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How (for whom) to vote for Youth Congress Elections Kerala?


Indian Youth Congress is the youth wing of the Indian National Congress Party. And Indian National Congress is the oldest political party founded in India. It is through this party, our forefathers and freedom fighters including Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru fought and got our independence.

Indian National Congress party ruled our country for quite a long time especially in the infancy stage of our country. When our country India got freedom in 1947 AD, it was not a unified land, but was divided as about 550 princely states and was ruled by kings. It had many problems to face. It had to develop in all areas. Thanks to the selfless services of our great visionary leaders, India developed into a full-fledged country in the world. 

Many people are not aware that present rulers like Narendra modi have done nothing for the development of the country or for the welfare of the people. They are just sitting on the driver's seat and boasting that it is because of their merit that India is considered as an important country in the world. Many people who have no reasoning ability or historical knowledge are believing all their lies and admiring their foolishness and madness!

The Congress party leadership still follows the party's objectives scrupulously and follows the footsteps of the forefathers of the Nation. It adheres to the democratic values meticulously in all its activities. Holding organizational elections to elect presidents and secretaries directly by the members through voting is an example of the party's greatness!


Q. Who can exercise their mandate in this poll and elect the presidents and secretaries?

A member of the IYC can cast vote for this election.

Q. What is the age limit and eligibility to become a Youth Congress member?

Any person between the age of 18 and 35 can become an IYC member. He/she must not be a registered member of any other parties.

Q. How to cast my vote online for the YC state president election?

It is very simple. Download and install the official App of the Indian National Congress on your android mobile phone by clicking this link.


1. Enter your personal info and become a member.

2. And vote for your favorite candidates by clicking on their names/Serial Number.

Q. Who are the best candidates? Whom should I vote for?

This post first appeared on People's Opinions, Debates, News, Views And Reviews On Issues, Society, Polls, Products Etc, please read the originial post: here

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How (for whom) to vote for Youth Congress Elections Kerala?
