Bible verses about speaking - Silence over speech
We are all creatures of ego, even children. A child just like a grown-up can be embarrassed, more so when they lack knowledge of how they have done wrong or approached a situation poorly. More often than not, many acts of foolishness are a result of ignorance rather than wanton insolence. With all persons, and in all situations use discretion to reprove. It will always be better appreciated when you avoid embarrassing people. Better to be gentle with reproof than a lion lashing out without discernment.
As for silence, speak when you must, but never hide wisdom when she is needed. It is for times like those, that wisdom has been given to you. God will look unfavorably at you if, in time of need, you kept quiet.
On bullying Sirach 20:2-8
Forcing agreement rather than building consensus is just bullying. You will not build endearment, just fear. Even with children, building consensus sharpens them, bullying simply makes them fearful. As for speech or sharing opinions, keep things to yourself until the right moment.
In today’s world, everyone has an opinion on everything and anything under the sun. Social media has made us post monsters, simply saying either for its own sake or desiring to be seen as clever and generally better than others. Don’t be foolish. Simply beating people down by posting is not a sign of wisdom; it’s simply either showing off, pride or downright stupidity.
On attitude to adversity Sirach 20:9-12
There is no such thing as a certain outcome. Wisdom plays its role in opening up your eyes to all kinds of possibilities. One may think that a particular outcome is one’s downfall and vice versa, but using the lenses of time and wisdom, the interpretation of the outcome becomes very different. You may have escaped a potential snare, but you only realize this after the fact.
This goes back to not trusting fully in yourself. Don’t act hastily, if you feel that you have failed; the same goes for what you consider successful. Be very patient, always appealing to the light of wisdom to guide you.
On fools and generosity Sirach 20:13-17
Fools and stinginess (a lack of charity) go together as do wisdom and generosity. The wise person understands that any blessing from God is a blessing to be shared, and the person is simply the conduit. A fool sees only the depletion of his things, rather than the blessing he obtains from sharing. We are asked to be generous as our father in heaven is, both with material and spiritual blessings. The Lord shows mercy and love for his creation and expects us to do the same with each other.
Our Lord demands the practice of the two most important commandments, one is a love of God and the other a love of neighbour as ourselves. This love of neighbour is generosity and wisdom demands that we practice it frequently.
On taming the tongue Sirach 20:18-31
How do you discern foolishness? By listening and watching. From he who presents himself as foolish do not ask for anything and do not offer anything in return. If you borrow, you will not hear the end of his generosity and neither will others. He will exalt his graciousness to others. In the time to pay, he will harangue you incessantly, and should you falter, everyone will know of it. Only borrow from those that show wisdom, and lend only to these too.
Again and again, be careful what comes forth from your mouth and what stirs in your mind. Protect your mind with zeal, for corrupted speech comes from a corrupted mind.
There seems to be a chink in the armour of the wise, gifts. I assume here it is given in the way of appreciation rather than to pervert the course of justice. It is a good strategy to make people think better of you, as it makes the other person more cherished. Gifts should however never be used to pervert the course of justice.
Luke 15:11-32 Return of the prodigal son
The power of self-control :
On being wary of the foolish Sirach 22:7-15
The proverbs suggest that there is no recourse for the foolish. They show themselves through speech, thought, and action. The things that are important to them are terrestrial, always focusing on what they will eat, rather than what will feed their minds and souls.
They exhibit an unhealthy obsession with the things of the world, with no thought for wisdom and its correlation to our maker. For them, what is terrestrial is the be-all and end-all of existence, with no consideration for higher and nobler thoughts.
What little wisdom you have, will be grounded out of you if you choose to associate with these. Don’t think that the presence of wealth is a sign of wisdom. There are many foolish men with wealth and many wise men in want. Wealth is not necessarily a corollary of wisdom; wisdom is judged by speech, action, and thought and not by the extent of your material abundance.
Rosseti- Annunciation
On being rightly disposed of Sirach 22:16-18
If you steep yourself in wisdom and the light of God, no situation should overcome you. A study of wisdom is a study into what comes from the pearly heights, to be distributed to those of noble character, aspiring to the best and noblest aspects of human character. Wisdom is a gift that is earned through hard work and constant practice. It becomes the shield that you wear, as you interact with other members of our race.
You will know a fool when you meet one, completely self-absorbed and uninterested in divine wisdom. You will know pride when you see it, built up by walls of wealth, beauty, power, and the like.
On maintaining friendship Sirach 22:19-23
In your relationships let wisdom guide you. Let their character and love of wisdom determine the kind of friends you keep. If they are rich, so be it, same if poor. It is their character and moral scruples that should be the determining factor. Do not base it on anything else but a love of what is noble and high, namely a love of wisdom.
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This post first appeared on Sayings Of The Wise: Bible Proverbs For Success, please read the originial post: here