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How to Know a Girl Loves You: 12 Ways You Can Be Sure

Tags: love

How to Know a Girl Loves You: She Gets Excited When She Sees You or Hears Your Voice

Source: Pixabay

Some guys ask, “How do I know a girl loves me? What will tell me that the girl loves me, and is not just pretending so that she can get something from me, or she is not just infatuated with me?” The information below will answer those questions and help you to know if a girl loves you deeply.

1.     She Will Make Sacrifices for You

How to know a girl loves you truly is to see whether she makes sacrifices for you.

When you love someone, you are prepared to make sacrifices, even sacrifices that will cost you, so that you can make the person you love happy, or so that you can save that person from a sticky situation.

A perfect example is the love God showed for us by sending His only son to die for us to save us from our sins. As John 3: 16 puts it, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” God loved us so much that He was willing to sacrifice His only son for us. And Jesus loves us so much that He sacrificed His life so that we could get a way of having our sins redeemed.

In just the same way, if a girl loves you, she will be willing to let go of some of her comforts so that she can make you happy. For example, if you are doing the same course, and you are struggling to understand it, and she is better than you in that course, she will see nothing wrong with sacrificing the time she needs to use to study her own books to come and explain things to you at the cost of her own time, because she loves you and wants you too to do well in the course.

Another example too is you may be in financial difficulties and need money. She may also be facing financial difficulties, but she will be willing to give you her money and make her situation worse, but it will not bother her because of the feelings she has for you.

A girl who makes no sacrifices whatsoever for you cannot possibly love you. This is how to know a girl doesn’t love you.

2.     She Will Want to Be Seen With You in Public

One way to know a girl loves you is to observe how closely she wants to be associated with you, especially in public. This is how to know a girl loves you or not.

When you are in a room and she enters the room and sees you, she will come straight to you and try to engage you in a conversation before she goes off to take care of the reason why she came to that place. It shows that she places you at the top of her priority list, and sees giving you some attention before she does other things as extremely important. She may want to hold your hand whilst speaking to you, or touch parts of your body as a way of letting everyone there know that she has some emotional connection with you.

On the other hand too, if she is in a room and she sees you entering, she will stop whatever she is doing and try to get your attention by waving, signaling, or by walking up to you. Conversely, she may tell you to come and sit by her. She will do this because she wants to be close to you at all times and sees this opportunity as one she can grab to get close to you.

If you are standing somewhere quietly alone and she sees you, she will walk up to you, ask you how you are doing, and try to engage you in conversation.

Again, if she sees you sitting alone, she will come and sit where you are sitting, in a position where you can see her, or even come and sit by you uninvited.

3.     She Talks a Lot about Love

How to know a woman loves you is to take note of her language. When a girl is in love, she thinks about love a lot, and since what we normally say comes out of what we think about often, if her heart is full of love for you, she will find it very difficult to keep it all inside and will talk about love when she is with you. In other words, the mouth  speaks what the heart is full of.

  • She may ask you questions such as, “Ike, what kind of woman do you want to marry when you are ready to marry?” or “Isaac, have you fallen in love before?” If you say no, she will tell you she does not believe you. She may tease you about your female friends and say something like, “And so you want to tell me that you have not fallen in love with any of those beautiful girls I see you walking with?” This she will do so that she can find out if she has any competitors, so that she can up her game and improve her skills if she gets to know you are harboring any feelings for any other girl.
  • She may also ask something like, “What kind of woman would you love?” all in an effort to gather “romantic intelligence” and to judge herself whether she has any chance of winning your love.
  • She may even go further to describe the kind of woman she would have fallen in love with if she were to be a man. She may say something like, “If I were a man, I would fall in love with a girl who is tall, has some flesh on her, has a pretty face, and cares about me.” In so doing, she will describe herself so that you will get an idea as to the fact that she may be a good match for you.
  • She may also ask, “Ike, look at me.” She will draw your attention to herself and then ask you, “Do you think you can fall in love with a girl like me?”

How to know if a girl loves you is to listen carefully to all that she says, and to see whether there is a lot of love talk.

4.     She Will Want You All to Herself

How to know a girl loves you is to observe whether she wants to have you all to herself most of the time.

