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Wade’s 101: Haiku retrospective 68

Wade’s 101: Haiku Retrospective 68

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  1. the war on books
    It is not enough
    to decry books, but to stop
    others from access.
  2. most wanted librarians
    They’re outlaws because
    they fight for freedom to read,
    to think and to share.
  3. a trip to the emergency room
    Waiting among the
    sickies to be processed and
    tested and restored.
  4. a tendency towards warm soda
    They would drink cans of
    Coke straight off the counter, no
    ice, like weirdos. *burp*
  5. car shopping 2024
    Check out a bunch of
    websites to find suitable
    used cars to purchase.
  6. the ever-tightening belt
    Paycheck to paycheck,
    staying afloat (barely) all
    while making ends meet.
  7. the rise of sports gambling
    Bet on every score,
    tackle, pitch, penalty, free
    throw, fight, injury.
  8. striking distance
    Never friendly to
    labor, the South finds itself
    with more new unions.
  9. bonus ticket
    Invite a friend to
    accompany us to the
    concert this evening.
  10. things that go wrong baking cookies
    Too much of something,
    an uneven oven or
    butter at wrong temp.
  11. the fraternity
    Fighting one minute,
    playing together the next.
    brotherly love wins.
  12. stop signs and speed bumps
    The neighborhood would
    no longer tolerate those
    speeders on the street.
  13. the lonely whistleblower
    Her voice proclaims the
    misdeeds of others, only
    to be brushed aside.
  14. driving to mexico
    Get off road before
    nightfall. Carry bribe money
    for policía.
  15. looking for peppadews
    Wandering the aisles
    and asking the employees
    about this pepper.
  16. never order the chicken salad
    They make the dish with
    whatever chicken scraps are
    left lying around.
  17. browsing mckay’s
    Aisles of beautiful
    used books, crate after crate of
    albums, lots of games.
  18. forced to use the drive-thru
    We wished to order
    at the counter, but they locked
    the damn restaurant.
  19. who needs a driver’s license anymore?
    Kids today with their
    screens and anxieties don’t
    want to drive a car.
  20. pranking gone wrong
    They’re usually
    just excuses to be mean
    while having a laugh.
  21. barbecue dynasty
    They carried on in
    their father’s name, working the
    pits from early dawn.
  22. jump higher than ever
    His vertical reach
    was more than before, which was
    a total surprise.
  23. possessions unloaded
    Before moving, the
    couple disgorged themselves of
    all worldly chattels.
  24. no more farce
    Satire is no
    longer possible when real
    life grows outlandish.
  25. homes for one euro
    In Italy, the
    oldest broken down houses
    are sold for nothing.
  26. boundless neediness
    The singer begged for
    applause and shouting from a
    weary audience.
  27. alcoholics synonymous
    Everywhere she turned,
    her friends drank themselves nearly
    to death. Spirits crushed.
  28. no one blogs anymore
    It’s all TikTok and
    Instagram. Not Snapchat nor
    Twitter. (Some Facebook.)
  29. coltrane’s ‘alabama’
    Written to echo
    King’s speech and played in tribute
    to four little girls.
  30. the storytellers on facebook
    Long rambling tales of
    personal loss and minor
    triumphs. Hit Publish.
  31. have i seen this before?
    So many movies,
    books, TV shows and bands are
    hard to keep in mind.
  32. only so many saturdays in a year
    A plethora of
    choices from festivals to
    art shows to cook-offs.
  33. humorous decline
    My ability
    to pen punchlines has failed to
    keep up with the times.
  34. how we commemorate this memorial day
    Picnic, prayer, beach trip,
    grilling, cleaning graves, reflect,
    storytelling, “Taps.”
  35. christmas card from 1998
    Chock full of witty
    statistics from my own hum
    drum everyday life.
  36. has the internet made us smarter?
    We have access to
    the sum total of human
    knowledge on our phones.
  37. commute under protest
    Wake up, get in the
    car, face traffic, find parking,
    repeat at day’s end.
  38. up next … summer
    Carefree days of hot
    weather, cold drinks, all under
    a brilliant blue sky.
  39. the unexpected roommate
    She arrived on the
    doorstep with no place to go.
    She crashed on the couch.
  40. an end to toxic relationships
    No more abusive
    language. No more gaslighting.
    No more tolerance.
  41. kid art
    An unkempt sheaf of
    old drawings gathers dust. Should
    we keep them always?
  42. dear daughter
    I miss you, and I
    hope you’re the one to break the
    absolute silence.
  43. the murky path forward
    To bootstrap yourself
    requires a menu of
    tough (some bad) choices.
  44. a potpourri of plants
    Green leaves and swelling
    branches bring the room to lush
    life. Growth beckons us.
  45. the gentle art of sitting outside
    Despite the heat and
    mosquitoes, it behooves us
    to sit a spell there.
  46. interviews and connections
    A job on the line,
    it all comes down to sincere
  47. the first cruise
    They boarded the huge
    ship, ready to explore nooks
    and crannies alike.
  48. the bad girlfriend
    She led him to wrong
    choices and cackled at his
    casual cruelty.
  49. chipmunk on the loose
    Strange visitor from
    the outside scampers through the
    unguarded kitchen.
  50. staycation sex
    Like vacation sex,
    but in oddball poses and
    various spaces.
  51. waves and waves and waves
