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3 Months is Ok

3 Months Is Ok

It took 3 long months to grow these from seed to blooming. 
it would be fair to say..
"Carla, that is simply too long to wait for a flower to bloom." Especially since our growing season here in Ontario is pretty brief. But some things i do i intend to be the slow boat. Not fast food...not 2 second fleeting blips on an app. 

Some things in life are intended to be a long walk on a pier barefoot and unrushed.

I received the Marigold Seeds from a local free seed bank. Happy to see if they would grow. I love  the kind of seeds that one can just throw in a pot with no special soil and just watch them slowly form...little by little as God allows.
God knows we are in a rush. Social media has trained our brains for quick dopamine bursts as we swipe and scroll...
swipe and scroll..
swipe and scroll. is worth more than that. You are more than that.

The really good stuff is worth waiting for...cultvating and watching for.

Perhaps this is the pause you have been waiting for. Stop ....running...just for this moment. It is ok to be still. To work on something that may take weeks...months years or decades to complete.

My Marigold Seeds grew into tall green things with buds and finally burst into bloom. Not fancy like roses..

but full of colour. Most of these green creatures reached 2 to 3 feet in height . If i had bought the plants at a store they would not have grown so high. The "seedly" route was worth the wait and brought forth big strong tall stands of marigolds...with enough blooms that i can collect some to keep for seeds for next year.

Thanks God for your perfect ways..
for seed time and harvest...suns and sunsets.

We will wait on your timing for all things.


This post first appeared on You Can Know Anything, please read the originial post: here

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3 Months is Ok
