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Medicinal uses of Terminal arjuna | Ayurveda medicine

Medicinal Uses Of Terminal Arjuna | Ayurveda Medicine

 Terminalia arjuna is a tree belonging to the family Combretaceae. It is commonly known as arjuna. It is about 20 – 25 m tall usually has a buttressed trunk and forms a wide canopy at the crown, from which branches droop downwards. It has oblong conical leaves which are green on the upper surface and brown below the surface. It has smooth grey bark and pale yellow flowers which appear between March–June; it is glabrous; 2.5 to 5 cm fibrous woody fruit divided into five wings, appears between September–November. Arjuna is usually found growing on river banks or near dry river beds in west Bengal, south and central India.

This post first appeared on Gafacom, please read the originial post: here

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Medicinal uses of Terminal arjuna | Ayurveda medicine
