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Magento 2 Carding Attack - 7 steps to Fight Back (Updated 2024)

Carding Activity is when criminals try many stolen credit cards to place an order in a short period of time. The final goal is to determine which cards are active and ready for purchases. Magento 2 as any other eCommerce platform is at risk of a carding attack.   Payment gateways could punish stores that don't prevent online fraud. It’s important to spot any unwanted activity and stop it as soon as possible.   I’ll list 7 anti-carding techniques that help to keep a Magento 2 website protected. Disclaimer: All the solutions have one common drawback: it’s an extra point of failure. Your checkout will depend on a...

This post first appeared on Magento & Performance Optimization, please read the originial post: here

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Magento 2 Carding Attack - 7 steps to Fight Back (Updated 2024)
