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The Rebel Male Fitness And Fat Loss Framework – Part Five


This is it – the final part in this five-part Rebel Male Fitness and Fat Loss Transformation. If you’ve stumbled across this post without seeing any of the earlier posts, don’t worry you can find them here:

  • Part 1: Rebel Male Fitness and Fat Loss Framework
  • Part 2: Quit Sugar – Quit Grains
  • Part 3: Become a Fat Burning Machine
  • Part 4: Burn the Fat Without Spending Hours Exercising

This final post is EVERYTHING, especially for those that have been subject to the rollercoaster of fat loss for most of their lives…. And that probably includes most of us (including myself).

You’re here because you’re looking to better yourself. You’re looking for change – permanent change….

  • You now know why you’re fat (sorry to be cruel).
  • You now know why diets don’t work.
  • You now know which foods you should be eating and which you should be avoiding.
  • You now know the exercise you should be doing and which you should be avoiding
  • You now know how to better manage stress and improve your sleep quality.

You NOW know have knowledge that you didn’t have before you started reading this series of posts.

You also NOW KNOW how you can implement the nutritional, exercise and stress-management strategies into your daily life.

But you’re still worried.

You’ve been here before. You’re worried that you’ll fall foul to temptation, as you’ve done so many times before.

Fortunately, this time REALLY is different, but ONLY if…

  • You’re willing to following the principles of the Primal Lifestyle in Part 1; and
  • You’re willing to practice what it takes to ‘Create the Winning Mind’ in Part 2.

Here goes….

Part 1: By design, your new Rebel Male Fitness and Fat Loss Framework mitigates some of the inherent risks of falling foul to temptation.

  1. Cravings and hunger.
  2. Sugar burner vs. fat burner.
  3. Human desire for a ‘reward’.
  4. Time required to exercise in your busy schedule.

Part 2: You’re about to be provided with the information that, with deliberate practice, will create a winning mind. You’ll begin to understand:

  1. The rollercoaster of weight loss.
  2. Your limiting beliefs and the story that’s holding you back.
  3. How to get specific about your goal.
  4. Your powerful reason why.
  5. How to create habits that stick (find your keystone habit).
  6. The power of having measuring, tracking and having a feedback mechanism.
  7. How to plan for success.

Are you still with me? The rest of this post will dive into the detail of Parts ‘1’ and ‘2’ above….

PART 1: Why the Rebel Male Fitness and Fat Loss Framework Mitigates Some of the Inherent Risks of Falling Foul to Temptation.


Let’s start with understanding why most (all?) diets fail. 2.5 million years of evolution has provided us with a sensation that tells us when to eat and how much to eat. We call it hunger. Hunger motivates us to eat something just like fear motivates us to avoid something.

So here’s the killer….

Research has shown that not being hungry is the single most important predictor of successful weight loss. Did you get that? It’s not about monitoring your food intake, not self-control, not accountability.

Hunger is your enemy. Hunger makes you eat more than you intended.

But there’s more – a second piece to the puzzle as to why diets always fail. Yes, hunger makes you feel uncomfortable, but why do we EVENTUALLY give in to it despite our better judgement?

Most that fail blame themselves due to a lack of willpower or a lack of self-control or ‘I just don’t have the discipline’. It’s bullshit.

The problem is we all suffer from decision fatigue. We have a limited capacity for higher-level decision making (think muscle) – decisions that require logical reasoning or complex tasks requiring rational thought or planning.

Self-control or willpower is one of these complex decisions. Self-control requires us to consciously decide to override our primitive urge to eat when we are hungry.

This is the reality….

Hunger + Decision Fatigue = Diet Failure

It’s why most of us succumb to poor eating habits in the evening. After a long tiring day in the office, you come home hungry and your brain is too messed up to even consider what to cook. It’s times like these when you opt for the less-healthier choices and the rot sets in.

So what’s the answer? You already found out in Part 3 of this series. Remove hunger cravings by eating according to the principles of the Rebel Male Fitness and Fat Loss framework. Let me explain.

Let’s take breakfast as an example.

That so-called healthy grain-based breakfast stimulates elevated blood insulin levels which lead to playing a blood-sugar balancing game for the rest of the day – you’re left starving every couple of hours.

It leads to strategic snacking throughout the day. It’s led to the conventional paradigm that we should eat every 2 to 3 hours to manage our blood sugar and energy levels. It’s a rollercoaster. A game that we’re not ultimately going to win.

This perpetual carb dependency and regimented eating patterns can have a massive impact on our emotional relationship with food….

