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Difference between providedIn and providers array


The providedIn property is used within the @Injectable decorator to specify where the service should be provided. This is a more modern and preferred way to provide services in Angular.

Global Scope: When you use providedIn: 'root', the service is registered with the root injector, making it a singleton and available throughout the entire application.

  providedIn: 'root',
export class MyService {
  constructor() { }

Feature Module Scope: You can also specify a feature module to limit the scope of the service.

  providedIn: SomeFeatureModule,
export class MyService {
  constructor() { }

providers Array

The Providers Array is used within the @NgModule or @Component decorators to register services. This method is more traditional and offers more granular control over the scope of the service.

Module Level: When you add a service to the providers array in an @NgModule, the service is available to all components declared in that module.

  providers: [MyService]
export class AppModule { }

Component Level: When you add a service to the providers array in a component’s decorator, the service is available only to that component and its children.

  selector: 'app-my-component',
  providers: [MyService],
  template: `

{{ message }}

`, }) export class MyComponent { constructor(private myService: MyService) { } }

Key Differences

  • Scope:
    1. providedIn: 'root': Service is available application-wide.
    2. providers array: Service scope can be limited to a specific module or component.
  • Singleton:
    1. providedIn: 'root': Ensures a singleton instance across the entire application.
    2. providers array: Can create multiple instances if provided at different levels (e.g., module and component).
  • Tree Shaking:
    1. providedIn: Supports tree shaking, meaning unused services can be removed during the build process.
    2. providers array: Does not support tree shaking as effectively.


Using providedIn is generally recommended for its simplicity and efficiency, especially for services that need to be available application-wide. The providers array is useful when you need more control over the scope and lifecycle of your services.

Happy coding!! 😊

This post first appeared on Dot Net World, please read the originial post: here

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Difference between providedIn and providers array
