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9 Solomon wisdom 2 of 7

9 Solomon Wisdom 2 Of 7

We follow from where we left off on Solomon wisdom in the bible in regard to living a successful life.

On discipline Proverbs 12:1-3 

It is better to listen and understand than to speak foolishly. Those that aim to correct you, would ordinarily do so out of a love or just downright decency. The wicked would never attempt to correct you. If you cannot accept culpability in mistakes, how can you possibly ever learn? Stubbornness is a dangerous thing, over time people cease caring and leave you to your own devices. 

Po Vodam - Christ walks on water, Matt 14: 22-33

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On Righteousness Proverbs 12:4-28

The theme of what one utters as a sign of wisdom or foolishness is critical to your success or failure. If you learn one thing, and one thing only from this book, let it be this: be very careful what you utter, whom you utter it to, and why you do so.  

Even with your nearest and dearest, weigh your words. If it is unnecessary to speak, do not do so. Learn to absorb personal insults quietly. Bear it, this calls for both strength and wisdom.  

The same strength that you use in keeping quiet, is the same one you exercise in absorbing an insult. The other party has shown their hand, why show yours? Ignore it for now and think about it at the appropriate time. At least you will know the other's true intentions towards you. 

On being guarded Proverbs 13:1-6 

Again, thoughts on keeping silent and only speaking judiciously. It is a sure way to progress and wealth. You learn to listen and learn when to speak and whom to speak it to. The ego is removed from the equation, thus speaking only when necessary. Hard work is good and wisdom suggests that it will be rewarded. 

In the modern world, there is much knowledge, but very little learning and listening. Working hard is all well and good, but how does one work hard without knowing what to work hard at? This is where listening becomes important. Listening here is extended to learning (formally and informally) as well as logically thinking things through. If you are constantly talking, out of ego, pride, or just foolishness, how will you ever think things through and see the bigger picture? 

On fake living Proverbs 13:7

What is the bling culture? What is consumerism? It’s all about me, even if I can’t afford it, and the vast majority cannot. It’s all about superficiality, all being driven by pride and envy of each other. 

On Prudence and wealth Proverbs 13:8-20 

Wealth is a gift and should be used as a gift to make light the difficulties of others. To love your neighbour as yourself. The commandments are life, summarized in the love of God and neighbour. You want to know the kind of person somebody is. Look for these two qualities in how they relate to all human beings starting with those closest to them. Don’t suffer fools by walking with them. Seek the wise and spend as much time with them as possible. If you cannot find wise people close by, you always have the internet, YouTube, and the like. 

On misfortune Proverbs 13:21-23

Woe unto you, if you take from the poor and place it on your plate. You fool, did you not know that a poor man's prayers are answered fastest? From one who steals from the poor, stay very far away, lest you get infected with his evil. I imagine that sin and its effects work along the following lines; this is merely conjecture- A person steals, say from a government department involved with health. Due to the theft, the department is unable to procure drugs for a particular region, and as a consequence, 100 people die. These 100, leave their dependents destitute, and these end up in a life of crime. The continual spiral downwards, starting with the deaths, and the personal sins of those left behind, all flow back to that act of theft. You will be judged for your sins, the deaths, and the sins of the many who acted as they did due to your one single act. 

I have tried to demonstrate just one act. Now imagine a lifetime of acts such as those and what you will have to contend with on your demise. Pray for mercy. If this does not frighten you, I don’t know what will. 

On children Proverbs 13:24-25 

We are commanded to love our neighbors as we do ourselves. This command applies to our husbands, wives, children, and all of humanity, but especially to our nearest and dearest. In my days as a child, a thrashing was expected at any time "spare the rod and spoil the child" was a common mantra. While I agree with it, I don’t advocate much for corporal punishment. In today’s world, our best immediate guides to the world that has snares everywhere, are the parents. They must make it possible for the children to trust them implicitly before they trust a stranger, the internet, and the world in general. Yes punish, but let the punishments be understood and reasonable. Beyond the age of reason, any beating should immediately stop. This is about 8 years old. After this, it’s a discussion with a carrot and stick approach. Our children should never fear us, there is much more to fear in the world.

On fools Proverbs 14:1-6  

Foolishness is a failure to observe the commandments of God. This leads to a compass regulated by the dictates of men, which generally tend to be self-serving. Being led by men means listening to no one but yourself. 

Relying on your efforts to forge ahead, always remember the gifts you have belong to Him who gave them to you. 

To arouse the goodwill of men, they must truly believe that you think of them as brothers; neighborly love is what our Lord spoke of. Nothing in society will forge ahead properly without it. 

On temperament Proverbs 14:7-19 

Do not wear your temperament or thoughts directly on your sleeve. In everything observe, take in and arrive at a decision. If you are insulted, accept it for the time being, and don’t blurt out in annoyance or defence; why expose yourself? The person has shown you his measure, why reciprocate? 

