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20 Evil in the bible

20 Evil In The Bible

There is Evil in the bible just like we find in the world. The bible is after all both a history of redemption and a social document, recording the lives of men over many millennia. 

We focus on a few verses and expound as best we can.

a) The way includes your character, disposition, and orientation i.e something that God has to produce in your heart. The way is also how you live; who do you associate with? The community you commune with, namely what and who shapes you. The way is also what you do and how you conduct yourself. Where are you headed? Towards life or towards death?

Hayman- Parable of the good Samaritan

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Conduct is the way of righteousness or wickedness; are we headed to death or to life? and destiny is where you find yourself eventually; deed eventually grows to destiny and conduct eventually leads to consequences.

b) The heart is at the center of all that we do Proverbs 4:20-23

We must guard it zealously. The heart gives both spiritual and psychological direction. What you see, hear, listen to, etc influences you. The heart determines what we feel, think, and eventually decide. It leads to debate inside one, on what is right or wrong. The more we take in evil, the less offended we become by it (sex, violence, etc on TV). We get accustomed to it. This is the danger of not protecting the heart in what we listen to and observe. 

The adulteress believes in Satan’s lie, that there are no consequences, no judgment, and no ethical death. Those who believe in this are oxen led to the slaughter.

c) Folly of adultery Proverbs 5:1-23

Social and economic loss to foreigners and to the community. One weak link in the tradition of the family, can lead to the loss and squander of everything that went before it for the adulterer. In biblical ancient tradition, the adulterer becomes a slave to the husband of a woman who has acted unfaithfully.

d) Protection against adultery Proverbs 6:20-35

Identify yourself or symbolize yourself radically as to who you are and what you believe in. Outwardly, have signs that allow people to pick on your beliefs e.g a cross, wearing your marriage band, etc. On the other hand, there should also be inward signs, that influence the outward, such as walking in what you believe in; it will be a guard for you and against possible temptation. For example:

-         - Look away from any situation likely to lead you to sin

-         - Don’t look at sin, or even imagine it, but if you do, ask for forgiveness, there and there, do not entertain it; for once you do, it leaves the world of the imagination and enters the physical realm of sin.

 Adultery is far worse than prostitution; all you need for a prostitute is just a price (in this case, the example used is a loaf of bread). God is going to punish adultery because he upholds the moral order.

The wrath of a man that has suffered the agony of having an adulteress as a wife cannot be compensated, no matter how hard one tries. How can you compensate for another man's pride, emotions, and sexual identity? It brings personal shame and humiliation to loved ones and loss of respect in the larger community.

Rembrandt- The good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-37

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e)  Wisdom of marriage Proverbs 5:15-23

The verses emphasize the prudence of privacy against the folly of promiscuity. A father prays for his son to have a sexually satisfying wife. The words advocate the privacy of marriage to that of no marriage. It argues for virginity, monogamy, and the privacy of marriage.

Intoxication of your wife. Marriage can be intoxicating and beautiful. It counteracts worldly teaching that promotes lustful and sexual propaganda.

Tissot- The pharisee and the publican, Luke 18:9-14

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f) On how to determine if somebody detests you

If somebody detests you, they will never hear you correctly. If you want to know if someone has no respect for you, then discern whether they listen to you or to themselves. Where there is love, the eye ignores all slights, deficiencies, weaknesses, and the like and at all times finds ways to mould, build up, guide and forgive. Run, if you don't find this there. For love to endure however there must be reciprocity. If you have wisdom, you are going to have prudence, and wisdom possesses knowledge and discretion. Fear of the Lord is to reject evil and a perverse mouth.


This post first appeared on Sayings Of The Wise: Bible Proverbs For Success, please read the originial post: here

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20 Evil in the bible
