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1 Bible wisdom

1 Bible Wisdom

Who does not desire bible wisdom as a means of achieving Earthly and Spiritual success? Bible wisdom Verses in Proverbs are the result of societal observations over hundreds of years; thus one could say that they are a reflection of what works and doesn't in as far as living a useful and productive life is concerned. 

If you disregard the changing technology, at the heart of human society at any age is what is wise, and a contemplation of it is the start to a successful life. Being clever is one thing, being wise, however, is entirely another that requires first instruction and, thereafter, constant practice.

Let the little Children come to Jesus, Mark 10:13-16

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Our attempt here is to impart bible wisdom through a number of sayings. It is one thing to talk or write about what is wise, but it is entirely another matter to live it. If King Solomon at the tail end of his life, succumbed to foolishness, despite having been blessed by the most high in his younger life, I augur that we are generally unwise and only the favour of the most high, and a determination to abide wisdom's instructions, will we keep foolishness at bay. "Practice thus makes perfect".          

Our writings reflect some parts of Proverbs and Sirach. We find that both have very practical observations, which will benefit any modern seeker of wisdom. The wisdom literature in the bible, which encompasses every book, but more so in books that are described as such, is the accumulation of societal knowledge over the ages, summarized in a manner that any reader can benefit from direct application. 

Cezanne - Christ in limbo Luke 23:44-46

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We provide you with a commentary adjacent to the selected bible wisdom proverbs; this makes for much easier reflection. We hope you find the way we have chosen to do it useful. 

A summary of what we have put together should normally come at the end, however, there is an underlying secret that seems to run through the proverbs we have included in this book and probably in the ones not included. I think it will be useful to share this with you from the onset, so that you may deduce for yourself as you read through. 

This secret is a power that we all have within us, namely to control what you Think, Say, and eventually do. What we say, is a product of how we think, and what we think is a product of what forms our minds. The proper use of what we think, say, and do, determines our success or failure in life. You hold the power, literally in your mouth; bible wisdom literature teaches you how to apply it.

Bronikov- Parable of Lazarus and the rich man, Luke 6:19-31

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Our Lord said and I paraphrase, “that sin emanates from the heart (or if you prefer our thoughts) and into speech or communication and eventual action”. The more you think about what you say or communicate,  the beginning of wisdom. What you say, is a product of how you are formed, and how your mind is moulded. If the basis of this moulding is a fear of God and an adherence to His commandments, then, at least from the biblical perspective, you will be well on your way to becoming wise; don't argue with what's been proven over time, simply accept this as gospel truth. You are only here for a few years; these writings have been with us for more than 2000 years and are still very relevant in observing and commenting on human nature.

I assure you it will still be a continuous struggle not to fall into foolishness. Few, if any of us had the advantage of King Solomon who was gifted by the most high, but even he, in old age, displayed much foolishness. If this were not so, we would call ourselves Angels and not human beings; understanding bible proverbs' wisdom is no easy feat.

It appears that we are naturally foolish and only effort, determination, and steadfastness will ensure that we change. So, in conclusion, what you learn you must practice, and what you practice, you must habituate, lest what is wise runs away from you.  

The commandments of God are mentioned throughout the book, for it is from them that virtue and nobility stem. Many of us may be familiar with the Ten Commandments, but they are rarely expounded on for us. I encourage you to follow this link, for a full exposition THE TEN COMMANDMENTS EXPOSITION Your denomination as a Christian is irrelevant, the commandments are the same; it’s just that this is the best exposition that I have come across. At the beginning of this commentary, we mentioned the most important quality to start you on the journey to wisdom, namely control over your thoughts, words, and actions. Yes, there is an education and the increase of common sense, but the starting point is control of your communication with the world; communicating only when you need to and spending more time observing and learning. 

Hundreds of years ago, there were rich, successful, and noble people who observed Bible wisdom proverbs and thrived in society. The same principles hold today, spiritual principles to guide our physical lives and even prepare us for the afterlife. We encourage you to keep reading more of the proverbs from the bible, as a way of further growing your knowledge in wisdom. The world may have changed significantly over the ages, however, human nature is as it was then, as it is now. There may be variables such as technology, cars, computers, and so on, however, you must align yourself to what is wise, then all these tools in the world today can be used to achieve your objectives. Listen to wisdom carefully, and speak less so that you may hear her more. 

Feel free to write to us at [email protected] Feel free to offer both criticism and praise alike. We are always willing to improve.


This post first appeared on Sayings Of The Wise: Bible Proverbs For Success, please read the originial post: here

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1 Bible wisdom