  • Think comfort eating.
  • Think over-indulging in your favourite junk foods.
  • Think food… all the time!

Our modern eating habits have created a massive disconnect with our natural appetite, such that meals and food trigger a bunch of negative emotions and even an unhealthy obsession with eating habits.

This can easily be addressed by adapting the macronutrient ratios in our daily diet to higher levels of fat, moderate levels of protein, and lower levels of carbohydrate.

By doing this, we ‘switch on’ the genes involved in metabolising stored and ingested fat, and….. we normalise appetite and hunger patterns. By consuming higher levels of fat – which addresses satiety issues – we feel fuller for much longer.

As someone who has adopted this eating lifestyle for the past four years, I can honestly say I don’t get hungry.


If you’re perpetually eating foods you don’t like, you’re going to have a problem with long-term compliance to any dietary lifestyle. It’s another reason why so many people fail – the foods they are eating are limited by choice, taste and quantity. It’s hardly something to look forward to.

Just like anything else, we can condition the body to do, we can ultimately train ourselves to ‘behave’ towards certain foods in specific ways. Preferences for these foods may change over time as new foods are introduced and exposure levels change.

People may associate the smell of freshly cooked toast at home with the smell of warm bread exuding from a bakery due to its association with familiar and comfortable surroundings.

Liking a food can be described as the hedonic impact of eating that particular food – the reaction of pleasure (at the conscious and unconscious level). This can also be termed as its ‘palatability’ which refers to the hedonic reward of food.

Dieters often fail because they look at their nutritional plan and wonder when they can come off it, or when they can have a ‘cheat day’. They’re immediately indicating that the plan is unsustainable. Why? – Because there’s no reward mechanism. There’s no desire to eat the food. It’s boring. Diets are short-lived because of their unsustainable nature, and inability to continue past the initial weight loss reward.

Nutritionally dense foods (e.g. vegetables) will create satiety but are devoid of the hedonic impact of ‘liking’ (for most of us anyway). It’s missing the reward factor. Over time this plays with us at the sub-conscious level.

To succeed in dietary compliance, sustainability and outcome, there must always be a ‘like’ element in accompaniment to the nutrition – it must contain, essential fats, complete proteins, nutrients AND a hedonic impact. Food must be appealing, tasty and fulfil the macro- and micro-nutrient elements of the person’s requirements.

Welcome in the real foods that are part of this fitness and fat loss framework – animals in the form of meat, fish, poultry and eggs, and plants in the form of vegetables, nuts and seeds.

I can’t wait to eat any of the following:

  • In the morning, 3 hot boiled eggs mixed with melted butter. (and a filtered coffee with a dash of cream).
  • In the evening after a hard slog in the office…. fillet steak with salad topped with olive oil.
  • After an amazing workout at the gym… a protein shake mixed with avocado.

They’re all amazingly healthy, and for me… incredibly desirable – and that means sustainable over the long-term.


It doesn’t matter which side of the fence you currently sit on (the 45 min chronic cardio guy 4-5 times as week, or the 180 min couch potato slob 7 times a week), the Rebel Male Fitness and Fat Loss framework has the answer.

There’s no excuse for not making this work. It only asks of you the following:

  • 30 min resistance training 2-3 times per week.
  • 15 min sprint session once per week.
  • And as much walking as you can get in every day.

It’s as simple as that. No need for decision fatigue. I don’t care how busy you are. Your health and fitness and body are #1. Look after them. Find the time. 90 minutes a week is all we’re talking about here. Come on. Let’s get real about this.

Enough said.

By adopting the Rebel Male Fitness and Fat Loss Framework ALONE you will be light years ahead of those pursuing more conventional approaches to losing weight.

But, there are also specific mindset strategies and tactics that you can practice and deploy that will put you in a winning – almost unbeatable – position to achieve your health and fitness goals.

And that’s the focus of Part Two in this post.

Part Two: Create a Winning Mind Through Practice, Planning, Tracking and Goal Setting

Where do we start? Quite the topic – brought rise to the whole personal development movement inspired by the likes of Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, and more recently Brendon Burchard.

So how can I do it justice in this blog post? Well I can’t promise the earth, but I can promise to provide you with the necessary mindset strategies and tactics that you can implement and practice from TODAY, and will COMPLEMENT everything you’ve learned in this Rebel Male Fitness and Fat Loss Framework.


Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

  • Losing weight is easy, so why aren’t I?
  • Why aren’t I living to my potential?
  • Why am I one of the 95% (of people who fail at long-term weight loss)
  • How crap does being overweight make me feel?
  • Why do I keep sabotaging my efforts?
  • What do I really want in terms of health and fitness?…. in life itself?
  • What’s really stopping me?
  • What’s holding me back?

Most think eating healthy is hard and restrictive – may be that includes you right now. That’s a limiting belief that’s sitting at your core and will ultimately lead you to sabotage if you continue to think that way.

Most think that exercising for fitness and fat loss is too hard and time consuming and requires gym membership and a personal trainer – may be that includes you right now. That’s a limiting believe that’s sitting at your core and will ultimately lead you to sabotage if you continue to think that way.

So here’s why most people fail:

  1. They don’t understand how the body works
  2. They have limiting beliefs that will ultimately sabotage the results.
  3. They’re bombarded with garbage foods – its omnipresent.
  4. They’re spending too many hours in the gym doing exercises that aren’t helping.

The truth – if you eat more of the right foods and workout less, you will get breakthrough results. But as we’re coming to realise, having the knowledge is only part of the story.

Your excess weight is a symptom. You need to get to the root cause of what’s causing the excess weight and get to a solution. And it’s NOW NOT a lack of knowledge.

How much of how you look is due to how you feel deep in your core. Consider some of the following….

  • Perhaps you’re in an unhealthy relationship.
  • Perhaps you’re constantly being told you’re a failure or useless.
  • Perhaps you’re no longer feeling worthy.
  • Perhaps you believe life is hard and change is scary.

What’s the image you have of YOU in your head?

For me, I used to consider myself as the overweight corporate career guy. That’s who everyone else was that I surrounded myself with. So why wouldn’t I be the same? That’s how I saw myself. And that’s what I ultimately became. My mind sabotaged any positive action to provide this. It’s a coping mechanism.

Your experiences and accompanying evidence makes these beliefs even stronger – EVEN if they don’t make you happy!

What’s YOUR identity? Who do you believe you are?

For me, I’m a perfectionist. And perfectionism is really a fear of failure. It inhibits me to complete a piece of work. I’m always optimising. It allows me NOT to put it out there for the world to see. Why? So I CAN’T get any negative feedback. It’s easier that way. It allows me to stay in my comfort zone. I have to work at it every day.

Here are some more questions for you to consider?

  • What’s the resistance that’s holding you back from change?
  • How well is your ‘story’ working for you right now?
  • Is it more painful staying where you are right now in your life OR will it be more pleasurable in creating the change?

What are the real costs you are paying in every area of your life for living inside a mind and body you’re desperate to escape from? Consider the following:

  • Impact on your relationships with your spouse, children and friends?
  • How well can you really connect with people whilst you’re unhappy with yourself and living without any clarity or happiness?
  • What’s the impact it’s having on your performance in your job? Is it really possible to perform at the highest level whilst feeling this way?
  • And your bank balance? Is it possible to manage your savings and investments in a positive manner or are you subject to emotional spending to provide instant gratification?

It’s time for change. It’s time you invested in YOU. You are the only one that stops you getting what you want.

So what’s your story? Do you want to stay in that story or break through the barriers to change your story?

Your only limitations are the ones you create yourself. Do you want reasons (think excuses!) or do you want results?

If you think you can’t because ______________________ (fill in the blank)…. Then you’re right.


Does the following story sound familiar?

  1. You get motivated to lose weight and start eating healthy and it starts TODAY!
  2. The first day or two go OK, but then you’re invited to a night out with friends and end up having one or two beers too many and eating junk.
  3. Guilt creeps in the following morning, but you avoid doing the necessary planning and preparation (which ultimately leads to more guilt and procrastination).
  4. Until…. you give up!
  5. Then you play the waiting game (whilst still putting on the pounds) until you feel motivated to go through the cycle again.

We’ve all been there – most of us many times over. Fortunately, there’s a better way of achieving what you set out to do. It’s a way that sets you up for success without ever giving up:

Start Small. It’s better to take baby steps than to continue planning. That means it’s better to actually do 10 push-ups and 10 air squats in your living room right now rather than planning to join a gym to start your twice weekly gym sessions next month. Each step is a ‘small win’ towards your end goal.

