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Acne Face Mapping – 5 Proven Ways to Fight Acne Faster & Better

So, a breakout struck your Face once again? Common story.

I know your pimples are in a vicious habit of playing peek-a-boo on the most unwanted moments. They were there when it was your 16th birthday, on your high school farewell, your job interview and yeah off course your engagement. I absolutely understand your whines and your struggles.

In this post, you will learn each and everything about the art of acne face mapping. The very skill that lets you pick the exact causes behind your acne by looking at where your pimples actually breakout, so that you can get rid of your acne better and faster.


  • Acne Face Mapping: A Quick, Full-blown Introduction
  • Forehead Acne and Digestive System: Face Mapping Guide
  • Liver & Between the Brows: Face Mapping Guide
  • Respiratory System & Cheeks Acne: Face Mapping Guide
  • Circulatory System & Nose Acne: Face Mapping Guide
  • Hormones & Your Chin Acne: Face Mapping Guide

Exfoliating, scrubbing, moisturizing, after having trying it all you still don’t understand why things are not working for you. You might be thinking that these bumps shouldn’t be so stubborn that nothing works for them. But what you can’t figure out are the internal reasons that are causing them.

Ever wondered why at times you suffer Acne only on a specific spot on your face or sometimes they randomly spread out in different regions of your face. Well, this is a whole new mystery to solve.

Enter Face Mapping – What’s Your Break Out Region?

You need to notice where on your face are you breaking out. There is a concept called “face mapping” that holds origin from Ayurveda (meaning life knowledge).

This connects the different locations of your acne with an internal condition of your body that might be the underlying reason for your facial blemishes. So, to solve the mystery behind your acne flare ups you must be familiar with face mapping theory. Check out where’s your blemish located.

  • Forehead: The pimples on your forehead might be the result of your sluggish liver and lazy bowel. They indicate improper functioning of your digestive system that includes poor detoxification of your blood and bowel toxicity. Your liver acts as a filter that cleanses your blood removing toxins. When your liver is unable to detoxify blood sufficiently and you face irregular bowels, your body finds other routes for excreting toxins and that turns out to be your SKIN. Irregular sleep patterns also trigger inadequate liver functioning and bowel movements. Adapt a healthy sleep schedule and use digestive enzymes and dietary fiber in each meal to break down food. Drink detox-water regularly.
  • The Central T-Zone: T-Zone is usually oilier than the rest of your face. If you are clinging more to oily and savory foods you are quite prone to acne flare ups in the T-Zone or between the brow regions. Another possible reason is the consumption of too much alcohol. Friend, it’s time for a break!
  • Cheeks: If your rosy cheeks aren’t a matter of youth instead of your blemishes then your respiratory system is to be blamed. If you travel a lot and spend most of your time outside home due to work schedules you are also coming in contact with air pollutants that are harming your skin. Air pollutants also cause different allergies of the respiratory system. Wear masks when outside home for longer durations and instantly wash your face upon returning. This will decontaminate your face from different bacteria.
  • Chin: Are you in a habit of resting your chin in your hands? If yes, you are transferring all the germs and oil from your hands to your chin skin. Avoid doing that and consider using a pillow for this purpose. Pimples on your chin are often associated with your hormones. If you break out just before the onset of your monthly cycles it is because of the changes in your hormone levels. Eat food that regulates your hormone levels such as bananas, green leafy vegetable and whole grain meals.

What’s Your Acne Type?

Look carefully at your break outs. Have you observed what type of acne you are suffering from? Is it a random zit or a bunch of pimples?

Let us make your speculation easier. Acne can be divided into two main types: inflammatory and non-inflammatory.

Non-Inflammatory Acne

Blackheads and whiteheads are kinds of non-inflammatory acne i.e. they do not cause swelling. They have a rapid response to over-the-counter treatments and are generally caused by clogged pores.

  • Blackheads: These occur when your pores are clogged by sebum and dead skin cells. Although the pore is clogged it remains open. This is why you can see the black beads on your face. Blackheads are also known as open comedones. Blackheads are easy to treat as the pores are open and the plug build in can be easily removed.
  • Whiteheads: These also form when the pores are clogged due to oil and dead skin cell buildup. But unlike blackheads they are covered with a skin layer that gives them a bump-like structure. They are difficult to remove because they are closed pores and are also referred to as closed comedones.

Use lemon juice and detox water to banish your comedones. Salicylic Acid works best in the removal of anti-inflammatory acne because it triggers the loosening of dead skin cells. When there won’t be any dead skin cells accumulation on your skin the chances of clogged pores will automatically decrease. Try using exfoliation products with Salicylic Acid or any home remedy that includes it. Topical retinoids are also effective in treating comedonal acne so try using Adapalene.

Inflammatory Acne

Pimples that are red and swollen are referred as inflammatory acne. Inflammatory acne is caused due to bacteria thriving beneath the skin’s surface besides clogged pores. They are painful and are hard to get rid of acne.

  • Papules: Papule is a solid fluid less pimple that is caused due to the breakdown of walls surrounding your pores as a result of severe inflammation. The skin around papules is usually pink. Consider applying apple cider vinegar and aloe vera gel.
  • Pustules: Pustule is also formed due to breakdown of pores. But unlike papules, pustules are filled with pus. They are typically red in color and have a yellow skin on the top. Use products with Benzoyl Peroxide to get rid of pustules.
  • Nodules: Nodules are big bumps formed deep inside your skin. They result from the clogging of pores that swell further upon irritation. Since, they have grown deep inside skin they can’t be treated at home and require dermatologist recommended medicine.
  • Cysts:These are large red or white bumps that are painful to touch. They form due to severe infections and might leave scars afterwards. Besides, they can also be the result of hormonal issues including PMS, menopause and childbirth. Consider the intake of prebiotics such as yoghurt. In severe cases, you might need to get your cyst surgically removed.

How Often Do You Breakout?

  • Frequently: If you are facing frequent blemishes there’s a possibility of you using some skin product that is actually not meant for your skin. Or it could be that you do not exfoliate daily because clogged pores are the most common cause for acne.
  • Occasionally: If you get pimples once in a blue moon or just on a random day it simple indicates that either you are stressed out or your hormones levels are fluctuating. In both case, you need to relax yourself and take out time for some great DIY.

When Do You Break Out?

Keeping a fine track of the time you get your acne might prove helpful to you in guessing the actual reason.

  • Early Morning: In case you break out early in the morning where there were no traces of it at night it simply means you didn’t wash your face at night and might left the makeup unremoved which resulted in blocked pores. Another possibility is that you ate something oily at night and it didn’t digest well. Cleanse your skin well before going to bed.
  • Afternoon: If you break out at noon it means you are probably facing hormonal issues because that time of the month is near or may be any moisturizing cream or lotion you used during the day is raising problems. Always check for ingredients like Dimethicone and propylene glycol as they create a moisture barrier trapping bacteria and oil in your skin.
  • Evening: After day long work and household chores you really need to wash your skin because you are exposed to different pollutants throughout the day. Do use a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.

Acne Face Mapping: A Quick, Full-blown Introduction

Face Mapping is an ancient practice that reveals the reason behind your acne flare-ups. There are certain regions on your face that determine the internal body issues you might be facing. And each region is associated with different internal organs of our body.

Chinese Scholar and Co-founder of Skin Care Line Baszicare Chapman Lee explain, “Face mapping is the ability to see the reflection of the body’s organs on each part of the face by observing the face’s complexion-such as luster, dullness and color (and break outs!) – as well as the tongue and face expressions.”

Face Mapping in Medieval and Modern Times: A Quick Tour

The concept of Face Mapping belongs to the ancient practice that holds origin from Ayurveda (i.e. the traditional Hindu Medicine) and Chinese Medicine. Different doctors and scholars used this methodology to diagnose the patients and renowned personalities in primitive times.

According to Dr. Dan Hsu, an NYC doctor who specializes in Eastern medicine, “Face mapping goes back thousands of years. A lot of it comes simply from clinical experience. Nowadays, you have all types of blood tests and scans, but back then, doctors would have to give a diagnosis by looking, touching, and asking questions.”

What was so interesting about this technique was that besides revealing the medical reasons for acne and other skin problems this technique also gave an insight and reflection of a person’s personality traits and temperament. So, we can say that it worked as a window to the soul.

These days, face mapping is mostly used as a health perspective and unlike medieval times it is not widely practiced for face reading and personality trait judgements. Anyhow, the curiosity behind habits, lifestyle and character still persists.

You can simply use this face mapping technique as a tracker to know what goes wrong inside your body that causes you to break out. Since, acne is the most common skin ailment nearly every one of us goes through at some point in our lives face mapping proves to be really beneficial in diagnosing which internal body organ might be the cause of your troublesome blemishes.

