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Maira Kalman’s Dream | The Principles of Uncertainty

My Dream is to walk around the world. A smallish backpack, all essentials neatly in place. A camera. A notebook. A traveling paint set. A hat. Good shoes. A nice pleated (green?) skirt for the occasional seaside hotel afternoon dance.

― Maira Kalman, The Principles of Uncertainty

On a short but memorable Chicago trip, I wondered, yet again, if I knew what my calling was.  Did I have a burning passion and a recurring dream? Maybe one day I’m able to draw it. And till such time, I’m happy to channel the Maira Kalman inside my heart. The principles of uncertainty apply.

What dreams did you dream?

The post Maira Kalman’s Dream | The Principles of Uncertainty appeared first on Someplace Else.

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Maira Kalman’s Dream | The Principles of Uncertainty


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