When she comes to a place and sees you conversing with other people, even though it may seem rude, she will give an excuse to draw you away from them so that she can spend some time alone with you. This is how to tell a girl likes you and wants you to like her too.

5.     She Gets Excited Whenever She Sees You or Hears Your Voice

When a girl loves you, she gets happy whenever she sees you. It gives her a thrill to set her eyes on you, and so she can exhibit bursts of energy, and great enthusiasm whenever she sets eyes on you. You will see that she is excited to see you.

  • She will talk animatedly.
  • You will see her smiling often.
  • She may become a busybody, moving up and down, but not doing any particular thing.
  • You will feel the excitement in her voice when you give her a call.

All these are signs that should tell you a girl loves you.

6.     Shows You Great Respect

When someone loves you, that person gives you a lot of respect because their feelings for you make them want to honor you.

If you want to know how you can know a girl loves you, checkout whether she gives you maximum respect, which sometimes you feel you do not deserve.

  • She may greet you every time she meets you, although there may be other guys there whom she will not greet.
  • When you give her an opinion or idea, she will say, “That is a great idea. You are a great guy. Absolutely terrific idea! You know, I really think you are the smartest guy on Earth!” She will value whatever you give her, and sometimes even overvalue them!
  • She will never swear at you, insult you, or tease you.
  • She will not tell you lies but tell you the truth always, because she wants you to see her as a trustworthy girl.

A girl showing you great respect is how to know a girl loves you.

7.     She Gives You Surprise Gifts

It is normal for a girl who knows your birth date to buy a “Happy Birthday Card” or a singlet or a necktie for you to show she is thinking about you and cares about you as a friend, on your birthday.

But when a girl loves you, she will buy gifts for you even when there is no occasion to celebrate. One day, out of the blue, she may come to you with a parcel, or hamper, and say, “Isaac, I thought I would get this for you. I know you will love it, and it will make you happy.”

When you ask her why she bought the gift for you, she may not have any tangible reason for giving you the gift. She may say something like, “Well, I felt it would make you happy, that is why I am giving it to you. I love to see you happy. When you are happy, it makes me very happy.”

How do you know a girl loves you? By casting your mind back and checking whether she gives you surprise gifts.

8.     Ask Her Close Friends

One strategy you can use to get to know if a girl loves you for sure is to try and get her friends to give you that “romantic intelligence.” When a girl loves a guy, she will find it very difficult to keep that feeling to herself, and will most definitely tell her closest friends. Some of them will keep the secret, but there may be some of her friends, especially the gossips, who are bound to spill the beans when you go about it tactfully.

  • Put your investigative cap on, get close to her friends who are gossips, and ask questions to make them spill the beans. Do not make it so obvious, otherwise because they want to be loyal to their friend, they will not tell you the truth.
  • You can say something like, “I hear Jennifer is in love? Let me guess. It must be John, or Patrick, or maybe Thomas.” Beating about the bush will make a gossip itch to tell you the truth, because they feel important when they can give an accurate piece of information.
  • Alternately, you can say something like, “Jennifer is a wonderful girl. I think she is the greatest girl on earth. She really deserves a great guy. I would be very hurt if any jerk wins her heart. Do you know if any guy has won her heart?” This will prompt the gossip to talk because she will see you care about her friend. And when you probe further, with coaxing and promises of rewards, such as not telling the girl who loves you, she may open up.
  • You may also say, “You know, I care about Jennifer a lot. I feel I must protect her from bad guys. Do you know if there is anyone she feels crazy about? I just want to check him out to see if he is right for her.” If you are the one, she might tell you, with a promise from you to keep it secret.
  • You may decide to surprise the gossip by being direct. You can say, “I can see Jennifer is in love. I know she is in love with someone. It is me, isn’t it? Am I right?” She may be so shocked you know the truth that she will find it difficult lying, or even if she will lie, it will be a poor lie which will betray that she is hiding something.
  • You can inquire from her friends who are very religious. Telling the truth always is one of the teachings of Christianity. A very religious girl who fears God will not lie to you if she knows the girl loves you.

How to know if a girl likes you requires you to become an “investigator” and to ask some questions from the people who know the girl intimately.

9.     Ask Her Family

To know if a girl loves you may require you to seek the support of her family.

If a girl loves you, she will most definitely tell some of her family members, especially her siblings.

