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Luke Evans recalls feeling ‘free’ in London

Luke Evans Recalls Feeling ‘free’ In London
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BANG Showbiz English

Luke Evans felt “free” in London as a gay man. The 44-year-old actor left his hometown at 16, moving to Cardiff, then London to study acting, and Luke admits that he relished the anonymity that comes with living in a big city. Speaking to The Independent, Luke shared: “You could almost disappear. “That's the reason London appealed to me when I was a young man. You want to find your community, and often where [gay people] are brought up, there isn't one, or there's shame, or there's secrets. “To feel free, and to feel part of something, you go to a big city where you'll find people like you. It…

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This post first appeared on Towleroad - News With Homosexual Tendencies, please read the originial post: here

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Luke Evans recalls feeling ‘free’ in London
