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5 Bible verses on success

5 Bible Verses On Success

We look at the Bible verses about success and money, the snares to be careful of, and the character that ensures you don't belittle those without and other related areas. 

Wealth, no matter how blessed you may think you are, is a gift; to be carefully managed for the benefit of all mankind.   

Danby- The deluge fills the Earth, Genesis 7:1-24

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On the proud Sirach 13:1-2

Be wary of proud people. In this case, pride comes from their wealth. If you do not have wealth, you will likely be misused, as it will be read that you associate to gain an advantage. Christian charity however suggests an association with a wealthy person based on their earnestness in seeking wisdom. This you can only discern after learning, listening, and observing. 

While we are all born equal, we are not equal to the same accomplishments. Each has a purpose, some high, some low, but still a purpose. Pray to wisdom to guide you to yours. This explains why some toil, yet do not accomplish as much as others; it’s simply the order of things. 

We all aim for success, but our problem is comparing apples with oranges. Some have a Midas touch, others a loving touch, others great motivators, others educators, others are great parents, and so on. It’s not a wide brush that fits all. Do not strive to be like others, ask wisdom to guide you to what suits you.  

Tissot- Building the ark, Genesis 7:9-22

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On being careful with the rich Sirach 13:3-13 

Again, while the proverbs focus on the rich and their proud behaviour this takes us back to understanding human behaviour and how to choose those you associate with. It may be for reasons other than friendship that you associate with, say a club, business, community, work, and so on. Wear the same lenses where you listen and observe, understand whether they are in love with wisdom as you are; take your time. It’s your life you are toying with and it's worth as much time as you would like to take. Don’t invite problems into your life, at least not scoundrels that care only for themselves.  

There are foolish and wise rich people. While their outlook on life may not be the same, their common comfort lies in their security, which is the walls of their wealth. You will not be seen as their equal and you would be foolish not to acknowledge this distance from them.

 They are powerful because of their wealth; they deserve acknowledgement because of it. Wealth, however, is not necessarily a sign of wisdom. Be on guard, but especially be attentive, listen, watch and observe. If they are foolish, their foolishness will rear its head. Always be on guard, for you don’t know whether they value wisdom, or revel in their pride and security. 

Whether foolish or wise, be respectful of the rich and powerful, for it is within their power to destroy you. If they are wise, however, they likely seek the same, a knowledge of the most high. For these, try to stay close, for they value your human dignity and have a fear of their maker. 

Hannah presenting Samuel to Eli, 1 Samuel 1:19-28

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On the rich Sirach 13: 14-23 

We are here yet again. Discern by listening, observing, and speaking only tactfully. Know the measure of the man before you. Only those in love with wisdom and its teachings can open up to it. 

On Poverty and riches Sirach 13: 24-26  

There is an interesting point here. Poverty is something most deride, yet as our Lord said, it is something that will be here till the end of the age. We cannot eradicate it. Poverty, some suggest, exists to give redemption to the rich, and the rich exist to bless the poor through the gifts they have received from wisdom. 

We cannot force those blessed with the gift of wealth to share; sharing must be a free and conscious decision. Wisdom teaches those that have wealth, the necessity of sharing it. For while terrestrially they may be comfortable, it is only through blessing the poor that they reserve a place for themselves in the spiritual realm. Do you doubt me? Look at the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, the parable of the talents, and the parable of the rich fool. All these were given to us by the Lord to ponder on. 

Matthias- Crowning with Thorns, Matthew 27:27-29

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Blessings for the thoughtful Sirach 14:1-7 

There is a story about a man that lived with his family in squalor for many years. He did what was basic for his family, but they generally lived a life of penury. Upon his death, a lawyer approached the widow and told her that if she was willing to sign away a small percentage as fees to him, he would show her true wonders. 

Imagining that she was to descend into a life of indigence with nothing to lose, she consented. The lawyer proceeded to list the wealth of her dead husband. He had in bank accounts and property close to $10 million. The lawyer received $1 million and she divided the rest among her children and herself. 

They moved from their poor neighbourhood and relocated to premises suitable to their newfound wealth. A "scrooge" to the end the husband was; unable to share even with his own family, he went to death with his secret. Were it not for a somewhat reasonable lawyer, they would have been disinherited. 

Wealth is of no consequence if it cannot be used to improve one’s life or the life of others. It’s an ephemeral thing, but still, a gift to be used wisely. 

Bloch- Healing the paralytic, John 5: 1-15

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On treating yourself well Sirach 14:8-12 

Sharing and caring are simply a fact of life. If you understand that your station is largely a gift from wisdom, then you will understand that there is no better aspiration than to care for your neighbour as best you can; this also means taking good care of yourself. 

An evil eye, grudgingly giving and sharing comes from a life dedicated to self, and arrogating your abilities to yourself rather than to wisdom.  

We are simply dust and ashes and live for only a short period of time compared to the eternity we all hope for. 

The seventh plague in Egypt (Hail), Exodus 9:13-35

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On giving Sirach 14: 13-18

I especially like these proverbs. They encourage you to work hard and spoil yourself and others. Yes, drive that luxury car, wear those designer clothes, and spoil a friend with good wine; for these things are not in hades. 

Enjoy your life when you still live, but live it in awe of wisdom and her gifts to you. Give her her due, by caring for your neighbour (defined as everyone else other than self) as you care for yourself. Don’t allow pride to set in your heart; give wisdom her due and truly enjoy yourself within the bounds she sets. 

On intelligent reasoning Sirach 14: 19-27 

Hunt for bible wisdom, as a hunter hunts prey. Relentlessly seek her all your days. Here are some practical ideas on how to achieve this. Set time every day to try and do something along these lines: 

- Read the wisdom books of the bible 

- Read the gospels 

- Read the Old Testament and bible in general 

- Follow and watch a video of a wise person daily and preferably a consecrated person, that is, somebody who has taken a vow to serve God all their lives. This removes any potential ambiguity for worldly things and ideas. 

- As much as you can, wish the good of all around you, and accept slight happily when it comes. Reading and watching videos should at least take an hour daily, split as you please during the day. The formation of a wise mind takes a lifetime, an hour daily is nothing.


This post first appeared on Sayings Of The Wise: Bible Proverbs For Success, please read the originial post: here

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5 Bible verses on success
