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Good News for SPEF! | Hodis Learning Tutoring Gives Back

Good News For SPEF! | Hodis Learning Tutoring Gives Back

Yesterday, Hodis Learning & Music (HLM) donated $2,500 to the South Pasadena Educational Foundation (SPEF) to kick off the 2024/25 school year.

“I’m from South Pasadena, I attended school here. Even when I was a student I knew about SPEF and the work they did. When I started HLM, I wanted to give back to my community and I knew the best way to do that would be to donate to SPEF.” says Founder and President Drew M. Hodis.

Founded in 2021, Hodis Learning & Music offers tutoring in most K-12 subjects, as well as music lessons and art instruction, taught by educators who have years of tutoring and teaching experience. Many of the educators at HLM work as teachers, professional educators, or leaders in their field of study. HLM also offers professional test prep for the digital SAT as well as accelerated math and honors English placement exams. 10% of every session is donated directly to SPEF.

“I really believe that HLM works together with the public education system in South Pasadena. We invest in the schools our students attend, and we’re also there to provide them help and guidance in their academic journey.” explains Hodis. “Then, they’re prepared for their classes, their exams, and eventually, the next school year.”

If you are interested in learning more about the subjects HLM offers tutoring for, visit To sign up for tutoring, fill out a contact form, or call (626) 227-1149.

The post Good News for SPEF! | Hodis Learning Tutoring Gives Back first appeared on The South Pasadenan | South Pasadena News.

This post first appeared on The South Pasadenan, please read the originial post: here

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Good News for SPEF! | Hodis Learning Tutoring Gives Back