Of the poor, the rich and toil Proverbs 14:20-24

The way of the world is to place the rich on a pedestal and ignore the rest. This is not the way of Christ, who has taught us about heavenly treasure and the second commandment on a neighbor. Every human being is created in the image and likeness of God and is deserving of dignity. Carry this with you at all times, and you will be at peace. 

Be careful of building castles in the air. The English saying, "if wishes are horses even beggars would ride" has much relevance here. Concern yourself with what is probable and begin. 

On the fear of God Proverbs 14:25-27 

What is the fear of God? To obey the commandments, namely a love of God and a Love of neighbor. Dare I say that doing the latter, automatically takes care of the former? And what is a love of neighbour? To actively will the good of all others even at your own expense. How can there be love if there is no cost to you? 

On tranquility, wisdom and righteousness Proverbs 14:28-35 

A tranquil mind naturally comes from following the commandments. If you are at ease with your maker, you shall be at ease with the world. Anger is a sign of pride. Pride is disregarding the merits and ills of your neighbor and arrogating to yourself, a sense of superiority. Are you not a man, reliant on God for mercy, and being no more than dust and ashes? How dare you be proud and arrogant? Never forget that we are all condemned to share the earth with worms, mighty and normal alike. 

Is the worth of a man limited to what he has? There is a church teaching that says, everything that we have, beyond the needs of propriety, belongs to the poor. It’s a hard thing for someone who clings to wealth like it’s a god, but for one that sees everything as belonging to God, then it is easy. We cannot carry anything physical with us when we leave the earth, but we can certainly carry the spiritual benefits of helping all those that we can while we are here. The help is rendered due to the gifts that the almighty has granted us. It is His due. How dare you look down on flesh and earth, and you are no more than the same. The gifts you have come from on high, do you not realize that you are being tested? He gave them to you, and He can take them back. 

The rise and fall of nations is a divine prerogative. The economy of the spiritual rewards righteousness and denigrates wickedness. Simply look down through history, what is wicked does not survive. 

Bloch- Christ crucified Luke 23:26-43
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On balanced scales Proverbs 16:8-17

The higher up we go in society, the more we need to seek righteousness. A King's position is established by God. In today’s society, anyone with considerable influence and wealth can be considered Kingly. If evil permeates his or her mind, oh! how great that evil will be due to the tools available to them. 

Authority and wealth are gifts from God. There will be an accounting for how those gifts were used. The more gifted one is the more the expectation. Remember the parable of the minas or talents. Be careful what you wish for, it normally comes with considerable responsibilities and judgment at the end of days.

There is no substitute for wisdom. With her, all else is possible, but without her little can be achieved besides folly. A sensible person will spend his whole life in her company.

On pride and wisdom Proverbs 16: 18-25 

Pride comes before a fall. The proud see themselves as being more than human, consigning the rest of us to the dirt. God hates the proud because they act as if they are not His creation. If you treat a fellow human being like an animal, do you not become an animal yourself? It is not possible to be proud and follow the commandments, you simply become modern-day Pharisees, who have a high sense of self, but stink to high heaven with their self-righteousness. The parable of the Pharisee and the publican brings this out clearly.

The wise are blessed with a treasure trove of wisdom. Gentle persuasive words, wise sayings at the right time, admirable humility, and work ethic; the list goes on and on. Just follow and always reflect on the commandments.

Cades- Judgement of Solomon, 1 Kings 3:16-28

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 On the poor Proverbs 16:26

There are those that say poverty is a curse. Don’t you know that it could be the Lord’s mercy on you? For if you had too much, you might forget him. Why does faith abound with the poor? Because they see his hand every day as their needs are met. Don’t disdain the poor. Our lord loves them and asks that you join in his mission to alleviate their pain and obtain entrance to heaven at the end.

On perversion and evil Proverbs 16:27-33 

Out of the mouth of the wicked come words of violence and perversion. You will know the measure of a man by his thoughts, words, and actions.

Hunger drives you to succeed. For a poor person, it is a constant reminder of the need for hard work. The wicked pay no thought to what they say, or how they say it; all that matters is their personal interest, regardless of its effect on those around them. Violence is a trait that is well-admired in today’s society. Just look at the movies that gross the highest numbers. Violence is almost revered like a god; a quality that is looked up to. Stay away from violent people, the violence may rub off onto you, to your eternal detriment. We have continuously spoken about the importance of keeping your mouth shut, however, it should be wide open in the face of injustice. You will not be forgiven easily for allowing evil to happen while you kept quiet.

He who is wise and blessed is he who can control both his spirit and anger; such a person is like a great King. It is a difficult thing to master, but a necessity if you are going to succeed in life. Do not give in to your body's passions, such as anger, gluttony, drunkenness, and so on. Everything in moderation and where possible simply avoid it.

