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Biju Prabhakar IAS reveals the wicked conspiracy of anti-rabies vaccine mafia

Biju Prabhakar IAS Reveals The Wicked Conspiracy Of Anti-rabies Vaccine Mafia

When the covid 19 pandemic subsided, it is mad dog menace that has become very severe in Kerala. So many people have been becoming victims of rabid-dog every day. School children, youths, middle aged, elderly... nobody is being spared by the street dogs in India, particularly in Kerala these days! Even domestic animals like cows, goats, chicken etc are being attacked by dogs that have gone mad these days.

Very surprisingly the state and central governments that are elected to power by the people are giving more preference to mad dogs to humans! The hapless people are clueless why these rulers behave in such an indifferent manner! Many dog-bitten persons have succumbed to rabies even after taking anti-rabies vaccine as per the instructions of the medical departments. Instead of taking steps to counter mad dog peril, the governments and the police are hunting innocent people who try to eliminate rabies-infected dogs from the streets for the safety of humans!

At this juncture, when most of the departments and officials are keeping mum for fear of the corrupt rulers, a senior upright IAS officer called Biju Prabhakar, who has concern for the society has shown courage to disclose the devilish drug mafia that is behind the great danger!

Congratulations to Biju Prabhakar IAS for his concern for the fellow human beings. May God bless him and protect him from this wicked and corruct politicians who dance to the tune of wicked mafias!

This post first appeared on People's Opinions, Debates, News, Views And Reviews On Issues, Society, Polls, Products Etc, please read the originial post: here

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Biju Prabhakar IAS reveals the wicked conspiracy of anti-rabies vaccine mafia