Getting a lot of those small wins is what helps you succeed. With each little milestone you achieve, you’re actually doing what you set out to do – you’re not just hoping things will work out. You don’t want to fail from the start. Here’s what you can do right now:

  • Think of some of the health and fitness goals you’re looking to accomplish (lose 20 lbs, achieve 15% body fat, lose 3 inches from your waistline, hit the gym 3 times per week, etc.).
  • Break those down into the SMALLEST steps you can imagine. And I mean SERIOUSLY SMALL, e.g. 2 push-ups per day, walk up the stairs rather than take the elevator, healthy high-fat, moderate protein breakfast, etc.). Make it something you KNOW you can do.
  • Draft up a plan of how you’re going to do this for the next two weeks. Once you hit this target, then you can consider expanding.

Remember, those big goals are accomplished with tiny steps. What small steps are you going to complete today?

Map it Out on your Calendar. Execution is so much more important than the tactic (this is where I’ve fallen foul in many areas). There are those that solely focus on the latest gadgets, app, bright shiny buttons and tactics. They’re fun to play with. It’s comfortable to play with shiny new tools rather than to simply do what works. But without execution, we get nowhere!

Usually, the fundamentals – things like a simple calendar, pen and paper – work better than a fancy new app. Create a simple that’s easy to adopt, execute and track AND will be followed through on a daily basis.

I’ll say it again. EXECUTION is far more important than the tactic itself.

Here’s what you should do at the start of every week:

  • Map out your schedule for the week either on paper, in your diary or in a simple calendar system such as Google Calendar.
  • Put your small steps into your calendar system.
  • Set an alert in your calendar or on your phone to review this every week.

If you’re pro-active, you’ll never be caught out or pressed for time. Those small wins every week will quickly add up. It won’t be long before you’re hitting it big with your fitness and fat loss goals. Defining and achieving these small wins massively increases your chances of making your habits stick.


We have a microwave mentality. Everything needs to be fast. We want it now. We look for instant gratification. And that unfortunately includes how we’re typically sold weight loss products & programs.

That’s all pretty sad. It’s hardly surprising that we all succumb to such temptations. The eventual outcome is even less surprising – misery & frustration. Okay, with the “Thin in 7 Days Miracle Cure Diet” (name made up, but you get the point), you may get some initial positive results. For those with really strong willpower, you may even start building some momentum, until you reach the dreaded plateau & then you start to lose your motivation.

There are those who manage to reach their short-term goal – look cool for the wedding photographs, or lose 10lbs for the annual summer’s beach body. The problem with these short-term goals is that they are extrinsic in nature – they’re not coming from within you. More often than not, most people who attain their short-term extrinsic goal end up putting all the weight they lost back on – and then some more.

And that my friend is how yo-yo diets work! Sound familiar?

Think about it. What reward do people typically give themselves if they reach their weight loss goal? It’s usually food-related! These people simply don’t get it. Anyone can lose a few pounds temporarily. That’s easy. Not many are able to lose those very same pounds for life! And that is the whole purpose of the Rebel Male Fitness and Fat Loss Framework. It’s to create your ideal body & to continue to improve it for LIFE! There’s a huge difference between the two.

Your future doesn’t have to be based on your biography. If you continue to do the same things in the same way, then you’re going to get the same results. Again, not surprising, BUT why do most people expect to transform their body just because they’ve read the latest crap diet book, yet they still continue to do exactly the same thing they’ve always done. That’s just stupid!

Your future is not defined past your past. It’s decisions NOW that define your future. But it has to be for something that has incredible meaning to you. It has to be an absolute MUST for you. It has to be something that you won’t ever give up on.

You need to believe this is going to work for you. Because of all the crap out there it’s easy to be sceptical. It’s easy to be critical. The philosophy of the poor is to not raise your hopes – that way you’ll never get disappointed. It takes guts to believe.

Create absolute certainty that this is going to work for you. Visualise what you’re going to look like – see the results you want vividly in your mind. Condition your mind to believe.

For a life-changing transformation you need a powerful driver that ensures that you deliver consistent & persistent action of time. That’s what determines success. This powerful driver must be something worth fighting for. It’s therefore aligned with who you are, your values & what makes you come alive.

And the result? The likelihood of you failing to do the work (the daily consistent & persistent action) you need to do to succeed… plummets! How cool is that?

When you’re trying to transform your body, & when it’s so congruent with who you are, it feels natural. You’ll still end up working like crazy to achieve your goals, but it will feel far more effortless. Such high levels of internal alignment sends your motivation through the roof….. and it stays.

To transform your body, you need to be fighting for it. It needs to be something that to you is worth fighting for.

