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6 Relationships Bible verses

6 Relationships Bible Verses

Relationships Bible verses - On trusting God or man

To be well educated in the world is one thing, to be wise is entirely another. If you find yourself reading this, then it's a gift that you have; many have never even thought about it. 
We touch on various topics such as trusting people, managing friendships, and so on, with an explanation of each.

 In the garden at Gethsemane, Matt 5:14-16

On the power of the almighty Sirach 18:1-12

This is an allusion to pride, and how infinitesimal men are in the grand scheme of things. This notwithstanding, wisdom loves us. This love is demonstrated in the parables of mercy that were shared by our Lord Jesus Christ. The parables of the prodigal son and the workers in the vineyard. Remember the thief on our Lord's right hand at the cross? A wonderful demonstration of mercy. The Lord loves us and asks us to follow wisdom so that we can share eternity with Him. 

On reproach and good deeds Sirach 18:5-21

We advance or stumble largely because of what comes out of our mouths, and what thoughts we form in our minds. To have the right words, we must have the right formation for our minds. To have that, we must seek God in earnest. Take the time to read wisdom books and attach yourself to intelligent and wise people. Today with the wonderful magic of the internet, you can listen and learn from hundreds of wise and noble people daily. 

Forty- Jacob recognizing the robe of his son Joseph, Genesis 37:33-36

On being careful with vows Sirach 18: 22-29

Let God guide you in all that you do. In everything be of an even keel. In times of plenty and in times of need, let the two be the same. Seek God earnestly and let her remain with you. Plenty, or in need, in both let God rule over you. Don’t let the condition you are in (in plenty or want) determine your relationship with God and your fellow man. 

On base desires Sirach 18: 30-33 

Base desires refer to simply giving in to your body's appetites, without compunction. Gluttony, drunkenness, fornication, adultery, lechery, hatred, murder, and so on.  

Animals are instinctive and dependent on base desires for survival; with them, it truly is survival of the fittest. Human beings are not animals, and anyone who acts like one is worse than the animals themselves since they have no choice. God gifted us with a mind that reaches for things beyond the Seeing Eye; always seeking what is higher. This is a human being, created in the image and likeness of our maker.

For a further exposition on base desires and what to pursue instead, I present this link to a lecture by Bishop Barron on the Seven deadly sins and Lively virtues  Bishop Barron Lecture

Christ and the two Mary's, John 20:11-18

Earthly cleverness and Wisdom

On recklessness Sirach 19: 1-3 

Alcohol is a slippery slope that's agreeable in moderation and in copious imbibing, a stumbling block. A great Saint, Saint Augustine, said a counter to the thoughts on moderation by saying that, “abstinence is the best form of moderation for the vast majority”; he may be right. 

Today, there is a global epidemic of cheap alcohol and the addiction that follows. The problem with alcohol, when frequently taken is that it affects judgment, which affects discernment, and eventually all the decisions you take daily. The long-term effect is usually a series of wrong or poorly thought-through decisions, which spiral downwards. 

Tissot- Building the ark, Genesis 7:9-22

There is an English saying, “take care of the pennies and they will take care of the pounds”. There should be no such thing as too small to be concerned about, in every decision you have to make be it financial or general, every decision or penny counts. The thoughts and concerns of a child may appear trivial, but not so for them. This is the same in life. We approach life differently, so we must also respect and try to understand everyone’s concerns, no matter how trivial they may be to us. This is where true leadership and correct guidance begin. 

On trusting people Sirach 19:4-12 

On trusting easily, we go back to discernment in determining the worth of he who stands before you. Listen and observe, and in time you will understand the measure of the man. Before then, offer nothing besides listening and commenting where you must. 

Social media today while useful for communicating can also be used as a form of gossip avenue, taken to the air or electronic waves. If you hear something, or somebody tells you something unless it is a grave matter likely to affect others negatively, simply keep it to yourself. It profits you nothing to share, and it also betrays confidence. As the saying goes, " you will not burst if you do not tell it".

On managing friendships Sirach 19:13-17 

Don’t be in the business of turning friends into enemies. Give everyone a reasonable opportunity, and where you can, forgive. As the Lord forgives us for our sins, so forgive others when they trespass against you. We are not God, so there is an extent to which we can go, but try as much as you can to be merciful. 

Bloch- Transfiguration, Matt 9:2-13

On true knowledge Sirach 19:20-30 

In legalese, it is one thing to follow the strict wording, as opposed to the spirit of the law. They say the law is an ass, but a wise judge will normally apply both the words and the spirit. Many have received injustice simply due to the spirit being ignored. The wicked thrive in thwarting what is just, and succeeding in what is legally technical; in this way, people are deprived of justice. Such cleverness is an abomination. 

They say never judge a book by its cover, but unfortunately, it is from here that judgment begins. Be careful in dress, gestures, and what comes forth from your mouth. Don’t laugh boisterously, wisdom suggests against it. This is the accumulated knowledge of the ages, accept it. I have learned to laugh quietly


This post first appeared on Sayings Of The Wise: Bible Proverbs For Success, please read the originial post: here

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6 Relationships Bible verses
