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Klipsch R-15PM Review


Klipsch R-15PM powered monitor speakers with USB-DAC and Bluetooth – rich sound for $ 300? Klipsch now wants to stay in the business by offering an attractive product – active, compact multifunctional loudspeakers and is launching the R-15PM active monitors at a price of $ 300. Equipped with Bluetooth interface, optical digital input, USB-DAC for use as an external sound card with PC and Mac, cinch input (can even be used as a phono input via switch), 3.5 mm audio socket and pre-out for connection an active subwoofer, hardly leaves any wish unfulfilled. Unfortunately, Klipsch does not specify which bit

This post first appeared on World Of Turntables, please read the originial post: here

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Klipsch R-15PM Review
