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In Boston May 15 - 16? I am giving away a VIP pass to the BIOMEDevice Boston Conference!

In Boston May 15 - 16? I Am Giving Away A VIP Pass To The BIOMEDevice Boston Conference!

I am speaking at the Boston BIOMEDevice Conference and the ESC. As a speaker, I have ONE complimentary pass to give away.

Since most everyone I know in the Boston area, will probably be at the show, I am  giving away the pass.

That's it. No forms to fill, no subscriptions to get into, no feedback, no nothing! Just the desire to soak in all the expertise and industry experience on display for two whole days.

If this strikes you as something you can enjoy, get in touch with me at yamanoor at gmail dot com, or via LinkedIn:

I need the following information from you to forward on to the good folks at MDDI:

First and Last Name
Job Title
Company Name
Email Address

That's all for tonight folks! 

This post first appeared on Medical Devices, Biotechnology, Bioengineering And The Like, please read the originial post: here

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In Boston May 15 - 16? I am giving away a VIP pass to the BIOMEDevice Boston Conference!