On life and conduct Proverbs 17:1-9 

Do you pursue wisdom, then understand that she is obtained through constant practice. The decision to follow the commandments is not easy, and you will inevitably fail. But, our Lord is merciful, He sees the heart. Keep at it, we are human and inevitably driven to folly. Trust in the Lord's mercy and wake up again and again. At the end of time, you will receive your just reward.

"Greed is good " is what I remember from the movie called “Wallstreet”. Never make gain from the misery of others. It will not be ignored. Unscrupulous Wall Street traders and their ilk, drug dealers, human traffickers; anyone that thrives on the miseries of others, and so on; tread carefully. Do you think that wisdom forgets the homeless, the conned, the drug dependent, the parents of the trafficked, and so on? Yes, enjoy your opulence today but the curse will come, in this world or the one that awaits you. It will come, and I can put good money on that! How dare you exploit your fellow human being and imagine that you will not be properly punished! Don’t be foolish; desist from this day forth!

 Watch your friends wisely. If their behavior is not in conformity with wisdom, tell them. If it persists walk away. They have decided for you. The respect they may have had for you in the past is of no consequence today since they refuse to heed wisdom. Sever things because in time you risk being pulled into their folly. Keep your doors open to them, for the Lord, is merciful to you and so should you be to others. But pride normally will have crept in for them, and they are unlikely to choose reconciliation.

On folly and idiocy Proverbs 17:10-15

Be wary of folly and idiocy. It exists everywhere but you must see it and walk away. You will be mocked for right thinking, but it is the way demanded by wisdom.

There are many things that wisdom hates, but injustice truly tops the scale. To take away your neighbor's rights, or to support injustice meted out on your neighbor is a deplorable thing. I am very proud of the manner in which Americans have reacted to the deplorable treatment of black people, and people of race in their country. Americans have reacted with a display of righteous indignation against the treatment of neighbor. Truly, the conscience of America is awake, and they are an example to the whole world on the meaning of justice for neighbor.

On being prudent and wise Proverbs 20:22-25 

This takes us to the beatitude of meekness and humility. Do not take the law into your own hands even if you are capable of doing so. Subject yourself to the Lord and the relevant authorities to obtain justice. Any kind of conmanship and all lies disguised as the truth is an abomination to the most high.

A man’s life can have many outcomes, but the Lord in his mercy guides him to what is best. We do have free will and can thus ignore any impulses to the light, but the Lord always guides us.

Making a vow to God is not something to be trifled with. In our society, this reverence for matters holy is not as profound as it was in the ancient world. Even the name of God was never to be uttered aloud, except in a synagogue, and only by the high priest. We may have become more casual today, but the mystery and might of the heavenly have not changed. Let us not treat casually what we do not completely understand.

On what's in the heart Proverbs 20:26-28 

A king’s ability to reach out to his subjects should both be underestimated. He has eyes and ears everywhere. A righteous king will winnow out all who plot against him.

In our Christian tradition, it is the soul that animates the body. It is a part of the most high, and thus guides us to him. Sin leads to callousness, and we ignore the souls calling. Keep sin at bay, and you will act on the yearnings of the soul.

I find those who wield power fascinating. For Kings, people simply accept the authority from one to the next. For republics, voting is done and people ascend to power. This is directed by God but driven by people. In the presence of power, flesh, and blood like you and I, we cower in fear, others curtsy, and bow; all to flesh and blood like you and I. There is a mystery around this, looked at objectively. The people that rule are as you and I, so why do we revere them? It must be wisdom. 

One cannot rule without a band of wise supporters; springboards to bounce thoughts and ideas off. No man can rule alone, for the thought of all that power, can easily introduce doubt, as to why people oblige. It is a matter of wisdom and to me a great mystery at the heart of our very existence. 

As for righteousness in the King or President, nothing establishes power so firmly. A population that sees justice served, and has full bellies, will keep you in power for as long as you desire. If the people want you to remain, you will; and their will is a reflection of wisdom.

On righteousness and justice Proverbs 20:29-21:3

The meaning is clear. Strive however to inculcate wisdom into the young. Imagine youth and wisdom together, how very potent. Please understand that book smarts are one thing, that schools and universities give us. Wisdom however requires first a personal touch, aimed at teaching younger minds useful habits, then hopefully they will fly on their own thereafter. Frankly, wisdom can be learned at any time in one’s life and is meant to be a lifelong activity.

This is a reference to sparing the rod and spoiling the child. Unfortunately, while the saying does have much truth, there has also been much abuse around it. I take the view that beyond the age of reason, say 9 or 10 years of age, any form of corporal punishment should stop. It is better to reason with children from an early age, and in the process help them with cognitive development. True love is recognized for what it is and makes children responsive. This is just my idea, am no child psychologist, but for what it’s worth, I use the same ideas on my own children.

