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Welcome To A New Week! 8/12


Welcome to a new week!! And it all starts with today! It’s so important to get things started on the right foot and build from there!

For Starters!

Honestly, I go thru a lot of frustrations. Mostly due to my impatience. Probably all due to my impatience.

So, what I’ve done is put together a 6 month plan. From there I made it a little more micro in that I made it down to a monthly plan, from there a weekly plan and I now grapple with a daily plan and sticking to it.

Therein is my problem, but I think that too is the same with most people. We see a Big Picture that we are aiming for but display some what of an ineptness to focus on what it takes to get there on a daily basis.

Today, I have 2 lists to work on and accomplish and neither has more than 3 items….and I well may make that 2 items each.

Those too lists are ‘Things To Do’ and ‘Things Not To Do’.

The ‘Focus’ is on what does it take today!


“I follow three rules: Do the right thing, do the best you can, and always show people you care.” Lou Holtz

“‎Though nobody can go back and make a new beginning… Anyone can start over and make a new ending.” 
― Chico Xavier

“Today, be BRAVE. Walk faster than your fears…Don’t let what scares you stop you from living!” Heather Stillufsen


This is actually daunting. I think in a large sense, we have left fun to being a lesser priority in our daily lives. It’s mostly saved to be explored on the weekend and only after we undertake the chores that need to be done. What’s left over is supposed to be fun. If we’re not too tired.

Responsibilities have relegated Fun to being an dis-prioritized.

Think about it….where does having fun come in to today’s life. It’s like, do we have to plan on having fun at sometime during the day?

How about a simple task today of writing ‘have Fun’ on an index card to carry around, or write it on a ‘post it’ note as a friendly reminder to ……..have some fun!!!

A little effort may pay BIG dividends.


Paying attention to what we say along with our attitude could very well increase our desired outcome and make us happier individuals.

Being happier individuals usually rubs-off and inspires others to make an effort to be happier too!! It can be contagious.

But, what about the person that thinks being happy in a serious environment is wrong. I don’t care. That’s me. Keep those words and attitude on the positive side of life!! The outcomes may be gradual, but cumlatively they present a better more fulfilling life.

Here’s a bit of a rub…..even if you don’t feel like being positive, do it. Despite how you feel, speak positive words. Even in the midst of doubt and in the face of defeat, keep your words and attitude positive. It’s ‘difficult’!!! But, it leaves you without regrets and who wants to live with regrets!!!


Our character has its greatest impact on us. You can argue this, but, you lose on that point. It’s our character that makes us who we are. And it’s the consistency in that character that is displayed for others to see and be touched by.

Don’t fool yourself.

Peace, love, and beaches,


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This post first appeared on Peace Love And Beaches - My Thoughts, My Life, ..., please read the originial post: here

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Welcome To A New Week! 8/12
