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Tales From Real It System Administrators World And Non-production Environment Blog
Tags: terraform null created resource nullresource workspace terraform terraform creating rootkubernetes rootkubernetes terraform resource nullresource terraform terraform localexec executing cmd terraform workspace rootkubernetes backend hcp terraform cloud remote counting objects resource resource terraform elapsed terraform cloud terraform github actions terraform cloud terraform creating terraform objects remote counting cloud docker lease terraform function app azure rest api resource info string default false hpe ilo default configuration lock elapsed cluster repository azure github variable backend powershell false github actions azure github rest api azure linux ampamp canregex info starting node noprofile noninteractive command microsoft entra linux null resource resource azurermresourcegroup elapsed azurermstorageaccountdev github actions subnet module azure private dns zone azure virtual network terraform resource azure creating headers authheaders contenttype redfish rest api resource newobject terraform github private endpoint default variable elapsed account resource resource resource ansible awx tower azure container registry lrs zrs premium default azure virtual network created resource azurermsubnet created resource azurermsubnet startsleep seconds variable features variable resourcegroups azure rest api remote linux server php powershell web github azurermsubnetname description chrome terraform linux guid awx tower azure newobject systemdrawingsize browser deny variable output azure terraform vsphere virtual machine vmware vsphere virtual vsphere virtual machine terraform newobject systemdrawingpoint private endpoint module deploy null azure function app azure testattr kiman regularusers foreach azure html function
I am Kunal, a technology Addict. Sometimes personal freelance tutor for IT subjects, I am always joyful when I learn new things, implement and experience them with strong virtulization and powershell scripting knowledge working as a Sr. System Architect. My point of view is that one should always be curious about how things work in any field and that is what drives me most of the times to explore new things. I have been in the field of virtualization for a while now for almost 11+ years and I’m still fascinated by this technology, it doesn’t cease to amaze me. Everyday its a new journey and I hope to contribute more and learn more as I go on.
HTML JavaScript Generate GUID
Here is a small HTML project I created to generate a new GUID each time the "Generate New GUID" button is clicked. Additionally, this project includes a feature that allows you to easily cop… Read More
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Terraform Workspace With Example
In the Hashicorp Terraform there is a feature called Terraform workspace that permits you to achieve multiple, isolated infrastructure environments within a single Terraform configuration.&n… Read More
Terraform Variable Validation Example
In Terraform, the can function is used to determine whether a given expression or operation can be evaluated without causing an error. It returns true if the expression can be evaluated with… Read More

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Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment
