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Distributed Caching in .NET Core with Example


In .NET Core, managing caching efficiently can significantly enhance the performance of applications.IDistributedCache interface provides a unified approach to caching data in a distributed environment, allowing seamless integration with various caching systems like Redis, SQL Server, or in-memory cache.

What is IDistributedCache?

IDistributedCache is an abstraction in .NET Core that enables applications to interact with distributed cache stores. It offers methods to set, retrieve, and remove cached data in a consistent manner across different cache providers.

Implementation Example

Let's delve into a simple example of how to use IDistributedCache in a .NET Core application.

  1. Setting up the Cache Service

    Start by configuring the cache service in the Startup.cs file within the ConfigureServices method.

        services.AddDistributedRedisCache(options =>
        options.Configuration = Configuration.GetConnectionString("RedisCache");
        options.InstanceName = "SampleInstance";

    In this example, Redis cache is used. Ensure you've installed the Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Redis package via NuGet.

  2. Injecting IDistributedCache

    Inject IDistributedCache into your controller or service.

        private readonly IDistributedCache _cache;
    public SampleController(IDistributedCache cache)
        _cache = cache;
  3. Using the Cache

    Utilize the cache to store and retrieve data.

        // Storing data in cache
    byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Your data to cache");
    var cacheEntryOptions = new DistributedCacheEntryOptions()
        .SetSlidingExpiration(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)); // Set cache expiration
    await _cache.SetAsync("CacheKey", data, cacheEntryOptions);
    // Retrieving data from cache
    var cachedData = await _cache.GetAsync("CacheKey");
    if (cachedData != null)
        string cachedString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cachedData);
        // Make use of the cachedString
  4. Handling Cache Expiration and Eviction

    The example demonstrates setting a sliding expiration for cached data. You can also use absolute expiration or eviction policies based on your application's requirements.

  5. Error Handling

    When using distributed caching, handle exceptions that might occur due to network issues or other transient errors while interacting with the cache.

By utilizing IDistributedCache, applications gain the flexibility to switch between different caching systems without altering the caching logic significantly. This promotes scalability and performance optimization.

Understanding and implementing IDistributedCache in your .NET Core applications can significantly enhance performance, reduce database load, and improve overall user experience.

Remember, caching strategies should be designed based on the specific needs and nature of your application's data access patterns. Start implementing IDistributedCache today to unlock the performance benefits it offers in your .NET Core applications

Happy coding!! 😊

This post first appeared on Dot Net World, please read the originial post: here

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Distributed Caching in .NET Core with Example