Therefore, get close to her siblings and make them find out that information for you. Tell them you want to know because you care about their sister, you want to give her a wonderful life, you have feelings for her, but you are not so sure of her feelings for you and, not wanting to upset her emotionally if she does not feel anything for you, you first want them to find out if she loves you. Tell them you will go forward and express your feelings for her if you find out she loves you.

This will tell them that you care a lot about their sister, and they are likely to do you that favor. Tell them not to disclose the reason why they are eliciting that information from their sister to her, so that she will not feel that you are going behind her back to find out her feelings from a third party. Some girls get hurt by such actions, and could hate you for finding out such information from another person.

10. She Will Give More Than She Will Get

When someone loves you, they are more concerned about being generous towards you than they are in receiving things from you. How to know if a girl likes you is to measure how many times she gives to you, as against how many times she asks you to give to her.

If the girl gives you things most of the time, as opposed to asking things from you, then you can know the girl loves you.

When a girl loves you, she takes delight in offering you herself, as in giving you her time, and money, rather than always asking you for this-, or for that-. And you will see that she takes pleasure in parting away with something just for your sake.

On the other hand, if a girl is always making demands on you, she does not love you but is an opportunist who wants to just grab material things from you.

11. Ask Her to Love Another Guy

One way to know a girl loves you is to test her to see if her love is genuine, by trying to suggest she starts a relationship with another guy you know she is friends with, or even close to.

For example, you can say something like, “Jennifer, I see something that I think will make you very happy, and will give you a glorious life one day. I want you to think about it. You are a wonderful girl, Jennifer, so beautiful, smart, and incredibly gorgeous. You know John, right? I think he likes you a lot. I know he will make you happy. Would you consider having a relationship with him?”

There are two reactions she will give you if she loves you:

  1. She may become so shocked at the suggestion that she will become very sad, and may even cry.
  2. She will get very angry with you because she expected you were coming to propose, and you swerved her.

If she reacts in the ways described above, it should tell you she loves you. This is how to know if a girl likes you or is just being nice.

  • A girl who does not love you will brush your suggestion aside, may ask why you think she should have a relationship with this guy, and may even laugh at your suggestion. She will not be troubled emotionally.
  • But a girl who loves you will be very hurt that you should suggest she have a relationship with someone else, when you are the one she wants. This pain, which expresses itself as sorrow or anger, should give you an indication as to how much a girl loves you.

12. She Will Tell You

The surest way to know a girl loves you is when she tells you in no uncertain terms that she loves you and wants to spend the rest of her life with you.

But because of culture, which generally says that a man has to express his love for a woman, many girls find it difficult to say those words to a guy, especially the shy girls.

You will therefore have to create the atmosphere, and make the conditions easier for her to tell you:

  1. Choose the right moment, such as when you see her in a sad state. Go close to her and say, “Jennifer, I see you are sad. You are thinking about sad things. Tell me about them.” She may resist, but insist and tell her you love her with all your heart and so she should tell you so that you can help her. This will prompt her to tell you the truth of her love for you.
  2. Choose a moment when she is sad because she will be feeling more emotional at such a time, may need emotional comfort, and is more likely to respond to such an emotional call better at such a time.
  3. Alternately, tell her you want to talk to her about love and take her to a romantic spot, such as a botanical garden, a park with birds singing, or by a stream, on a moonlit night.
  4. Take her hand, look into her eyes, smile at her, and say, “Jennifer, I know you have something to tell me. I have known it for some time now, and felt it. I want you to confirm it with your own lips. Jennifer, do you have feelings for me? Do you love me?” This will make it difficult for her to deny it if she loves you, and she will tell you what you want to hear. The location will also add to making her sentimental and she will love to let you know how she feels about you.

A girl telling you herself she loves you is how to know whether a girl really loves you.


These are some of the ways to know a girl loves you. When you can confidently tell she loves you, make an approach, make her yours, treat her like a special girl, show her love, and keep the love fire burning for years.

Do you know if any girl loves you? Do you have a girlfriend? How did you get to know she loves you? Share your experiences by leaving  a comment. Thank you.

This post first appeared on Christian Dating Advice For Men, please read the originial post: here

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How to Know a Girl Loves You: 12 Ways You Can Be Sure


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