    Their pool antics made
    for tiny tidal waves while
    they shrieked in laughter.
  52. road trip to texas
    Gas up and head west.
    Follow horizon till we
    end up in Lubbock.
  53. to pay it forward
    So rarely do we
    get the chance to help someone
    we see in ourselves.
  54. for the love of tires
    Two tires for this
    car, two tires for that car.
    Rolling toward debt.
  55. the closet of ill-fitting clothes
    Not a shirt nor a
    pants still fit. Time for a big
    fashion overhaul.
  56. invasion of the rats
    They left little gifts
    on desks of unsuspecting
    workers overnight.
  57. hail the conquering webmaster
    It’s not easy to
    create a company site,
    but she did it well.
  58. rules of power outages
    Do not open the
    fridge. Do not believe the time
    promised for repair.
  59. aligning with corporate values
    Do we see eye to
    eye when it comes to virtue
    and dignity? Aye.
  60. antiquing on the road
    Browse the aisles at quaint
    repositories for some
    old, old bric-a-brac.
  61. where does the money go?
    We spend it as soon
    as we get it. “Flush with cash”
    turns into “flat broke.”
  62. anniversary the second
    Never have I had
    a partner who makes me smile
    so effortlessly.
  63. selling art
    Paintings and sculptures,
    photos and music. Pricing
  64. the agony of split nails
    They get caught on just
    about everything, making
    healing seem hopeless.
  65. authoritarianism 2024
    The world embraces
    the strongman, at a true cost
    to democracy.
  66. trash city
    Bag after bag fills
    the can on the street. We’re a
    throw-away culture.
  67. the paper plate experiment
    Forget the dishes:
    Live a little with dishware
    that can disappear.
  68. the speed of mendacity
    A lie is halfway
    round the world before the truth
    has got its boots on.
  69. advance memories
    My dreams sometimes drift
    back to the newsroom when it
    all brimmed with promise.
  70. the proper loading of a dishwasher
    Cups and bowls on the
    top rack; plates, bowls, utensils
    and pans on bottom.
  71. unsolicited flattery
    He butters me up
    with compliments and sweetest
    nothings. I do blush.
  72. gathering on the fourth
    The neighborhood brings
    meats, sides and desserts aligned
    with last initials.
  73. sweaty overall
    The humidity’s
    stuck at 100 percent
    in blistering heat.
  74. gotta have a hat
    A hairnet does no
    one any favors, but a
    cap always fits nice.
  75. summer of sharks
    In waist-deep water
    does the fierce predator lurk,
    jaws at the ready.
  76. ramble on
    She would wind her way
    around a sentence, with one
    more set to collide.
  77. forming an identity
    Pieces combining
    to denote temperament,
    attitude, ego.
  78. the kitchen grind
    Cooks a blur with prep
    work and firing steaks. Plate
    plating after plate.
  79. to catch a president
    He’s guilty, but he
    won’t see the inside of a
    prison this go-round.
  80. locking it all up
    One key for the front
    door, the back door, the warehouse
    door and offices.
  81. great at communication
    Speaks clearly and with
    humility. Listens to
    every nuanced phrase.
  82. talking-to-teen talking points
    Pay attention. Do
    better. Clean up your room. Take
    out the trash. Grow up!
  83. being seen is everything
    I mean, just try not
    being seen, an exercise
    in mute frustration.
  84. chefs
    Gang of knife-wielding
    sickos who smoke, drink, curse and
    turn out great cuisine.
  85. he wore a red bandanna
    Around his neck, it
    reminded him of a girl
    with bright shiny eyes.
  86. headsets and joysticks
    Gaming online with
    your best friends, total strangers
    and vicious smack talk.
  87. the malfunctioning refrigerator
    It got hot, it got
    cold. It couldn’t stay on task
    for long periods.
  88. unsolicited feedback
    They come at you with
    criticisms and jabs while
    you’re trying to work.
  89. the checklist
    The charter kept him
    on track for opening and
    closing the office.
  90. painting projects
    This one is a blue
    lobster, while this other one
    is a tiger face.
  91. face off
    The two candidates
    slung proposals and insults
    for 90 minutes.
  92. choice of side dish
    Corn on the cob, baked
    beans, turnip greens, mac and cheese,
    fried okra, coleslaw.
  93. a northern heat wave
    The furnace that is
    our outside arrives in the
    once chill Yankee states.
  94. ooh la la, gay paris
    The City of Light
    welcomes competing athletes
    from the world over.
  95. an unpredictable violence
    He could lash out and
    punch walls at any moment.
    We tolerate it.
  96. narrating your life
    A subconscious urge
    to bring order by speaking
    aloud mundane tasks.
  97. waiting for updates
    Check email. Wait. Grind
    teeth. Wait some more. Check email.
    No news is no news.
  98. shield me from the microwave
    You can’t convince me
    that it ain’t bombarding me
    with radiation.
  99. radiation and the modern phone
    Supergadget or
    mini-nuclear reactor
    for pocket cancer?
  100. both sides now
    He felt it best to
    prep for the conversation
    using a checklist.
  101. morsels for the mind
    What do we feed on
    that helps stimulate the brain?
    Smart choice, smarter us.

• • •

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This post first appeared on Wade On Birmingham, please read the originial post: here

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Wade’s 101: Haiku retrospective 68
