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Spreading Good Things?

Spreading Good Things?

Do you have something that you are passionate about sharing with others? Is it food? Is it clothing you make at your home? Is it an encouraging smile to someone you think is having a rough day?

There is something to be said about consistency. About continuing to do good things even when it falls out of trendiness.
If you are really doing good things for God´s sake ...then you don´t really need to worry about the credit and whether anyone is noticing the good things you are doing for others. God sees all. He will give you credit in due time. Maybe your credit will come in a week, or in a year or in ten years. Maybe your credit will only come when you are in Heaven. 
The credit doesn´t matter. Doing good is good. Period. You don´t need to see your name in the paper or be trending on the latest popular social media app.
You don´t need to see your name in lights, to know in your heart that you are doing well by continuing to do good things for other human beings.
There is much to be said for doing things on the good weather days AND on the bad weather days.
So, I will keep this post short. Just know, my friends, both far and near....that if you are doing things for other people, you are doing good. You are sowing good deeds into the world. The world will be better off because of your good deeds. Some day you will be rewarded.

Peace and kindness,

This post first appeared on You Can Know Anything, please read the originial post: here

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Spreading Good Things?