Despite the presence of different tests and scans in the medical technology face mapping holds great significance in dermatology and its branches. It is now used for face analysis besides break out activity that reveals your skin type and also outlines the underlying causes of skin dehydration, sensitivity and hyperpigmentation i.e. uneven tone.

Conventional Face Mapping: A Handy Guide

This is just a brief overview of all the face areas that constitute the face map and are linked to various reasons behind your acne.

  • Forehead: Acne on your forehead indicates that there is some issue with your digestive system and your body is not properly eliminating all the toxins it needs to get rid of. It also applies that you might be suffering from any urinary infection that is causing you pimples.
  • Between the brows: When you face acne in this region it indicates that you are consuming foods that contain a heavy amount of fat and you liver is unable to emulsify all of them. In short, all the liver malfunctioning can be associated with acne in this region.
  • Nose: Acne and blackheads on your nose denote problems related to the circulatory system. It is often linked to blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Cheeks: Your acne-prone cheeks reveal that you are facing some respiratory system issues. This includes infections and allergies such as the sinus problem and exposure to air pollution that causes difficulty for the breathing system.
  • Chin and jaw lines: Blemishes on jaws and chin lines denotes problem and fluctuation in your hormone levels. They are associated with stress that might cause hormonal imbalance and they also associate with hormonal changes that occur during puberty and the onset of menstrual cycle.

Forehead and Digestive System: Face Mapping Overview

We all know for sure that the pimples on your forehead map a situation that your digestive system isn’t healthy. Let’s delve in a bit further. Did you ever give a thought to what you have been eating throughout? Was it all healthy or junk? Mind you, do not consider your stomach a dustbin. You have to be particularly sure as to whatever you eat constitutes a healthy diet and by HEALTHY we mean a BALANCED diet.

Diet & Acne from Experts Point of View

Dr. Elliot Weiss, M.D. of the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York says, “First, avoid filling up on yummy, sugary foods, excessive amounts of dairy and processed grains. This will help your complexion and your waistline, to boot. And second, eat a balanced, healthy for your skin diet full of vitamins and minerals that work to keep you strong, healthy and gorgeous from the inside out.”

When suffering from acne you should avoid eating inflammatory fats, refined grains and saccharine foods. Processed grains lose the fiber content and nutrients present in them when they are refined. Hence, they have a high impact on your blood sugar and having less fiber can give rise to issues such as constipation.  According to a study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in July 2007, 43 acne-prone males aging in between 15-25 consumed a diet that had very low impact on their blood sugar. This diet plan focused on whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa and popcorns instead of refined grains and was continued for 12 weeks. By the end, there was a significant improvement in their acne.

So, to improve your forehead acne you need to bid good bye to your sweet tooth. Besides diet, there are other factors that contribute to your blemishes on forehead. These include insufficient intake of water that makes it hard for your body to dilute the toxins and flush them out. Stress and anxiety causes IBS i.e. Irritable Bowel Syndrome that often causes break outs.

Is it Only Diet?

Certainly not! There are other reasons besides an unhealthy diet that leads to acne. Obviously pimples can sprout out on your forehead if you have dandruff and your fringes fall over your forehead. It can either be that baseball cap or hijab you worn in the scorching heat that lead you to break out.

Following is a list of possible causes on why you get blemishes on your forehead:

Insufficient Water Intake

Are you in the habit of drinking 8-12 glasses of water per day? If not, you are not providing your body with enough water intakes that are required for healthy internal body condition maintenance. For your body cells and tissues to keep working adequately you need to keep them hydrated. Water also dilutes the concentration of toxins and other waste products that otherwise affect your skin.

Recommendation: Try to drink as much water as you can. A good idea is to keep a 1.5 liter bottle and make it a task to finish it throughout the day. Even if you find this difficult then prepare detox water for yourself.

Your Bad Bacteria Thrusts Your Good Bacteria

Ever heard of the good bacteria? It actually exists. Good bacteria can be defined as friendly microscopic organismswhich benefit our body.These micro creatures prohibit the colonization of the bad bacteria in your gut. Yoghurt is the most common source of good bacteria as it contains pre-biotics and pro-biotics. They are believed to significantly improve abdominal pain, IBS, bloating and constipation.

Recommendation: Include pre-biotics and pro-biotics in your diet. Foods such as yoghurt, raw and cooked onions, Kefir, Pickles and Sauerkraut are rich in pro-biotics. You can also consider taking pro-biotics supplements if you face digestive issues constantly.