If you have power and wealth, know that it is the Lord that gives it to you. Reflect on this at all times lest you become puffed up with pride.

Is there anything that can be hidden from the Lord, he who looks into the deepest recesses of our hearts?

Your conduct in life, revering your maker and adhering to the commandments, solicits favour from wisdom. Alms and sacrifices of every kind are good to give, but righteous living is even better.

Proverbs 21:4 4Haughty eyes and a proud heart, the lamp of the wicked, are sin.

What is pride? It is to imagine oneself as equal to your maker and disdaining those around you. Fool, how can a creature whose bowels start decaying from birth be proud? Humble yourself, and maybe wisdom will favour you.

On the proud and violent Proverbs 21:5 -10

Truly, “hurry hurry has no blessings”. The soul is slow and steady, as life should be; not the immediate gratification culture of modern times. Take your time, the world will not change if you slow down.

Greed in and of itself is a snare, combine it with lies and conmanship and you get thuggery, simply reaping where you have not sown. It is impossible to live in peace, for you will always look over your shoulder. Besides, wisdom will not allow you to flourish.

Who is violent? These are those that ignore the beatitudes of humility and meekness and ride with impunity over everybody, seeing themselves as demigods. Another term for them is "the proud". Well, we all know the saying, “Pride comes before a mighty fall.” How can a proud and wicked soul see the needs of his neighbor? How can he see what he cannot perceive? Pray to the Lord to keep pride at bay. Look at every person as God does, they are simply a reflection of you, dust and ashes.

On scoffers and justice Proverbs 21:11-26 

Better the simple, who when they fall learn, and slowly inch towards wisdom. The proud on the other hand persist in their foolishness arrogating the power of the most high to themselves.

The poor are just as you are, human beings. How can you not empathize?

Who does not enjoy a gift as a sign of appreciation? A bribe, however, aimed at perverting the course of justice, should be avoided, lest the sin of the injustice taint you.

Do not stray from the love of God and neighbour. It is the way of the dead.

As part of the seven deadly sins is gluttony. An excess love of wine and food (oil) is gluttony. Drunks and gluttons will not be rich, for their base desires will overtake their common sense. Tame your baseness, a human being is more than what he will eat.

Pray to the Lord for a sensible spouse. Study their thinking, words, and actions before you make a leap of faith. The cover may be appealing, but the content may be dismal. Take your time and appeal to wisdom for guidance.

Wisdom teaches us to save for a rainy day, and for future generations. It is only a fool that consumes all that he has, in reveling.

The proud rely on Earthly qualities to assert themselves. Wealth, beauty, power, and so on. All these qualities eventually disappear, but wisdom does not. A wise man will understand this and will weave his way through them

By now we hopefully have a consensus in regards to speaking and listening as the starting point of obtaining wisdom.

The righteous use the gifts given to them from on high, as tools to bless those around them and obtain the approval of wisdom. It is not to be accumulated simply for hoarding; it must have an overall purpose beyond itself.

On the sacrifice of the wicked Proverbs 21:27-31

Wisdom sees into the deepest parts of your soul. How can you expect what is pure to approve ill intent? Approach wisdom with a flawless heart and with pure intentions.

What we think, say, and do. One can attempt to hide one's character, but your true self is to listen to what you say and thereafter in what you do. Our Lord told the people not to do as the Pharisees did, but to listen to what they said. To understand the true character, see if there is congruence in what is said and done.

Only the proud imagine themselves as masters of their own destinies. The humble understand that there is a supernatural order to things, which we access through prayer and appeals to wisdom. How can flesh and bone imagine that they can thwart the aims of wisdom? Appeal to her for favour and may your speech and actions show reverence for her at all times.

Tissot- Shem , Ham and Japheth Gen 9:18-28

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Further Sayings Of Solomon:
On who to trust Proverbs 25:1-5 

A wise mind is always inquisitive, appealing to wisdom to share her secrets. The powerful should be judicious in whom they trust. Wisdom should take center stage as they choose their confidants. Gauge thoughts, speech, and actions carefully; let the measure of a man’s wisdom determine who has your ear.

On staying out of other people's business Proverbs 25:6-10

To the extent that it does not involve an injustice, stay out of people's business, and don’t allow yourself to be drawn into something that does not relate to you. Your use of discretion and respect for privacy creates confidence and trust and wins you, friends. Who will trust gossip? If there is tension with a neighbour (regardless of the situation; say workplace, social, an actual neighbour, and so on), go directly to them. A matter privately discussed, is much simpler to resolve.

Rembrandt - Abraham and the 3 angels, Gen 18:1-15

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This post first appeared on Sayings Of The Wise: Bible Proverbs For Success, please read the originial post: here

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