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Cocaine-Induced Biker Crash : Sentencing Details

Cocaine-Induced Biker Crash : Sentencing Details

A Biker has been sentenced after driving into another vehicle on a main Pembrokeshire road after taking cocaine.

Adam Dalkin, 28, jumped onto his Herald motorbike on the afternoon of January 26 and proceeded to drive along the A487 towards Pelcomb.

But this week District Judge Mark Layton heard how a motorist feared for her safety as she saw his bike approach her.

“The motorist was travelling from Haverfordwest just after 1pm when she noticed a motorcyclist swerving all over the road in front of her,” Crown Prosecutor Linda Baker told Judge Layton at Haverfordwest magistrates court.


This post first appeared on Insane Throttle Biker News, please read the originial post: here

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Cocaine-Induced Biker Crash : Sentencing Details