Excessive Consumption of Oily Foods

If you hunt on fast-food every once in a while you are bringing bad luck to your digestive system. Those fried chicken fillets, french-fries and zinger burgers hold great tendency to make the emulsification process difficult. And when the oil won’t be properly emulsified it will accumulate in the bloodstream making your digestion slow and eventually breaking out your skin.

Recommendation: Be more inclined towards the healthy diet and pamper your taste buds with whole grain food, fruits and vegetables as they provide you with all the vital nutrients required for a happy healthy tummy.

You Treat Your Sweet Tooth Unnecessarily

Sugary foods typically increase your blood sugar. According to a research too much sugar leads to acne as sugar level in the bloodstream affects your hormones and causes them to vary that leads to excess oil production. Apart from this, sugary foods leave you craving for more and this can cause overeating. Overeating again is a burden for your digestive system and often results in gas, bloating and constipation.

Recommendation: Avoid soft drinks as much as you can because they are the greatest source of sugar.Moreover, they also hurt your intestines. You can treat yourself with natural fruit drinks and add more fruits to your diet instead of those rich desserts.

Irregular Eating Pattern

If you have been turning deaf ear to your mom’s advice to keep a proper time balance between your meals, it is high time you start considering it. There must be 3-5 hours gap between each meal to ensure a healthy digestion.

According to a research conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2005 at the University of Nottingham, UK, proved that taking about 6 meals a day helps in lowering the bad cholesterol (LDL- Cholesterol)and helps in keeping your blood sugar level stable.

Recommendation: Break your day into 4-6 meals that are taken after a gap of 4-5 hours. This will keep your digestion process consistent.

Irregular Sleep Pattern

You ought not to be a night owl. Your sleep patterns have deep connections with your digestive tract. Sleep disturbances can cause inflammation in the bowel, ulcers and IBS. It also increases the stress level. Your body needs rest which when it does not get, it tenses your muscles and nerves that leads to further stress.

Recommendation: Take 8 hours of sleep daily. Avoid using electronic gadgets before going to bed as they cause insomnia. Remember, early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Liver & Between the Brows: Face Mapping Overview

The idea of Face Mapping now proves that it is not only our skin that we need to care for but it is our entire body. If we take proper nutrition and exercise well to maintain our bodies, this will also be reflected by our skin. Our diet, exercise and hygiene all play an essential part in making our skin look the way it is.

Talking specifically about the pimples that occur between the brows, they are connected to your liver, the largest organ of the human body. It is responsible for cleaning your blood from different toxins that build throughout the day, regulating the hormones and filtering bad cholesterol and good cholesterol. When the liver is overloaded with hormones or inflammatory bi-products from food this results in skin problems like acne. So now you know why your between the brows pimples were picking on you.

Acne-Liver Connection from Expert’s Point of View

Liver detoxification is a continued process but when you get symptoms like bloating, acne and blotchy skin your liver needs your help. According to Naturopathic physician Robert Ullman, a stressed liver shows signs of toxins build inside your skin. The body may try to release stored toxins through excess waste that actually erupts through pores and clogs them resulting in acne.

When your liver is stressed out you need to take additional measures to ensure the detoxification of your body. This is a process of around 3-30 days depending on your liver situation. The Nutritionist and Psychologist, Carla Wills-Brandon says that a liver detox initially causes an increased episode of acne and skin problems as toxins are being removed from the body.

What does it mean when we Say You Have a Stressed Liver?

Acne between your brows suggests you have a STRESSED LIVER. But what does it mean by a stressed liver. Being the largest organ of the human body a liver has certain roles to play combined with the digestive system of the body. Here is what the liver is responsible for in a greater detail. Check if you are fully aware, it could be that you took your science lessons back then too lightly.

Liver Functions

  • It produces digestive enzymes for synthesizing proteins and detoxifying your body.
  • It filters toxic substances from the food and beverages you consume throughout the day.
  • It cleans the oxygen that you inhale from air pollutants.
  • It produces a green substance called bile that helps in the process of emulsification i.e. the breaking down of fats and cholesterol and absorption of essential nutrients.
  • It helps create coagulants. Coagulants are substances that aid in clotting blood.
  • It aids in metabolizing the consumed carbohydrates that are stored as glycogen in your body and provide instant energy whenever it is required.
  • It breaks down proteins into amino acids so that they can be easily digested and can function in the repair and maintenance of body tissues.
  • It stores vitamin and minerals that act as anti-oxidants and prevent cellular damage, heal wounds and strengthens your immune system.
  • It makes the transport of blood efficient by removing compounds such as alcohol and caffeine from your blood.

