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For The Love Of Money


Money, not love seems to be what makes the world go round.

I was reading on line this morning and love is not anywhere to be found. It is on ‘hiatus’. But…..the pursuit of riches is hot! And, it seems that whatever you have, it’s not enough.

I know that if I had more money, I wouldn’t be buying a new house, a new car, jewelry, or any toys that grown-ups pursue. Should I have more money (and I will)…..I’d probably do more traveling. Enjoy other sceneries, cultures, cuisines…..etc.

I was chatting with some folks over the past few months and it seems that it’s all about money. They are not happy, they just pull their 9 to 5 work load, go home exhausted, eat….go to bed to wake the next day to do the same routine.

When I worked I earned far less than most….I think by my chats that it’s more like all of these folks make far more than I do!

Honestly, I’m pretty good at just listening (in most cases that’s reading a chat) and I know that any advice that I would have would be just a waste of my breath.

Me, I’ve learned a lot about contentment. I am contented, yet I still have drive and goals. My persistence will overcome whatever obstacles….that’s just the way life is.

For The Love of Money…..

I remember selling my home in St. Petersburg, Florida. I actually had more stuff to give away than I could give away!! Too many things! I was telling someone recently that I wouldn’t mind having another home in Florida, a large spacious home. But not to put things in…..I want space for me, for me to spread out. Putting my activities ahead of furnishings and all the clutter decor that accompanies. Simple. I want room for yoga and Tai Chi, a place to meditate and write. It’s simple.

Right now, I live in less than 300 square feet, it’s a 1989 RV with problems. It’s parked in the driveway at my daughter’s house. I’m not embarrassed as some may think. I’m quite contented. I’ve downsized my downsize!!! It’s not bad!! Things don’t really make me happy. Yes, I have my guitars, keyboards, microphones, recording equipment and a drum kit that’s packed up……that’s it!!! I’m contented. I can do without the space that I mentioned above. Learning to adjust, adapt and overcome is really an adventure.

But, from all the people I chat with, it’s more about money than it is about what they want to do with their lives.

I’m only gonna pursue the things that I want to do, the things I made excuses not to do in the past because I was ‘earning’ a ‘living’.

Start living a life….

I know some people laugh, it really doesn’t bother me…. Nor does it motivate me. It’s all about focusing on what I want to do, living in the moment.

Yes, unfortunately, I’ve got bills. Those bills are why I’m not on the road right now. But, the upside to not being on the road is doing what I’m doing…..and I love what I do. Others seem to have more of a problem with what I do or don’t do than I. I just listen.

One thing I’ve never understood about in life (as I wrangled with this in my younger days) is why contend with the same problem.

Think about this for a moment… had a money problems 20 years ago and you’re still having a money problem!!! You’re struggling with a job that eats you alive for the past 6 years and you’re gonna show up again tomorrow for more misery. Why??? For the love of money. And it never satisfies.

If I’ve got to have a problem, I prefer to have a new problem, not the same one. If I still have the same one, that simply means that I find some sort of comfort, a constant value that gives me purpose. There’s new problems (adventures) out there, trade the one you have in…..I can’t help. You’ve got all the answers!


Get out of debt as fast as you can and set your life on the path that you want, that will make you happy. Look at it as an adventure. Throw away all your old problem solving methods and grab a new tool, a new idea!!!

Debt is an anchor that demoralizes individuals….imprisons, punishes!

I have a credit card that I used in Europe (that I shouldn’t have) and when I make a payment and see that the balance has only micro-inched downward so little, I could get depressed. I don’t. I’ve put together a plan, and have not varied from that plan and do not intend to vary from that plan. Executing that plan takes me to wherever I want to go come June 2020.

It seems that debt will hold you captive to a job you don’t like, a lifestyle that’s about survival, and keep you from whatever it is that you’d rather be doing.

It seems that I haven’t had a conversation or chat with anyone in the past year that hasn’t been about the dredges of their job and their lack of freedom to do what they really want (whatever that is).

It’s taken me all these years (and there are quite a few in the dust behind me) to realize that my success in pursuing the things I want to do are directly related to the effort I put forth to acquire that life. And the speed of that effort.

It’s not about the money….

I could tell you a long, long story right now, but I do need to wrap this up.

I’ve always been attracted to music. I can play most any instrument that I put forth a hearty earnest effort….that doesn’t mean I’m proficient, I can just play the instrument. Figure things out.

But, it’s the mediocre aspect of that, that can be discouraging. So, I’ve decided to limit myself on the instruments to pursue a dream.

I want to write music that others would love to hear. I want to write music that not only I will record but others too…..with success.

It’s not about the money, it’s about doing something that I believe myself and others would like. Should money follow that, I’m grateful.

It’s not about the money, it’s about writing a book that others would get pleasure, and encouragement. Should money follow that, I’m grateful.

It’s not about the money, it’s about capturing something unique, intriguing, artsy, beautiful, personal in a photograph that people will enjoy. Should money follow that, I’m grateful.

It’s not about the money, it’s about the experience of the travel that invigorates me. I’ve never known something so powerful in my long life.

Enjoy the adventure of life, it’s not about money.

Peace, love, and beaches,


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For The Love Of Money
