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Refresh and Revive!


So you are cleaning up your home, feverishly spring cleaning, throwing out old junk and having garage sales. Maybe it's time to spring-clean your old phone case, and get a snazzy, new one? Look at that old, worn case! Now, you can take a look at some of the unique and trendy cases below to see if they catch your eye! Why not give your phone a brand new, smart look today!

Click each picture below to go straight to that case at Cool Mobile Accessories. You'll see our entire fun variety there and you can browse to your heart's content. Use the coupon code FRIENDS10 to get 10% off your new iPhone or Android case or accessory.

Item 3077

Item 3070

Item 3082

Item 3071

Item 3052

Item 3048

Item 3042

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Give your phone a refreshing new look! Grab a beautiful cell phone or tablet case from Cool Mobile Accessories, offering cases and accessories for your favorite devices!

Breathe right, and say goodbye to allergens! Get the exact size air-condition or furnace filter you need, cut to order, shipped to your door! Only  from: Perfectly Pure Air Filters.

This post first appeared on Cool IPhone, IPad, IPod Touch Apps, please read the originial post: here

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Refresh and Revive!