Hey, don’t you think that performing these functions is making your liver stressed because being the body’s largest organ it also needs to perform larger roles.

How Do You Get a Stressed Liver

You get a stressed liver when you consume fatty and oily foods unnecessarily. Such foods and beverages like alcohol makes your liver stressed. They interrupt the natural power of your liver and it has to combat and process too much at a time.According to the traditional Chinese Medicine, the acne between your brows can be caused by multiple liver issues that are severe in nature and are enumerated below:

  • Liver stress
  • Fatty Liver Disease
  • Hepatitis
  • Jaundice

More specifically, the pimples in your central T-zones indicate the problems with your eating habits and the amount of stuff you eat and particularly how balanced you eat.

  • Depending on a high fat, oily diet
  • Consuming alcohol every now and then
  • Eating too much of the diary type
  • Eating late night and having irregular meal pattern
  • Drinking very less water and consuming a high amount of soft drinks and energy drinks.
  • Dealing with plenty of stress.

When a lot of psychological stress persists it puts your body to produce greater hormone levels to suffice your anxiety. These also bring your anxiety to your brows and your chin. Emotional factors that bring anxiety to your brows are listed below:

  • Suppressed anger and frustration
  • Stress from work
  • Continuous bitterness and resentment for someone
  • Low self-esteem and self-confidence

How You Can Deal With It?

Do not fret much if you have a blemish-full central t-zone for this will only make matters worse. So, put aside those thin lines of anger on your forehead and concentrate on what’s written below:

  • Avoid all the fatty foods and dairy products, mostly those that tickle your taste buds but give you annoying break outs. Stay away from chicken friend chunks, cheesy pizza and grilled beef steaks. Also consider eating beans instead of Red meat if you consume red meat in abundance.
  • Maintain a proper eating schedule. Always eat light at night.
  • Exercise daily to stable your metabolism and to have a healthy liver functioning. Exercising will also help you in releasing your stress.
  • Properly exfoliate your skin after a long day spent outside because your skin had to face the harsh air pollutants. Avoid being to places that are quite exposed to pollution. A steam can prove helpful in clearing your nasal passage.
  • Take part in yoga, aerobics and spa activities that relax your mind. You can also indulge in some activity to boost your skill set.
  • Avoid alcohol and other beverages like cola and sprite as they contain huge amount of sugar that can trigger break outs.
  • Drink as much water as you can to make the detoxification process easier. You can also drink detox water or add more lemon to your diet.

Respiratory System & Cheeks Acne: Face Mapping Guide

Pimples on your cheeks are connected to your lungs and respiratory system as revealed by the traditional Chinese Medicine and the theory of face mapping. Besides it, your hands can be culprit behind your break outs on cheeks. Try to keep your hands off your face. When you do so, all the bacteria that your hand contains are transferred to your face.

Are you thinking from where did you get those tiny micro-organisms on your hands? The answer is quite predictable. Everything that you touch contains bacteria. Consider you cell phones, your working table and office desks, all contain bacteria. So, you need to stop touching your face.

Cheek Map

A cheek can be sub-divided into further regions that specifically maps to a different organ as follows:

  • Top cheeks: The upper cheek area just under the eyes is specifically linked to kidney and its functioning.
  • Upper cheeks: The area where the cheek bones are located are associated with the lungs and sinus problems.
  • Lower cheeks: This region is connected with the teeth and gums.

Expert’s Point of View

The New York based Dermatologist, Dr. Whitney Bowe says, “When did you last clean your phone or makeup brushes? If you’re experiencing break outs in this area, it might be time to give them all a good cleanse.”

After hearing it from a doctor’s point of view you might be convinced as to how much important it is to keep your stuff clean.

Causes of Cheek Acne

There are other causes besides bacteria that make you suffer from cheek acne. Have a look!

Respiratory System Issues

Our respiratory system comprises of lungs, trachea i.e. the wind pipe and the diaphragm that helps your lungs to contract and expand during inhale and exhale. When your respiratory system is stressed out or fatigued blemishes occur on your cheeks. But how does the respiratory system is stressed? It is because:

  • Allergies including rhinitis
  • Asthma
  • Smoking
  • Anemia and lack of exercise
  • Air pollution

If you suffer from any of these then your respiratory system tends to be fatigued and leads to break outs.