What’s your purpose? What’s your reason why? What is it you’re fighting for? Why are you reading this post? It’s not to lose weight. It’s not to learn how to eat healthily. There’s something bigger you’re fighting for. What is that thing that you’re really moving towards that just grabs you? It’s going to pull up your courage. It’s going to have you face up to your fears head-on. It’s big enough for you that it will pull up your courage even when you’re tired, even when you’re done.

What is that thing for you?


If you’ve not read the book ‘The Power of Habit’ by Charles Duhigg, I recommend you buy it now. It’s a powerful read.

Every habit you have has three components:

  1. A trigger for a behaviour to start (e.g. your alarm clock in the morning).
  2. A routine, i.e. the behaviour itself (e.g. going straight to the gym).
  3. A reward, i.e. the benefit of taking the course of action (e.g. a protein shake after completing your workout).

The reward is how your brain actually learns to WANT a particular behaviour in the future. So in the example above, you equate the pleasure of having a protein shake with hitting the gym in the morning.

This is how people pick up bad habits, like smoking, but it’s also how people stick to good habits like exercising. They link a cue and routine to a reward. For decades, people focused exclusively on changing the behaviour, i.e. the routine itself.

But we now know that cues and rewards are actually the most important parts of making a habit stick. If you get the cues and rewards right, the routine forms by default. So choosing your reward — not the routine — is actually the most important step.

You must always reward yourself. You don’t want to end your workout, leave in a rush and not be able to reward yourself with a protein shake or a relaxing shower.

Give yourself a reward to make sure the behaviour sticks. The reward can be anything you choose, as long as you’re giving yourself something you absolutely 100% enjoy!

It’s incredibly hard to simply stop a bad habit. That’s because you’re always getting whatever cue was telling you to do the bad habit in the first place.

So what can you do about it?

You’re much more likely to be successful if you change a bad habit into a better behaviour.

Here’s a common example: A lot of us crave something sweet to eat right after lunch. We hit the vending machine for chocolates, cookies, or some other sweet to get a fix.

Yes, sweets and desserts taste good, but a habit is much more complicated than that.

  • Maybe getting that sweet gives you a burst of energy from the sugar so you can push through the rest of the day.
  • Or maybe you’re just not ready to go back to work so getting up for a snack gives you a chance to walk around the office and chat.

It’s not just the sweet that’s creating your behaviour. There’s a whole series of reasons that surround it.

Instead of just giving up the sweets, maybe you could try getting up from your desk and eating some nuts instead. Or maybe, if it’s the energy from the sugar that you’re craving, a coffee may do the trick.

The important thing to note is that you’re not stopping cold turkey. Instead, you’re replacing a bad habit with a good habit.

Over time, this will become your new routine. And doing it will kick in automatically after the cue.

Replacing bad habits can dramatically change your life. Not only do you stop doing the bad thing, but you also pick up a better habit in its place.

If you only do this, you’ll be 100x ahead of other people who can’t figure out why they never finish things.

But there’s another way to exponentially improve your life: do the most important habits first. This one, in particular, is incredibly important for me….

What’s Your Keystone Habit?

Some habits are much more powerful than others.

Take exercise, for example. For a lot of people (myself included), once exercise becomes a habit, they tend to start eating better and making sure they get enough sleep.

That makes sense, right? You don’t want to come home from the gym first thing and eat sugar-loaded cereal. You’re exercising to feel better, so it’s only natural that you’ll want the food you put in your body to help you feel better, too.

Interestingly, this starts to impact every part of your life. Your performance in the office starts to improve; you start spending less, etc. You’re not making any conscious decisions here. For a lot of people, exercise becomes a keystone habit. It’s the fundamental habit that positively impacts every other habit.

When they do it regularly, it starts to change their self-image. And when that changes, they start thinking of themselves as the type of person who wakes up and exercises every morning. And the type of person who doesn’t pull out their credit card, gets chores done, and doesn’t procrastinate at work.

Think about it. How many health-conscious gym-junkies in your office do you know who regularly mess around or procrastinate at work?

Nailing down that first habit might feel nearly impossible if you’ve failed to make it happen in the past. But if you use these strategies, not only will you be able to create lasting behavioural change, but you’re also likely to build a lot of other habits automatically.


You can’t improve what you don’t measure. You need a feedback system (how you feel, how much you weight, % body fat, waistline, etc.) based on the inputs (how much and what you eat, type and duration of exercise, sleep quantity and quality, etc.).

