Every year, April 07 is World Health Day. The goal is to remind ourselves that human health is absolute to our species, and each year, one disease attains a specific focus. The area of focus is chosen by the WHO, and this year, is themed "My Health, My Right" and there is a detailed description available on the WHO site [2]. 2024 is special in that it is the 75th year that this day is being commemorated.
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The WHO reasons that there are significant threats to public health from various factors across the globe, especially climate change, conflicts, lack of service reach, expansiveness and more.
Every human deserves care, clean air and water, hygiene in all aspects of life, access to mental health care, preventive services and more. By recognizing that health is a fundamental right, we can start thinking about widening the scope of how we provide care well beyond financial equations. We can design systems and delivery mechanisms that will be of an appropriate scale for this lofty goal.
Fighting climate change, ensuring our air and waterways are clean, and our food comes from appropriate sources will amply put healthcare on a preventive path and ensure that at least the epigenetic factors that reduce disease and deteriorating health.
All of us in healthcare, should seize this lofty goal and opportunity for everyone, and that includes ourselves! So, Happy World Health Day as you think about your own contributions.
1. Cover Image: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/gradient-world-health-day-horizontal-banners-set_23431745.htm#query=world%20health%20day%20banner&position=45&from_view=keyword&track=ais&uuid=576c9bcb-356b-45bc-a92e-e42403378620
2. WHO Declaration for 2024 World Health Day: https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-health-day/2024
This post first appeared on Medical Devices, Biotechnology, Bioengineering And The Like, please read the originial post: here