Gum Diseases

Do your gums bleed? If yes, you might be getting cheek acne due to this. Gum diseases are often caused by tooth cavities. Brush twice daily so that bacteria cannot feed on your teeth. Consume more Vitamin C to stop the gum bleeding that will eventually lead to blemish-free cheeks.

Tooth Sensitivity

Do you feel the hot and cold tingly sensation while eating something hot and cold, respectively? In case you do, it indicates that your teeth are sensitive. Tooth sensitivity occurs when your teeth erode from high acidic foods and beverages. Try avoiding the acidic nature foods because they dissolve the enamel that is present on your tooth hence, making them sensitive.

Eating Excessively Sugary Foods

When you eat too much sugary foods your tooth bacteria feeds on that and it results in a tooth decay. The invasion of bacteria causes you teeth issues that also trigger acne on your cheeks. Therefore, you should avoid eating too much sugary food. Use a dental floss regularly besides brushing to ensure that nothing is left stuck in between your teeth.

How You Can Treat Cheek Acne & Inflammation

We know you have had enough enduring these pesky pimples on your cheek and we also know how desperately you want your rosy cheeks back. We have potential solutions to this, act on these facts!

Avoid Exposure to Air Pollution

In order to keep your respiratory system healthy and efficacious you need to ensure that you protect yourself from air pollution. Especially if you are allergic to dust and certain scents you should ring-fence your time outside. Never forget to wear a mask if you are allergic and are going outside. Consider placing air filters in your home and work environments. Keep your place clean and properly ventilated. You need to take great care when it is autumn as it affects the asthmatic patients. Always take an anti-allergy tablet when the season is changing.

Maintain a Good Dental Hygiene

Be very specific about your dental health. Brush twice a day and floss regularly. Visit your dentist once every two months for a routine check-up and get your teeth cleaned if necessary.Avoid sugary foods and acidic drinks to prevent bacteria invasion. If you are facing tooth sensitivity ask your dentist to recommend you a suitable toothpaste formula.

Look After Your Kidney Health

Consume foods that are god for your kidney and drink a lot of water that makes the kidney functioning easier. Foods that have large water content can prove really beneficial. These include cucumbers, water-melon, cranberries, grapefruit, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, radish, tomatoes and lettuce.

Practice Cleanliness

Do you pay proper attention to cleanliness? If no, you should maintain a good hygiene. Keep your cell phones and ear phones clean. A good way is to use anti-bacterial wipes. Wash and change your pillowcase twice every week as your cheeks are in contact with it throughout the night.

Don’t Touch Your Pimples

If you have this habit of touching your face every now and then, you need to give it up. Your hands contain bacteria that can get to your skin clogging your pores resulting in acne.

Say Good Bye to Stress

Stress is a major factor that leads to acne. Try involving yourself in different activities to reduce stress. If you feel you need to express out all the negative feelings, talk to some friend or family member and discuss what’s bothering you. You will feel relieved and might also get a solution.

Aerobics Will Help

Aerobics is a physical exercise performed on light music. It helps in maintaining an optimal lung function and also relieves stress. Exercising strengthens your lungs and also increase the blood flow which leads to maximum oxygen supply throughout the body.

Circulatory System & Nose Acne: Face Mapping Overview

Your nose is the most common place where all the blackheads and pimples reside. Well, face mapping suggests that pimples on your nose exist due to the circulatory system and the heart. Yes, it does but the most common reason for acne on your nose is that your nose has plenty of oil glands that overproduce sebum and clog your pores. This leads to break outs.If you have oily skin then you are guaranteed to catch pimples on your nose. So, the key is to keep your skin as clean as possible and exfoliate properly if you have an oily skin.

General Causes of Nose Acne

If your circulatory system is not working effectively, you will most probably face nose acne. This sentence is quite simple but vague. You need a lot of explanation as to what hinders the circulatory system and what are the causes of it not working properly. Without much further ado, let’s see what problems occur that doesn’t let your cardiovascular system function adequately.

  • High blood pressure and Tachycardia i.e. very fast heart beat rate
  • High cholesterol that causes blockage for the blood to circulate throughout the body.
  • High alcohol level in the blood
  • Stress, anxiety and depression
  • Severe anemia

All the emotional and stress factors bring about the over-production of sebum and since your nose is a large pore vessel it suffers from enormous oil buildups mostly in the form of acne. These stress factors can be classified as:

  • Chronic anxiety
  • Prolonged grief
  • Suppressed emotions and frustrations

So, you just need to give away those blues as they are not good for your heart and overall health.

How to Get Rid of Nose Pimples?

