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Wet Narita welcoming Meji


All female crew whom changes attire with different services offered.  Floral apron during meals and smart jacket mending the duty free shop.  Watched a Japanese movie named “Railway”.  Story revolves around a high position executive from Tokyo who quit his job to attend to his ailing mother.  He also reconnect with his lifelong ambition to be a train driver.  Seeing his good friend died happy doing the things he liked, Tsutsui felt he need to pursue his dream too.  Nice cinematography and the changes in scenery from downtown Tokyo and outskirt is a good attempt.  Did you know we need carpenters to maintain old trains as well, due to the wooden interior.

 Meji is spotted heading Japan, creating a weather system and choppy plane ride.   I must salute the pilot for keeping plane in-tact during landing.  Right before the landing, the plane was like going left and right like a see-saw.  One of the most frightening landing I’ve ever had.


While read news from home that "Twister" in our land! Tell me this is now a loud evidence of climate change! What are we hesitating still? Time to act now dear Prime Minister.


This post first appeared on Ninoamigo, please read the originial post: here

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Wet Narita welcoming Meji
