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Running .NET applications client-side in the browser

In this post, App Dev Managers Robert Schumann and Ben Hlaban, introduce us to Blazor – an experimental web UI framework based on C#, Razor, and HTML that runs in the browser via WebAssembly.

This journey started from a blog by Daniel Roth. Other than the YouTube of Steve Sanderson’s prototype demo at NDC Oslo, this wasn’t much information to draw from.

A few days later I mention Blazor to my colleague Ben, and he starts asking a bunch of rapid-fire questions. Whoa! Time-out. With coffee top-offs, we start a Skype call, launch Visual Studio, git clone repo, and intrigue quickly ensued.

This blog is about getting started with Blazor. We’ll provide setup guidance, develop a cursory ToDo List application using the MVC pattern, and even do some unit testing. A second blog is intended to delve into E2E testing the application using Selenium and demonstrate how to position the project for CI/CD.


  • .NET Core SDK (>2.1.4)
    • At command prompt type “dotnet --version”
      • Download:
  • Node.js (>8.3)
    • At command prompt type “node -v”
      • Download:
  • Visual Studio (>2017)
    • Download:
  • · Blazor.VSExtension.VSIX
    • Download:

* If you had to install any of the above please do cursory system reboot


  • Launch Visual Studio Installer
    • Make sure Visual Studio is up-to-date
    • Make sure “ASP.NET and web development” is enabled
    • Make sure “.NET Core cross-platform development” is enabled
  • Install Blazor project template
    • Double-click previously downloaded file Blazor.VSExtension.VSIX
    • At command via VSIXInstaller.exe Blazor.VSExtension.VSIX

Here we go…

  • In Visual Studio 2017, select File | New Project | Visual Studio | Web | Blazor application
  • Name this new project “HelloBlazor”. Click OK button.
  • Press CTRL + F5 to make sure the default baseline project works. IIS Express should spin-up. The project eventually loads and is a typical Visual Studio templated SPA with Home, Counter, and Fetch Data features OTB.

  • Right-click HelloBlazor project | Add | Class | Name = “Todo.cs” | OK

namespace HelloBlazor


public class Todo


public string Description { get; set; }

public bool IsComplete { get; set; }



  • Right-click HelloBlazor project | Add | Class | Name = “TodoComponent .cs” | OK

using Blazor.Components;

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace HelloBlazor


public class TodoComponent : RazorComponent


public IList Todos = new List();

public Todo NewTodo = new Todo();

public void AddTodo()


if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NewTodo.Description))


Todos.Add(new Todo { Description = NewTodo.Description, IsComplete = NewTodo.IsComplete });

NewTodo = new Todo();





  • Right-click HelloBlazor project | Add | New Item | Web | ASP.NET | Razor View | Name = “TodoList.cshtml” | OK

@using HelloBlazor

@inherits TodoComponent

Todo List (@Todos.Count(todo => !todo.IsComplete))

    @foreach (var todo in Todos)


  • }

  • Finally, let’s add a menu link to the new page
    • Double-click or open the file Shared/NavMenu.cshtml
    • Add a new list item to the existing unordered list;
  • Press CTRL + F5 to make sure the modified project works. The new page should be available on the left navbar from the “Todo List” link.

Unit Testing

  • Right-click HelloBlazor solution | Add | New Project | Installed | Visual C# | Web | .NET Core | MSTest Test Project (.NET Core) | Name = HelloBlazor.Test | OK
  • Right-click Dependencies | Add Reference | Projects | Solution | HelloBlazor | OK
  • Right-click UnitTest1.cs file | Rename | Name = TodoComponentTests.cs | Yes
  • Within the TodoComponentTests class rename TestMethod1 to AddToDo

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

namespace HelloBlazor.Tests



public class TodoComponentTests



public void AddTodo()



var todoComponent = new TodoComponent();

var description = "this is a test";

var isComplete = false;


todoComponent.NewTodo.Description = description;

todoComponent.NewTodo.IsComplete = isComplete;



Assert.IsTrue(todoComponent.Todos.Count == 1);

Assert.IsTrue(todoComponent.Todos[0].Description == description);

Assert.IsTrue(todoComponent.Todos[0].IsComplete == isComplete);




  • Press CTRL+R,A to run all tests.


  • Steve Sanderson’s Blog
  • Microsoft ASP.NET
  • Blazor on Git
  • Introduction to Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core

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Running .NET applications client-side in the browser


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