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Peyote and The Rise of The Native American Church

Peyote And The Rise Of The Native American Church

Peyote and The Rise of The Native American Church

Peyote (Lophophora Wiliamsii) is a thornless cactus growing along Rio Grande valley and south of it . Its green flower buds  are covered with white spots . These spots contain  nine alkaloids of the Isoquinoline group . This alkaloids group has psychedelic effects on the human consciousness .



The name Peyote comes from the Aztec language Nahuatl .

In Nahuatl the word Peyotl means caterpillar . The analogy comes from the fact that the cactus looks like the back of a caterpillar . In the different native American tribes , the cactus is called differently . The Lakota  word for it for example is “unchela” or simply medicine .


The Peyote rituals are practiced among the tribes of central , north Mexico and United States for hundreds of years . Accordingly to some explorers, as Carolyn E. Boyd however the sacred plant is been used for millennia . During 19th century the Peyote rituals are widely spread among the tribes of southern of the Great Plains . The plant has been highly appreciated and considered sacred medicine for many of the tribes there .


The first propagator of Peyote among the tribes of the Great Plains is the Comanche chef Quanah Parker (1845-1911) .

During a ride in Mexico he has been seriously wounded by a raging bull . His condition was critical , but luckily his warriors mange to find a  local medicine woman which saved Chef Parker’s life . Quanah Parker was as good as dead . The woman give him a mysterious herb , which miraculously healed him . The shaman agreed with the Quanah’s request and taught him the secrets of the mysterious plant medicine . The rituals he has been taught by the shaman were significantly different than these practiced by the other tribes . However Quanah Parker became the first peyotist among the north American tribes .



Greatly impressed by the healing powers of “Grandfather Peyote” Quanah knew that his mission was   to spread the knowledge of the sacred plant among his people . In his quest he has been aided by the American ethnologist James Mooney (1861-1921) , who helped the chef systemizing the knowledge of Peyote . This systemized knowledge is the foundation of the Native American Church .


The word church however may sound inappropriate word to be related with the usage of Peyote cactus , but there are few good reasons for that .

The most important however is related with the social intolerance , prohibitions and persecutions imposed on the Peyotism and its followers . The Spanish chronicles of the first explorers are speaking about how the Chechemeca tribe used the sacred plant of Peyote to see the future . With the help of the plant they were able to predict when the enemy will attack , or what will be the weather like during the next season . Of course the Catholic church proclaimed Peyote to be a plant sent by the devil in order to stray the natives of the salvation . That’s why the peyotists are burned to the stake .



Even in more recent times the Christian missionaries had the same negative view regarding Peyote . They believed that this plant was taking the people away from God and the civilized society .  Many Peyotists are thrown in the jail , others are forced to renounce of their believe . Even outside the religious doctrine , the civil position regarding the sacred plant was negative , defining the ceremonies as amoral orgies of drugged Indians . All of this has led to the formalization of the Peyote spiritual cult . In 1918 in Oklahoma the Native American Church has been officially registered .


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Peyote and The Rise of The Native American Church
