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Welcome To A New Week!!! 8/19


Welcome to a new week!! And it all starts with today! It’s so important to get things started on the right foot and build from there!

For Starters…this week

I’ve still got these in my mind.

What have I still got in my mind? Well there are these projects that I somewhat started before heading out to Mexico 3 years ago. And they seemed to have just petered out.

I have an attention problem and couple that with I get bored easily and it’s evident that I may have started, they may be great projects….but I’ve left each one.

So, I’m doing this 2 list thing that I mentioned last week…. 1.)Things To Do and 2.)Things Not To Do which frustratingly has helped me focus. Plus I’m trying to be brief on all ‘social media’…..that just zaps my time.

Make the plan and focus is my anthem until I’m finished.

Perhaps some of this experience of mine can be helpful in your endeavors.


“I am free, no matter what rules surround me.” ― Robert A. Heinlein

“Live the Life of Your Dreams: Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others.” 
― Roy T. Bennett

“You give me strength, You give me just what I need. And I can feel the hope that’s rising in me. It’s a good morning.”  Mandisa


Fun can be accidental. Just a misstep, a gaff, that moment that we don’t expect, a little light-heartedness…. Makes a world of difference.

And here’s the thing about accidental fun, it’s magical and it’s contagious (if we allow it to be).

I think that accidental fun can happen on purpose!

I know that sounds crazy, but hear me out for one moment.

Just either plan on approaching today a little different or don’t plan at all. But above all get out of the normal routine that brings about normal results.

Yes, your day is planned and that’s a good thing (even if you didn’t plan it, someone else did) it’s the approach that I’m referring to here.

Now, go have some fun!


Just keeping it simple this morning as above……

Get your thinking out of the norm, and your speech will follow.

Don’t think of whatever it is that’s going on or what you’re doing in the same manner. Put a new ‘uber-positive’ attitude behind your efforts!!!

Change the way you talk about your work, your life, and everyone around you. You’ll notice bigger and better results with a lot more pleasure on your part.

Simple. I like simple.

One More Thought for the Week:

Think and live happy thoughts.

Too often, the drudgery of the repetition narrows what we think and how we live.

My thing right now is ‘what is the life I want to live’ and now to go about living it.

If I can’t get it 100% at this time….I’ll take the 1% I can and build from there.

Think and live happy thoughts….

Peace, love, and beaches,


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Welcome To A New Week!!! 8/19
