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Social Bookmarking Submissions kaise kare ? Janiye aasan tarika


What is Social Bookmaking ?

In SEO, the term "social bookmarking submissions" refers to the act of
submitting any web content—website pages, blog posts, articles, images,
videos, etc.—to social bookmarking sites. Users can save, organise, and share
their favourite web pages on these social bookmarking websites either publicly
or privately. A website's visibility and traffic are intended to be increased by
using social bookmarking submissions in SEO.

Working Steps :
 Diffrent websiteLink
 Redit
 Bookmark-websiteLink
 Traffic.

Example :
 Go to the Social bookmarking site.
 And Then Write a Relevant Paragraph about your content.
 And then Write Some Catchy lines.
 Now you Give your Website Link With CTA.
 Like Know More, Visit Now, Get Info.

Social Bookmarking Is Trending?
Yes. The Internet is a very popular place in the world today and it has become
one of the most important aspects of our lives. In order to keep up with all the
latest news and information that is being shared on social media sites, we have
to make sure to visit those sites regularly. If you are not doing this then you
could be missing out on some interesting articles and information that will help
you grow as an individual.

How to Use :
 SBM are so easy that People do use excess use of SBM. So don't
complete relay on SBM.
 SBM Quantity:not more than 15 Submission
How To Do Submissions
1) Resource Sheet
i) Sr.No. Website DA PA SS Live url
 Submissions Sheet
 Create Account.
 New Excel file. (username)
Two report sheet will be made
 Sheet1:Information
 Sheet2:Ranking Report

Information Sheet :
 Username:
 Email:
 Password:
 Location – company which business submission are made
 Phone no.-
 Blog Url - Targeted website.
Ranking reports
To generate traffic we targeted some of keyword not more that 3,to check the
current position of that keyword.
Three column were made in excel sheet
 Date
 Keyword
 Rank
How to check ranking of a webpage
Ctrl+C----Copy keyword
[Your webpage ranking shows after GBP]
It is also known as targeted keyword sheet.this sheet is made for your own.
Three columns were made in excel sheet.
 Keyword
 Title
 Description

There are 11 columns were made in social bookmarking submission.
 date
 serial no.
 targeted url
 website url
 status
 DA
 PA
 Spam score
 Email id
 Password
 Live url

This post first appeared on Introduction: Understanding The Importance Of Google Algorithms, please read the originial post: here

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Social Bookmarking Submissions kaise kare ? Janiye aasan tarika
