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Pagan’s Motorcycle Club: Criminal Organization Exposed by TBI Investigation

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) – A Tennessee Bureau of Investigation bust has led to more than a dozen people being charged for operating a drug trafficking ring in Knox County, according to TBI Director David Rausch.

It all has to do with an investigation that began in December of last year into Pagan’s Motorcycle Club, Rausch said. He spoke on the TBI’s latest efforts Thursday, giving a heated description of the motorcycle gang.

“They try to downplay their behavior by calling themselves a club,” Rausch said. “They are nothing more than a criminal organization made up of cowards and thugs.”

Past reporting from WVLT shows that Pagan’s Motorcycle Club has a history of crime in the Knoxville area. In 2022, Knoxville police investigated a shooting between members of Pagan’s and another gang.


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This post first appeared on Insane Throttle Biker News, please read the originial post: here

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Pagan’s Motorcycle Club: Criminal Organization Exposed by TBI Investigation