Following are the tips that will help you get rid of your stubborn nose blemishes. Do not worry and practice them, soon you will find solace for yourself!

Record your Blood Pressure

Do get your blood pressure checked once every month. This is how you can keep track of your heart’s wellbeing.If you find it difficult then buy a blood pressure manual for yourself. If you find out your blood pressure to be slightly high or high, consider revising your routine and diet. Regular exercise can help you maintain a normal blood pressure rate. Put all those savory and tangy cravings for only the weekends and eat healthy throughout the week. Eating high salt content food increases your blood pressure if your body is unable to absorb and excrete it out properly. Include green leafy vegetables, berries, skimmed milk, bananas and fish in your diet to prevent high blood pressure.

Maintain your Cholesterol

Mind you, if you think that you are slim and smart so you won’t be suffering from cholesterol then you are seriously mistaken. You don’t have to be obese to suffer from cholesterol. Cholesterol levels increase by eating too much saturated fat. Saturated fats are present in foods that come from animals, such as red meat, whole milk, egg yolks and margarine. It is also caused by packaged and fried foods. When your cholesterol levels are high, the fat content starts clogging your blood vessels and arteries that in severe cases leads to valve blockages. For this, you should cut down on saturated fats and Trans fats and rely more on the foods that are rich in fiber. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Check your Heart Beat

The average human pulse is 75 per min. You should check your heart beat regularly especially if you feel out of breath after carrying out a small activity or normal work. If your pulse is recorded to be 100 per minute you need to take some action for it. The condition of faster heart beat is known as tachycardia in medical terms. There are several reasons for tachycardia and the most common ones include anemia, anxiety and thyroid issues. If you are anemic you should take iron-rich foods such as spinach, cherries and dates to increase your hemoglobin as it transports oxygen to your whole body. Resultantly, your heart will beat at a normal pace because your blood has enough hemoglobin to transport oxygen through the blood vessels.

Say Good Bye to Spicy Foods

All the spicy foods increase your metabolic rate as they heat your body. They trigger your sebaceous glands to produce excess sebum that results in clogging your pores and finally blackheads and pimples form.

Exercise to Boost Your Energy

Exercising regularly keeps your circulatory system efficient. It delivers all the oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues required for a healthy maintenance. Doing exercise relieves your stress and enhances your mood that leaves you feeling good. So what’s your plan for those early mornings? Jogging, swimming and a brisk walk, all would do because any exercise that makes your heart beat faster decreases the chance of heart disease.

Eat Essential Fatty Acids

The essential fatty acids comprise mainly of Omega-3 and Omega-6. These fatty acids are not naturally made in your body so you need to obtain it from foods. Research shows that higher intake of fatty acids is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease.Omega-3 particularly lowers blood pressure and clears the blockages in the blood vessels. Eggs, milk, yoghurt, fish and natural juices are all sources of fatty acids.

Exfoliate Regularly

Cleansing your skin regularly is essential when you spend most of your time outside exposed to pollution. All the sebum and dirt buildup contributes to the blemishes on your nose. Use a non-comedogenic face wash to cleanse your skin every time upon returning home and then see you pimples banish!

Hormones & Your Chin Acne: Face Mapping Overview

According to the face mapping theory the acne in your chin area indicates issues with your hormonal system. But first you need to check if you are the kind of person who holds their chin in their hands because if you do so, you have transferred plenty of bacteria on your chin. And they are probably causing you blemishes!

In case you are not that kind of person check if you are using the correct skin products for your skin type. Several times, the culprit is none other than your cosmetic products. And watch out for that makeup sponge and beauty blender, is it clean enough?

If you are a hygiene freak and very meticulous then visit your doctor and get examined for any hormonal issues because ultimately they might be causing you break outs.Hormonal acne usually occurs in the form of cysts and affects women more than men. Cysts are pus-filled, inflamed red bumps.Cysts are generally hard to treat and can be very painful. In severe cases, a surgery can also be an option. Hormones fluctuate due to a number of reasons and there are different types of hormonal changes that occur in each age.

Chin & Jawline Acne Causes

Every stage of your life includes different hormonal changes and various issues associated with it. Each issue maps to a different chin area. Below is a detailed set of causes of chin acne at your service so that you may find out your reason of chin blemishes.

