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Transitions Are for Sissies: How Trump and Harris Are Redefining Chaos

So, we find ourselves in the glorious year 2024. Remember back when we thought flying cars and efficient government were in our future? I guess we were aiming too high. For Pete’s sake, we’re stuck with politicians who can’t even Transition properly.

Look at this mess with Trump and Harris. These two are as prepared for a presidential transition as I am for childbirth. Let’s start with Trump. This guy’s idea of planning is tweeting at 3 a.m., claiming he’ll have “the best transition ever.” Oh really? The man’s entire strategy seems to be throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. Transition planning? More like winging it with a side of chaos.

Now, on the other side, we have Kamala Harris. You’d think after years of experience and being one heartbeat away from the presidency, she’d have a blueprint ready to go. But no, she’s busy doing…what exactly? Reading self-help books on how to be slightly more prepared than a fire drill?

Let’s face it, a presidential transition is no minor thing. It’s like planning the biggest, most insane wedding where the bride is the entire country and the groom is absolutely everyone else. You need precision, you need patience, and you need balls. Not just any balls, but titanium-sized ones!

Trump planning for a transition is like having a fox in charge of the henhouse security. Great job, everyone. Granny’s got the keys to the Ferrari. And Harris, should be up at bat, ready to hit a home run. Instead, she’s looking at the bases going “Where does the bat go again?”

I mean, we’ve seen toddlers with better coordination. It’s like watching a horror movie in slow motion—where the monster is bureaucracy, and no one remembered to bring the popcorn.

Is it too much to ask for a rehearsal? Slowly, and with cue cards? I mean how many transition planning for dummies books do these people need? All of them, apparently. Plural. Multiple dummy books just stacking up like unread comic books under a teenager’s bed.

And don’t even get me started on the staffers. These are people who could barely schedule a dentist appointment without falling apart. Imagine them trying to schedule the end of democracy as we know it. They shuffle papers around like it’s going out of style, which it apparently might be. Going out of style, that is.

This is akin to going from zero to sixty overnight. But, hey, under Trump we’d go zero to sine wave and under Harris, zero to interpretive dance. What we need is straightforward… a bit of planning! You know, foresight, coordination, organization. But no, we’re stuck in a Monty Python sketch reimagined by Kafka.

We deserve better, folks. We really do. We’ve had financial recessions handled better than this. And that’s saying a lot because the last one resembled a cage match referee’d by a Roomba.

So here we sit, in 2024, with a thousand pundits squawking on news channels about… nothing. Because that’s exactly the point. No one knows what the hell is going to happen! Surprise! We’re governed by folks who can barely surprise us!

How do they not realize that a functional transition is kind of important? Like, water-it’s-important, bacon-on-Sundays-important. It’s basic. You’d think preparedness is something you’d learn in preschool. Pack your snack, bring your blanket, prepare for naptime. But for these guys, it’s like alien technology. Heck, they’d probably be more comfortable with actual aliens negotiating policy reform.

So, welcome my friends, to the never-ending sitcom we call American politics. Where the seasons never end, the plot lines are insane, and the characters… well, you know them well. Too well.

By 2025, we might not even have a functioning government, just a series of awkward stand-ins who turn in their homework late and probably copied each other’s answers.

So there you have it. A nightmare scenario in two acts and an implosion. The only thing sharper than our politicians’ wit would be, well, a potato. A deeply disappointing, unpolished potato.

But hey, it’s democracy! The land of opportunity where anything can happen—and it usually does. Not because it’s supposed to, but because nobody was paying attention. Huzzah! Vive la whatever!

Source: Both Trump and Harris are dangerously behind on transition planning

The post Transitions Are for Sissies: How Trump and Harris Are Redefining Chaos first appeared on DEMOCRAWONK.

This post first appeared on Liberal Politics With A Kick, please read the originial post: here

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Transitions Are for Sissies: How Trump and Harris Are Redefining Chaos