I like to treat my health and fitness as a ‘lifelong optimisation experiment’. I like to find out what works and what doesn’t. I like to know what foods make me feel good and what foods make me feel like crap. Garlic for example – most advocate that it does wonders for your health. For me on the other hand, it completely disrupts my sleep and gives me a ‘hangover’ for 24 hours. It’s unbelievable.

It’s important not to become completely anal about this. Some weigh themselves on a daily basis, and this is one of the quickest routes to frustration. Instead, I recommend tracking and measuring per the following simple guidelines:


  1. Quality of sleep and how I feel in the morning.
  2. What I eat (no calorie or macro-nutrient counting) – something as simple as… breakfast – 3 boiled eggs with butter.
  3. What exercise I do (again, I don’t get silly about number of reps and sets at a specific weight – this whole thing should be fun).


  1. Bodyweight.
  2. Body fat percentage.


  1. Chest.
  2. Waist.
  3. Upper thigh.
  4. Upper arm.

I use a dedicated tracking journal for this. Nothing special. Just something that’s devoted to my own little personal health and fitness experiment. I recommend you do the same.

By tracking what you’ve done, you’ll start to pinpoint those things that are working for you, and those things that aren’t. Over time you start to tune in with how your body works.


Remember what we’ve already discussed about willpower and self-control. It’s limited. If you constantly surround yourself with the potential for crap choices, decision fatigue will eventually set in, and you’ll eventually cave in to the inferior selection.

Remember what we’ve said about planning. It’s crucially important to understand where you’re going to be each day and how you are going to manage your nutrition. To start with, this may seem quite an arduous task, but what I’ve found over time is that it’s incredibly easy to eat healthy wherever you are….

Eliminate Temptation at Home. It all starts here. If you’re surrounded by junk food, it’s going to take the self-control of a priest to avoid temptation. Think you’re strong enough to work your way through this? Think again. It isn’t going to happen. Think bad day at the office. Think argument with the spouse. Think football night in front of the TV. If you head to the fridge and you see junk there…. There’s only one inevitable outcome. So, right NOW, I want you to eradicate any dodgy foodstuff from your house and ditch it – anything that’s grain-based (pasta, bread, cereals, etc.), sugar-based (any processed food), industrial oils, anything in a packet, anything that says ‘microwave me’, anything that contains more than one ingredient. You get the gist. Ditch the junk and go shopping for the healthier options.

Manage your Workday. During the week, I leave for the office at 6:00am and get home for 6:00pm. That’s a long time exposed to danger! Every day I plan for success. Breakfast at 7:00am is typically three poached eggs (with butter) and a coffee purchased from the work’s canteen. Lunch at midday is typically a sardine or chicken salad with olive oil also purchased from the work’s canteen. And if required, in the afternoon I have a protein shake with an avocado or some fruit (I have a blender in my office). If you work in an environment that doesn’t have a canteen where you can be healthy options – you’ll have to prepare your own food the night before. No ifs, buts or maybes. Just plan for success!

Eating out at Restaurants. This one took me a while…

“What do I do if they don’t have what I want on the menu?”

“Is it OK to ask for foods that aren’t on the menu?”

I now just choose restaurants that have great steak or great fish. I know that if they have that I can fill the rest of my plate with nutritious veggies or salad. All it takes is for me to ASK! Just politely say no to any request for bread, appetisers or dessert. You don’t need them and you don’t want them. Create desire for healthy and nutritious foods. They’ll taste amazing and you’ll feel amazing. Oh and don’t worry about what your friends and colleagues think. They’ll soon be doing the same thing. Trust me I know!


Okay, this post was a little longer than I was expecting. But as you can see, there’s a lot to say about creating a winning mindset. I hope you now realise that you must change your story and how you live each day, inside and out, for your fitness and fat loss transformation to be a lifelong success.

I know you can’t implement everything you’ve read in this post immediately. Please don’t create overwhelm. That often leads to paralysis. Remember to start with small steps to create small wins to start building the daily momentum. Bookmark this article and come back to it often. Alternatively print it out and make some notes.

But here’s the bottom line…

“What are you going to do starting today to help create a winning mind?

Creating a winning mindset won’t happen overnight. I’ve struggled for many years with self-sabotage in many areas in my life. Just keep working. One small step every day.

David Gregory | founder Rebel Male


I’m sharing everything on my journey
I’m learning, and so will you

The post The Rebel Male Fitness And Fat Loss Framework – Part Five appeared first on Rebel Male.

This post first appeared on BLOG - Rebel Male, please read the originial post: here

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The Rebel Male Fitness And Fat Loss Framework – Part Five


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