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Organix Cosmetix Eye & Neck cream

Organic Eye and Neck Cream contains the Swiss alpine plants Marrubium, Sambucus and the plant extract Nectapure - all certified by Bio Suisse (CH) and ECOCERT®, and their efficacy has been proven in action. The skin in the areas of the eyes and the neck is very delicate and requires maximum protection. Organic Eye & Neck Cream is combined with certified organic Olive, Macadamia, Jojoba and Squalane oils to nourish and protect the skin from losing moisture and organic Shea Butter and Aloe Vera for a soothing effect. Contains Vitamin E. Organic Eye & Neck Cream contains Minimum 80% ECOCERT® certified organic ingredients. Organic Eye & Neck Cream is for all skin types Organic Eye and Neck Cream by Organix Cosmetix is combined with certified organic Olive, Macadamia, Jojoba and Squalane oils to nourish and protect the skin from losing moisture and organic Shea Butter and Aloe Vera for a soothing effect. Contains Vitamin E 1.79 fl. oz - 50 ml.

This post first appeared on Organic Cosmetics News And Skincare Tips, please read the originial post: here

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Organix Cosmetix Eye & Neck cream
