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16 Bible verses on evil

16 Bible Verses On Evil

Bible verses on evil

 Shun Evil Counsel Proverbs 1:8-19 

Warning against the invitation of sinful men. There are several lessons for sons (sons are synonymous with daughters):

On the command to listen:  In your mind's ear, listen to what you have learned at home as opposed to the world, peers, workmates, and friends

Motivation: What you have learned protects your thinking and your life; these are garlands and necklaces to safeguard you in a world full of evil and evil-doers.

On the temptation of the peer group: They attract you with easy money, gained unrighteously. It could be a gang where blood is spilt or a bank where schemes are hatched to defraud investors. Understand what it means to be righteous, and once you do, you will perceive unrighteousness when you see it, the examples are numerous, but the aim is always self-aggrandizement at any cost.

God will hold the unrighteous accountable; they have set a trap for themselves. Note that despite unrighteousness, there must also be justice in the end, for God will not allow evil doers to get away with it. Justice can happen in this life or after it; what we must trust is that it does happen.

d) Woman wisdom rebukes the simple Proverbs 1:20-33 

The simple is Uncommitted, Open minded, and lacking any foundation. If you do not make a commitment to aspiring to wisdom, you will not understand the writings in this book. Understand this book is a rare gift, given by God, through the spirit to those who have made a commitment. One’s worldview completely changes as one inculcates and understands more.

Proverbs on the moral benefits of wisdom

The Value of Wisdom Proverbs 2:1-22

Verses 1 to 11 

Deals with the production of Godly character; to know God and thus the fear of God.

We have to accept the proverbs for what they are, Godly wisdom. The things of God appear foolish but are discerned through the spirit. You must experience God in living a life of faith (a prayer to have your expectations fulfilled, as best decided by the Lord).

In my personal experience, I have found that exposing oneself to God's word daily makes a significant difference. Am catholic, so I generally use the daily mass readings and ponder on them throughout the day. They just take 5 min to read. You need not be Catholic; God's word is God’s word, regardless of denomination. Try them here DAILY MASS READINGS

Ivanov- Christ cleanses the temple, John 2:13-22

Verses 12 to 22 

The purpose of a Godly character, namely to identify and thus safeguard one against wicked people. The more you expose yourself to what is holy, through reading, the more discerning you are with what is wrong and evil.

I’ll give you an example. I used to admire the violence in organized crime movies, only to become disgusted at their love and lust for money and violence. I thought that movies like “Wall Street” were the ultimate in what makes a fulfilling life, only to hate them for their selfishness and deifying money. My thinking changed and am the better for it. Life is not about what is terrestrial but what is spiritual.

Tissot- He wept, John 11:25-45

Verses 1-4

Conditions: Namely one’s personal inclination towards listening to God's word 

One must store up knowledge. This is by constant study and exposition. It is one thing to be knowledgeable, it is entirely another to live by the same. The magi and the scribes were both knowledgeable, however, it is the magi that sought the birthplace of Christ. They lived for the spirit of the teachings of wisdom, while the scribes were simply paying homage to the words. The study of Christ is one thing, to know him is entirely another.

There has to be an element of trust in what we learn. I personally have issues with some aspects of the bible, especially the old testament, however, in my limited experience we must be careful not to throw out the baby with the bathwater. 

The Bible aims at making men noble; am all supportive of anything that makes us better. The teachings of Christ, in my lay view, are beyond any teachings I have come across in wisdom and practical application. I have learned to trust them and by extension the whole bible.

Verses 5 Consequences: The positive consequences of listening to God's word

Christianity is an experiential religion. You don’t gain without practice. The little practice I have tried always brings me back for more because it works. If you doubt me, read Mathew 25:35-46. Many disciples and organizations, the church being at the forefront, have fashioned themselves on these verses; why not you, either directly or supporting the church and other such organizations?

Verses 6-9 Theological Education 

One becomes grounded in a theological education which includes a fear of God, a Knowledge of God, and thus the wisdom to protect you. This is a reference to the theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity. Read up on them here THEOLOGICAL VIRTUES

Verses 9-11 Ethical Education

The gaining of ethical education, namely what is just, right and fair. These are called the cardinal virtues, which include Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance. Read up on them here  CARDINAL VIRTUES   

Verses 12-14 

Describes the wicked and their ways. Once you know what is wicked, then you will understand what and who is evil

Verses 13-15 

Apostates and their dark ways. These are those that followed what was right but have chosen to go a different way.

Verses 16-22 

Safeguards against the wicked woman

On overcoming personal limitations Proverbs 30:24-28 

Proverbs is also about overcoming one’s personal limitations and living according to the spirit of wisdom; the following demonstrates this well; 

Agur a wise man mentions four weak creatures that seem to thrive despite their obvious limitations; The hyrax or rock badger, the house lizard, locusts, and ants (creatures with hardly any strength or intelligence). Proverbs is not about animals, but the world of men and where we hope to ascend to in the afterlife. So the analogy is about types of people, who can achieve much despite their limitations.

Hyrax- Live in crags on cliffs to avoid their natural prey, snakes, and eagles. Wisdom will naturally provide you protection if you accustom yourself to constant reading and thus being directed by it.

Ants- Despite their size organize themselves, storing in plenty for the winter. Wisdom is clear about the need to sow and reap. The straight analogy is sow in spring, reap in summer, and store for the winter. A wider analogy is that of youthfulness and old age. You sow when young and reap and store for old age and for your dependents. Planning is a part and parcel of wise living.

Locusts- Despite not having a leader, advance in ranks; they see the natural need for organization. While men act disparately, the character and actions of those who trust wisdom literature is similar, almost like an army with an invisible leader; in this case, the God who created us and has taught us to walk the straight and narrow.

Lizards- Their small size does not deny them the opportunity to live among royalty (or at least in abodes that are not of their own making). The high and mighty enjoy the company of those that are wise and thoughtful. The more one exposes himself to wisdom, the more likely that people will gravitate towards you. One must keep up a constant effort to absorb and understand wisdom literature.

The wisdom suggests that for as long as you stock up on God’s word, you will develop the necessary reserves to guide you through times of happiness and abundance, times of temptation, and times of tribulation and suffering. I have personally found this to be very true.

In hard times you find yourself reflecting on the teachings of Christ and the bible in general; there is always a lesson for every situation; thus preventing us from stumbling and losing hope. The teachings of proverbs emphasize our mortality and thus eventual reliance on Christ. Proverbs gives us the knowledge to live a supernatural life while still on earth.

The Lord’s mouth does not betray justice Proverbs 16:10-15 

The one who is behind justice is the Lord for he makes honest scales and balances and all the weights in his bag are of his making. The link is between the weights and balances of I AM, with the King administering justice according to accurate weights and balances.

God establishes his sovereign and moral rule through the King. We pray in the Lord’s prayer, that “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven” The King's moral sensibilities and the source of his power, is from I AM. I AM being sovereign. He is above human plans and thoughts and we are to trust him and not ourselves. We are to trust him in both word and deed. He is moral and works out everything to its proper moral end.

The King has the power of life and death and he is realized in the person of Christ. We, his disciples have to be like him. Christians follow the ultimate nobility, and thus must imitate our KING! A King or any leader of men, whether elected or assumed differently, is there at the behest of I AM. If such a person’s leadership strays from the justice expected from a representative of I AM, then he ceases to have any moral authority over that leadership and should be challenged.


This post first appeared on Sayings Of The Wise: Bible Proverbs For Success, please read the originial post: here

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16 Bible verses on evil