  • Natural Hormonal Fluctuations: Your hormone levels vary naturally at the time of adolescent, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. They usually cause mild to moderate acne and disappear once you are out of the afore-mentioned phases so you need to give it some time.
  • Hormonal Variations due to Illness or Disorders: Various disorders and illnesses can cause your hormones to fluctuate. These include thyroid problems, stress and anxiety, unbalanced diet, obesity and lack of sleep. The kind of acne they cause depends on the severity of the illness.
  • Reproductive Organs’ Disorders: In case your reproductive organs aren’t working the way they should, you suffer from nodes and cysts on your chin and jawline.The most common disorder is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and others include endometriosis and uterine fibroids. When these conditions are treated you might find your way out from acne.
  • Digestive Problems: Your digestive system has become sluggish due to overconsumption of fatty acids and alcohol.

Hormonal Acne from Expert’s Point of View

According to Dr. Stefanie Williams, the Medical Director of Eudelo the skin care products play a subtle role in triggering acne. She says, “Apart from genetics, diet, changes in hormones and stress, choosing the wrong skincare is having a big influence. Those in their thirties or forties who start to see lines and wrinkles begin investing in anti-aging skincare regimes. These creams can be very rich and overload the skin and cause acne, in acne-prone individuals.”

Kanade Shinkai, a dermatologist and an associate professor at the University of California, San Francisco believes that blemishes coincide with the onset of menstrual cycle. She says, “For many young women, it will be the first sign that their period is coming.”

How You Can Treat Your Chin Acne?

Don’t stress about those terrible, painful acne. We have some solutions that are definitely going to help you clear up.

Balance Your Hormones

You can keep your hormones in control through your diet. Eat more fatty acids like Omega-3 that is essential for your hormonal system. Your diet should include proper sources of Magnesium and Vitamin D as they aid in the functioning of hormones. Consume as less caffeine as possible because it triggers your androgens to overproduce sebum that results in cystic acne. It can also increase your stress level hormone called cortisol. Watch out if you suffer from bloating or obesity as they can potentially vary your hormone level.

Exercise to Keep Yourself Fit

Exercise is the key to reduce stress and to maintain a healthy body. It regulates your hormones and prevents conditions like obesity. Exercise has great tendency to increase the testosterone levels in men who suffer from testosterone deficiency. If you are stressed, exercising will relieve it and it will turn your cortisol levels to the intermediate range. Develop a habit of exercising 30 minutes daily. Start with Warm-Ups and then you can go for whatever you find interesting. Jogging, aerobics, yoga or a brisk walk, you have ample choice!

Refrain from Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals

Stay away from Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals. Never heard of it before? Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals are those that interfere with your body’s endocrine system. Endocrine system comprises glands that produce various kinds of hormones to carry out different activities in the body. These so called chemicals can be found in every day products such as plastics, soaps, shampoos, cookware and pesticides. The most harmful EDCs (Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals) can cause the following disorders and conditions:

  • Health problems like obesity, early puberty and miscarriages
  • Lower sperm count and prostate inflammation
  • Disrupt thyroid activity that leads to lower IQ
  • Damage cells in pancreas that produces the hormone insulin

Ways to Avoid EDCs

  • Use cookware made of glass and cook in non-coated metal pans, preferably steel.
  • Do not heat food in plastic containers. This is very common while using a microwave oven.
  • Avoid using chemical pesticides as they contaminate drinking water and food.
  • Choose skin care products that use natural and safe ingredients. Check for Phthalates as it is the most common EDC used in soaps and shampoos.
  • Use green and environment friendly household cleansers.

Get a Sound Sleep

Lack of sleep induces stress and interferes with your body’s functionality of maintaining and repairing itself. When you do not get enough sleep your hormones get affected. The stress hormone cortisol stimulates the hunger hormone ghrelin that leaves you craving for more sugary and oily foods. Sleep deficiency is also known to affect the hormone melatonin that disturbs the insulin levels leading to diabetes. So, take that blanket and dive in your bed for there’s nothing sweeter than a good night’s sleep.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking sufficient amount of water throughout the day leaves you hydrated and maintains your blood consistency. This in turn makes the transport of hormones in blood easier and also helps in flushing out toxins.

Over to You

This brings us to the end of this comprehensive post covering all aspects of the ancient art of face mapping for acne.

If you have any questions, or want to add your valuable thoughts or experiences with mapping your face, please leave a comment below!

This post Acne Face Mapping – 5 Proven Ways to Fight Acne Faster & Better was published on CAA by Sheikh Ovais.

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This post first appeared on CAA | Rational Advice On Treating & Preventing Acn, please read the originial post: here

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Acne Face Mapping – 5 Proven Ways to Fight Acne Faster & Better


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