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In Defense of Donald Trump


I, we should’ve known better…..okay, I should’ve known better.

(This isn’t about the injustices afforded to Donald Trump…’s deeper.)

And what should I have known better.

I should’ve known better that this wouldn’t be as clean and clear-cut a way to clean-up our corrupt political system.

I thought that having a non-politician, businessman, a no non-sense individual as president would be the best medicine this country needed.

It was apparent long ago (for me, Bush The Second) that things in the U.S. were going off track. The Patriot Act was the beginning and what has lead us to where we are. The government was given permission to spy on the American people…..that law was furthered by President Obama.

I always thought that “Bush The Second” thought of himself as the “2nd Coming of Ronald Reagan” with very disappointing results. He was ‘no Ronald Reagan’ and I knew Ronald Reagan.

But…..this isn’t about “Bush The Second”, this is about having a president that is upending our political system by the name of Donald Trump.

Did you know that one of the first mentions of impeachment, if not the first took place on January 17, 2017. That’s 9 days before his inauguration!!! Chris Matthews and Representative Maxine Waters had this discussion on MSM! Later that same year Reps Al Green (please don’t mix him up in your mind with the great singer Rev. Al Green) and Brad Sherman…..folks, that was roughly 6 months into President Trumps term!!! Hell, he hadn’t broke a sweat yet!! The Democrats in office and their cronies in the media didn’t like the results of the presidential election. Hell….the media had egg on its face!!!

In Defense of

Back on track here (it’s so easy to go off track, there’s so many avenues to travel)….a president that is not a politician, is a businessman, and a no non-sense individual to get this country back on track. Oh, and a patriot. We most definitely needed a patriot after the Obama era (could be ‘error’).

That individual that we chose was Donald Trump.

But what I’m about to say isn’t about Donald Trump as a person. You see it wouldn’t matter which individual we chose that was a non-politician, businessman, and no non-sense…..we’d still be right where we are right now or possibly in a worse place.

Worse place????

The individual with the qualifications I’ve mentioned would be going through the same rambunctious efforts of opposition that we see on display but may have caved in by now….taking with them their vice-president and we would have Nancy Pelosi as President.

See, I told you it could be worse.

At first this assault on the presidency was by both the Republican and Democrat parties… it’s 95% Democrat (remember, we have in our midst ‘Never Trumpers’).

There’s a HUGE risk to the political system by having a non-politician as president. The risk of unveiling their corruption!!! Both parties!!!!


The Patriot Act leads us to the FISA shit by the way….spying on an American Citizen. Ooooops, multiple American Citizen’s.

One thing I didn’t suspect was the revelation of how ‘biased’ the media is!!!! Don’t get me wrong, I knew that bias existed in the media, just not to this severity!!! We have a once respected news network that is now the epitomy of bias news reporting, CNN. The hatred of President Trump runs thru this news organization internationally as obvious as the blood coursing its way thru our bodies.

Should someone other than Donald Trump would have been elected as a non-politician (etc.) we would be going through this same attempted remedy.

In Defense of Donald Trump…

My defense of Donald Trump. It could’ve been any regular Joe American that won the election and we would be experiencing the same things we are right now.

The extortion perpetrated by former Vice President Joe Biden would have come to the surface….and frankly, I think that is just the beginning should Donald Trump be re-elected.

Him, Donald Trump or any other individual that is a non-politician would be making the same ‘missteps’, ‘flubs’, ‘misunderstandings’, ‘misstatements’, etc. by mere fact that they are non-politicians, and he doesn’t speak ‘political correctness’ to accommodate the delicate ears of those who oppose.

I for one, was weary of the direction our political leaders were taking us….. We’re the world’s “Sugar Daddy”. Donald Trump isn’t the world’s “Sugar Daddy”. The American people don’t need to be the world’s “Sugar Daddy”. The world needs to pony up their share and be responsible. American’s deserve better than being walked on, assailed and deprived because other countries now feel an entitlement to our prosperity, our riches and the lousy leaders before Donald Trump have appeased their desires.

I could write about all the injustices that Donald Trump is being submitted to…..but, really it could’ve been that other non-politician I continually allude to. Perhaps another time I will, but this isn’t that.

Donald Trump is brash, egotistical, clumsy (speech wise), nasty, bombastic, etc. (Add your own comments on his personality) Which is also what his opposition is now showing of themselves.

Hillary Clinton…..

He’s not an angel…..I didn’t want one.

I wanted someone that would clean-up this political mess……this ain’t over with, the saga continues.

Peace, love, and beaches,


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In Defense of Donald Trump
