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Gourd Curry by Grandma and Daughter | Village Life

Gourd Curry By Grandma And Daughter | Village Life

I don´t know what it is about this channel...these videos of a hardworking grandma and her daughter in a village somewhere.....simply making food.

Perhaps it is the sanctity of the ritual of prepping a meal with a loved one. That sense of safety, of good will and the desire to feed your family and guests well.

Watch the way the grandma sits washing each vegetable thoroughly before calmly slicing and dicing each one to the right size. The garlic is washed and sliced and then mashed into a paste with an old fashioned mortar and pestle. Lovely.

Sometimes, we in north america look too much at recipies, at fancy notions of gourmet meals, when the answer lies in humility.....
The answer sometimes lies in being content to do that which is simple and repetitive until it yields a tasty result.

I am sure this grandma has prepared this kind of meal a hundred or perhaps thousands of times. She never rushes and never endangers herself with the sharp utensils. Both the grandma and the daughter work peacefully and silently together.

The result? A healthy beautiful hand made home cooked meal, bursting with flavour and fresh natural foods.

I just must say ¨Hallelujah¨ for mothers and grandmothers such as these who show us ladies the to provide, prepare and be patient in the process.


This post first appeared on You Can Know Anything, please read the originial post: here

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Gourd Curry by Grandma and Daughter | Village Life
