find No Signs Of Planet Nine

While astronomers continue to suspect that there might be a previously unknown Planet 9 in the distant solar system, the new search at millimeter wavelengths has failed to find any convincing candidate.

Led by Sigurd Naess of the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics at the University of Oslo, astronomers traced the planet using data from a 6 metre Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) in Chile.

Although ACT was designed to study the cosmic microwave background radiation, its relatively high angular resolution and sensitivity makes it suitable for this type of search.

The astronomers scanned about 87 per cent of the sky accessible from the southern hemisphere over a six year period, and then processed the millimeter images with a variety of techniques including binning and stacking methods that might uncover faint sources but at the expense of losing positional information.

But, “a planet at this distance would be extremely difficult to spot in normal optical sky searches because of its faintness, even to telescopes like PanSTARRS and LSST”, the team noted.

While the new results cover only about 10-20 per cent of the possibilities, other sensitive millimeter facilities are coming online and should be able to complete this search for Planet 9 as hypothesised, the astronomers noted.

READ MORE (India New England)

  • Astronomers find no signs of Planet Nine after scamming 87% of the skyIBTimes India
  • Latest Search for the Elusive Planet Nine Falls ShortGizmodo Australia
  • Astronomers find no signs of Planet Nine: The Tribune IndiaPersia Digest
  • Astronomers Find No Signs of Planet Nine Even After Scanning 87% of Southern SkyThe Weather Channel

This post first appeared on The 5th News, please read the originial post: here

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Astronomers find no signs of Planet Nine
