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Palermo, Sicily Me and A Chair

Palermo, Sicily Me And A Chair

I had probably one of the most stunning and profound experiences during my travels in Palermo, Sicily, Italy with the sight of a single chair.

And it was on a simple walk.

I was out and about an early morning as usually seeing sights before and during their getting ready for the days start, grabbing coffee, chatting with folks (meaning saying “Ciao” or nodding) and experiencing a bit of their way of life in Italy.

I loved this aspect of my days, no matter where I was traveling.

On this particular morning I augmented my route to add a bit of variety and surprise when I glanced to my right down a dead end alley. Immediately was the entrance door to a quaint looking apartment with a simple single chair a few feet from its doorway. I caught my eye as something I would have been part of normal everyday life in Palermo. That was it, but for some reason it just made a home in my mind.

From there I continued on my morning journey stopping for my occasional cup of espresso…..I was hooked. Hooked on a simple lifestyle.

A Simple Chair

I actually found a lot of old rickety chairs throughout the streets of Palermo, but it was the one right off the door stoop that caught my attention.

Here’s what happened for it to be cemented in my memories….

It was later that morning….

I was winding up my morning walk and I happened upon that dead end alleyway on my return home when I noticed an elderly gentleman sitting in the chair carving on a small piece of wood. Yes, I had my camera with me, but I couldn’t bring myself to snap his picture. I felt just looking upon him that I was invading his privacy, I couldn’t and wouldn’t point a camera at him. Yeah, I could’ve asked for his permission but his somberness along with age told me to leave him alone.

I thought to myself as I carried on with my walk, “that’s what I want, I want a simple place, with a simple life and a simple chair”. Right now, I still feel that way even though I have much more that I want to do and places to visit. But, I want that chair in my life to have as my security…..a place I can return to and rely on.

Until we meet again…..

Peace, love, and beaches,


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Palermo, Sicily Me and A Chair
