Happy Monday!! And welcome to a new week!
No week is complete without a Monday. For most, it’s the first workday of the week. Although that may have changed by now.
Imagine if you will, that at one time 99.9999% of American’s started their workweek on a Monday. I think that’s changed. My stepson’s first workday of the week floats. His first workday is today. Of course, his work schedule baffles me. Give me the good old Monday-Friday.
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Other than when I owned my own business, my jobs were Monday-Friday. I wanted it that way though.
For Starters this week….
Getting in the right mindset is ‘tough’. Even I, not working have a tough time putting my mind in order comes Mondays. Not when I’m traveling or living abroad. But when I’m at our daughter’s house and they’ve got schedules….she starts work on Monday, the kids go to school on Monday and we have to be around when Max (the youngest) gets off of school when we’re visiting.
So, I do still have a Monday routine of sorts. Plus she needs to have some things done around her house and I have to plan my writing, music and reading accordingly.
That’s why I have to have a proper mind set on Monday’s. Even though work wise, I have No More Mondays.
I dig in on Monday thru Friday and chill on Saturday and Sunday.
I do have a busy life…..at least I thing so!
“Acts of Kindness:
A random act of kindness, no matter how small, can make a tremendous impact on someone else’s life.”
― Roy T. Bennett
“Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” Margaret Mead
“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.”
― Charles Darwin,
Last week I mentioned that ‘Fun’ can be accidental. But, ‘Fun’ can actually be planned out.
I really good speaker will make sure to get two things across; 1.) is his message 2.) is fun. Without those two elements, this isn’t a really good speaker and this isn’t a really good speech.
It’s something that I’m a bit more conscious of and I really need to work harder at when it comes to writing. Usually, if I’m running late working on a project or some writing I almost abandon any creativity for the reason of just getting it done! That’s wrong.
Being plan full allows me to be relaxed, create having fun and transferring that fun.
Take a little extra time to plan that whatever you’re doing to include some fun…..it’s a must for me!
I usually talk and write about speaking positive and following that speech with the proper action to get the positive results. And something I still want to accentuate.
Today, though…..its about how poorly our vocabulary has gotten.
Just in general, I think you’ll get what I’m saying here…..if I really get into specifics I’ll bog this down and no one is gonna have fun.
I hear people speak….they use a word and I just look at them. It sounds pretty, but it’s misused and in most cases the wrong word.
The same holds true in the written word….
Everybody is trying to impress. Every writer wants to be read…..and they should. But, gosh!!! Let’s be original. Often times a writer will use a technique that they fell in love with that just flounders on their behalf due to poor vocabulary and a poor idea as to what they are writing.
Then there’s the usage of words…..(oh golly), “break the internet”, “twitter says…”, “so and so slams so and so”, “crushed it”, “gave a 110% (like they borrowed 10% from someone)”, “superstar”, “iconic”, “savage”, “fake news” (even though it’s an accurate term, it’s misapplied at times to confuse), “woke”, “snowflake”, “literally”, “basically”, “honestly”, “this celebrity and their partner still live in this humble home”. I could go on, and you probably could add to this…..but, that’s not real ‘fun’ and I want to have ‘fun’.
Lots of misleading words, headlines, issues and general bending of good journalism. I find it tiresome.
One More Thought For The Week…..
On a sober note.
Eddie Money. Eddie announced this past week that he has Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer. I was actually taken by surprise. I’m an Eddie Money fan. But, I realized after a while that we all are gonna shuffle off to celestial dust sooner or later. No getting around it.
Eddie lived (and still is living) the life he set out to live. More than I can say for myself. But, I keep hearing “it’s never too late”.
Have a FAB week!
Peace, love, and beaches,
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